My First Cycle: Deca, Sust, Dbol....

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i started my first cycle over two weeks ago, sust 250 e5d, i love it. Cris, i'm new to this forum like you as well. look at the date of the post before yours. probably no one will respond to this, i just happened upon it and thought i would shoot you a post. if this is your first cycle you need to use test only to see how your body reacts. it makes sense. if you use a number of compounds on your first cycle and you get certain side effects you won't know which one caused it.
Cris w. said:
I read that sus contains 4 diff forms of test. In order to give the user a effect right away. another to maintain a constant level of test trew out the cycle. Anyway, each of the four forms of test act in a differant manor in order to hit you with test from four diff angles. I read that it should be takin 1 once a week. 250 for beginners.
I herd it works well with deca feeling results in as little as 6 hours or maybe it was 6lbs in the first week. Anyway I was planning on starting a cycle of

250 sus once per wk
25mg dianabol once per day
250 Deca once per week all for 8 weeks
If this don't sound cool Please let me know.

How long does the deca take to effect?
In this Cycle I was hoping to gain 40-50 lbsin 8 wks. Lifter dude would be almost half way threw my cycle and only gain 10 lbs. Creatine gives me that.

Cris w, welcome to the board.

Is this your first cycle? If so, then I strongly advice you to cancel it for now and do some more research, because that sucks for a first cycle.

I'll start off by educating you about sustanon. Yes, it is a mix of four different testosterone esters. The idea is that this mix of esters would provide for more stable serum testosterone. Unfortunately, that isn't what happens in practice. In practice, even the longer esters like testosterone cypionate and testosterone enanthate peak after only 48-72 hours. The weekly injections with sustanon thing just doesn't pan out to create stable serum test levels.

Sustanon should be injected at least twice a week, and I personally think that it should be injected EOD for resonably stable serum testosterone.

That said, I prefer single, long-ester testosterones: testosterone cypionate or testosterone enanthate. Inject 'em twice/week and you have some very stable levels.

First cycle should be testosterone only. If you haven't yet, post your training history to the anabolic forum or training forum or something and let's go from there.
Thanks mranak the Sus debate is like playin rundown. But I have decided to go eod. And chose sus for minimum sides.
I was just adding some form of test to reduce the sides from the deca notin more.
Cris w. said:
Thanks mranak the Sus debate is like playin rundown. But I have decided to go eod. And chose sus for minimum sides.
I was just adding some form of test to reduce the sides from the deca notin more.
If you do a cycle, go with a single ester testosterone (testosterone cypionate or testosterone enanthate) only for 10-12 weeks.
Cris w. said:
In this Cycle I was hoping to gain 40-50 lbsin 8 wks. Lifter dude would be almost half way threw my cycle and only gain 10 lbs. Creatine gives me that.

Haha Are u fuckin kiddin me? You have WAAAAY too high expectations. You wont gain more than 20 lbs and even all of that wont be muscle. I suggest You read A lot more and stick to one compound.
sust / omna has four esters so it is a bad choice for first time trying to avoid sides caoz you have four diff esters and 4x the chance you will get a side fro one of them and you wont know which one. Single ester for first time and build from that base, then you will know what to avoid and what works
pushnpedl said:
sust / omna has four esters so it is a bad choice for first time trying to avoid sides caoz you have four diff esters and 4x the chance you will get a side fro one of them and you wont know which one. Single ester for first time and build from that base, then you will know what to avoid and what works

It doesnt really matter If he gets a Side from one of the esters?? It is STILL TESTOSTERONE... If he gets Sides from enanth he will get them from Propionate but faster. The sides come from the test itself, no matter what ester....
i agree with lionhead i don't think youll gain more than 25 pounds in 8 wks and anyways most of that will be water :eyepoke:
Couldn't agree more

androgen said:
No offense guys but I disagree with the eod for Sustanon. Yes, it is a blend of 4 testosterones, 1 being the very fast propionate. The idea behind the blend is for the slower acting esters take over when the propionate is done. If you take it eod, you will get the full benefit of the propionate but overdose on the other slower testosterones. If you take Susta eod with getting the full benefits of propio in mind, simply take propio only as your test.

I suggest Sustanon be taken one shot per week to get the full benefits of all 4 testosterones.

Exactly. They are a blend for that very reason. They compliment one another. I have always used Sustanon (sust) and found that I kept my gains better and with not nearly the water bloat you get on test alone.
sustanon should be taked at least 2 times a week. once a week is not enough thats only 250 mg of test..the longer esters won't even kick in for about 4 weeks. all your gains r going to be from the dbal. don't take the dbal and see how much u gain on 250mg a week.
Test is Test.

Some people prefer Enanthate, some prefer Sustanon.

I know many guys who swear by Sustanon (sust) and they are huge. I also know a few that have used enan and they are also huge.

Sides from sustanon are also less than the enanthate according to numerous people. But then the severity of peoples reaction to test varies from person to person. Its not the ester that gives u acne and a hairy chest ;)

Too many people think they are experts. When its all said and done, if your diets right and you trian hard they both work. Just pick one and do it!
if you go deca only or still take as much deca as you do test i hope you dont like to fuk b/c your dick will not work. ever heard of the notorious "Decka Dick", your trying to get it.. up the test bro
sustanon is a good drug ive used it just once a week for 6weeks and gotten good gains do feel a drop in its strenght by the end of the shooting it twice a week would probably be better......but if your just doing 1ml its easier to just shoot it once a week....i think its up to the individual to find what works for them....
ive researched a lot on steroids and ill tell you one thing every one thinks there an would be nice to see things based on facts not heresay......and for every one that tells you something sux theres a guy who sez its the best in the world....
tripz_shahab said:
i thought that this is the first time that u r touching something of this sort.But if u did d-bol,its gr88..
i have done d-bol and its pretty average in my opinion..

u know mate, in this steroid market ,the numero uno steroid which has the most fake ones is sustanon.. there are more fake sustanon in the market all over the world than any other juice..

its really better to use ethanate/deca/test..

plus i think sustanon is a bit dangerous as well..a friend of mine had to go thru severe hairloss after using it and i heard that gyno is anotehr prob associated with sustanon...


I totally agree but, If you can get your hands on real sust. the results are awesome....BUt i guess its up to you wether or not you want to take that chance of getting fake gear.
lionhead said:
Haha Are u fuckin kiddin me? You have WAAAAY too high expectations. You wont gain more than 20 lbs and even all of that wont be muscle. I suggest You read A lot more and stick to one compound.

dude i cant even tell u how many people that ive talked to that think that as soon as you start juicin u become a massive 800Lbs squatting beast. (sux that it doesnt happen that way but it doesnt)