Week 2 - 5: Recap
Duration: April 15 2010 - May 7 2010
Starting Weight: 205
week 1: No gains
week 2: + 12lbs
week 3: No gains
week 4: No gains
week 5: No gains
Nothing (good)
No gains since 2 weeks
Really tired (Dbol)
Lost 2% body fat
This is really annoying when will I gain more weight because I'm not gaining anymore and it's starting to
piss me off, I'm first day week 6 so half way in and only + 12lbs, will I gain more when the
I'm pissed lol need more gains
I'm eating 24h24, I'm eating 5 shakes of protein a day + vitamins + bcaa...
Week 2 was the best with week 3 I've gained so much power in a short time it was ridiculus I was at 220 lbs (5 times) at bench press and now 275 lbs (2 times) and I can lift 319 lbs but I need a little bit help from friend but no huge gains in body I still look weak
