My first cycle at 49 years old


New member
I have started my cycle of test cyp200mg 1 cc twice a week for first 2 weeks, then I add 50 mg var , I'm 6 ft 268 lbs eating clean with 18.5% body fat. Program is super set weight training 2 days on 1 off with 1 hour of cardio per day,I managed o keep weight at 272 while on cyp then after adding var I noticed weight shooting up and strength increase dramatically. Anger is easily controlled after a little tongue biting .mid way through cycle now at 284 and body fat at15.7%. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong , any help is appreciated I am a newbie to this.thanks.
Sounds like an estradiol problem. Can you post your blood work please?

How are you determining your body fat %?
Forgot to mention when i started training I was recommended to build a base since I have not trained for 15 years, 306 lbs and 34 % body fat! long story ......
I have started my cycle of test cyp200mg 1 cc twice a week for first 2 weeks, then I add 50 mg var , I'm 6 ft 268 lbs eating clean with 18.5% body fat. Program is super set weight training 2 days on 1 off with 1 hour of cardio per day,I managed o keep weight at 272 while on cyp then after adding var I noticed weight shooting up and strength increase dramatically. Anger is easily controlled after a little tongue biting .mid way through cycle now at 284 and body fat at15.7%. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong , any help is appreciated I am a newbie to this.thanks.

How well do you know/trust your source op?

I'm gonna take a stab that the Anavar you have is really Dianabol...

If diet is dialed in - your weight would not be shooting up on legit Anavar, it would be coming down.

Especially when combined with high intensity weight training and cardio.

REAL Anavar is few and far between and is such an expensive compound - it's common for labs to switch it out for D'Bol.

That would also explain the raised estradiol and anger issues too.
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Var is bentex labs ,people I know tell me they are satisfied with product. Anger is down very easy to food intake is 2050 calories a day with 40% carbs, 35% protein,25% good fats.
Var is bentex labs ,people I know tell me they are satisfied with product. Anger is down very easy to food intake is 2050 calories a day with 40% carbs, 35% protein,25% good fats.

That sounds like a huge deficit. That would make one cranky!
Actually megatron, I have been really good , more than enough food in the tank. I'm also a stone mason by day. This helps with everyday work and personal life. I feel like I'm 20 again and know all to well from friends not to go hulk to fast in the gym. Temptation is always their, knowing my body's limit is for me to judge.
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Hi guys, just wanted to update on my progress, I got the water issue under control with arimidex . Finished last dart this week and a few more days of var, I have been getting crazy tired and I don't find I get the same drive for training, my sets have all gone up to sets always supersetting.a few people have suggested to try zia, as much as I try it's hard to get quality sleep I have my own bricklaying business and I average 5-6 hrs of sleep a night.
Var is bentex labs ,people I know tell me they are satisfied with product. Anger is down very easy to food intake is 2050 calories a day with 40% carbs, 35% protein,25% good fats.

Wow, I'm 5'10" , 240 and currently taking close to 3900 cals on a Keto diet. I'm switching it up with some added carbs to see if I can break 245 in the next 4 weeks. You gotta feed the machine.