My first cycle gone wrong.. dbol&gyno issues


New member
Okey folks heres my story-->
I've been using for dbols now for 2 weeks without AI or SERMS. Smart move.. i developed small lumps behind my nipples that aren't visible but can be felt if touch them. what options do i have? I have letrozole 2.5mg 10 tablets on hand and i'm getting 60 tablets of nolva in few days...

If i continue dbols and start nolvadex should it stop lump from growing bigger or is it too late? i'm not sure about using letrozole because i've read some much bad things about it..

Do i have to stop dbols? is nolva enough to prevent growth of lump?
My nipples were never sensitive,suddenly i noticed lumps.. by touching..

My orginal plan was to take sustanon 500mg week along with dbol but needles were too tricky.. so i just used dbols.
I'm very satisfied for my gains 12.5kg to squat 7.5kg benchpress in 1 week but main consern is gyno. I dont mind about lumps unless they grow visible
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And another one :facepalm

Why does everyone always want help after they already F'd up.
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And another one :facepalm

Why does everyone always want help after they already F'd up.
Very usefull post! thanks man!

Some guys told me nolva only if i get itchy nipples i never got em,just lump straight away!!
If you dont want to help move to another thread.

Read those.

You need to stop now abort this poorly planned cyclet 2 weeks in you may not need to pct. Some more experienced will chime in on that issue.

I would start the letro at 2.5 and rIght now order raloxifene from rui at the top of the page get the priority shipping. When that comes in run it 60mg 2x a day for 2 weeks then 60 mg a day for a month. Make sure you do the math and get enough.
what im asking here is nolva enough to stop LUMP growing? i dont need to reverse it with letrozole because its not visible.. or do i? i dont know
Raloxifene will treat it stop ot and reverse it that's what you need to have. I'm on test gad a similar issue I am telling you to do what I was told to do and it worked
Dont use letro, you WILL crash you E2 with the doses people THINK you need to treat/reverse gyno. Bad idea. You need to stop taking the Dbol now, that was a terrible idea in the first place to run that without teststerone, and an ever worse idea to not run an AI and/or SERM with it.

Do you need PCT? Thats almost impossible to answer unless you get you TT, LH, FSH checked through bloodwork. Without seeing where those are at im not going to comment on weather or not you should run PCT (this is my personal view on this predicament).

Nolvadex WILL stop further growth and can also, depending on the person, reverse growth provided it hasnt gotten too far outta control. I had a very small bit of tissue growth at one time (no lump, just a small bit of tissue only I could notice) and nolvadex fixed that issue. I ran 40mg/day for roughly a month I believe.

If you have hard lumps though that have formed already chances are, as far as im concerned, no drug is going to be able to fix that.

Do yourself a favour and read up and educate on things you are about to commit to before you commit to them so you go in informed. You will save yourself many headaches.
And another one :facepalm

Why does everyone always want help after they already F'd up.

I don't get this, but there seems to be this philosophy out there that you shouldn't use an AI until you start to see gyno. Guys think it will limit their gains. I imagine this came about from a few idiots taking too much AI and not monitoring estradiol levels.

I personally think it is a lot better to prevent gyno than treat it after the fact. And we all know that high estradiol does a lot of bad things to men besides gyno.
I don't get this, but there seems to be this philosophy out there that you shouldn't use an AI until you start to see gyno. Guys think it will limit their gains. I imagine this came about from a few idiots taking too much AI and not monitoring estradiol levels.

I personally think it is a lot better to prevent gyno than treat it after the fact. And we all know that high estradiol does a lot of bad things to men besides gyno.

I honestly think the fact some people think it hinders gains is ridiculous. Will it hinder weight gain, probably but will it hinder muscle growth......doubt it. High estrogen=water retention=not what were after. And ya waiting till sides start to surface is a bad idea...........preventative maintenance!!!!
Oral cycles are for women only! If u cant be man enuff to on test then don't do a cycle, period... How old are you?
Dont use letro, you WILL crash you E2 with the doses people THINK you need to treat/reverse gyno. Bad idea. You need to stop taking the Dbol now, that was a terrible idea in the first place to run that without teststerone, and an ever worse idea to not run an AI and/or SERM with it.

Do you need PCT? Thats almost impossible to answer unless you get you TT, LH, FSH checked through bloodwork. Without seeing where those are at im not going to comment on weather or not you should run PCT (this is my personal view on this predicament).

Nolvadex WILL stop further growth and can also, depending on the person, reverse growth provided it hasnt gotten too far outta control. I had a very small bit of tissue growth at one time (no lump, just a small bit of tissue only I could notice) and nolvadex fixed that issue. I ran 40mg/day for roughly a month I believe.

If you have hard lumps though that have formed already chances are, as far as im concerned, no drug is going to be able to fix that.

This is what i wanted to know THANKYOU! i stopped taking dbol yesterday,nolvadex is coming in fewdays... i will start taking it as i get it.

I'm planing to pct nolva 40,40,20,20 this sounds good? i deal lump and pct same time hopefully.
Oral cycles are for women only! If u cant be man enuff to on test then don't do a cycle, period... How old are you?
I was planing to go 500mg test with dbol and i had no problem putting needles in i tested it couple times but didnt put any testosterone in just needle. Problem was airbubbless and loading test from 1ml ampuls it was dificult for me. I'm 23 training since 17 on off training
This is what i wanted to know THANKYOU! i stopped taking dbol yesterday,nolvadex is coming in fewdays... i will start taking it as i get it.

I'm planing to pct nolva 40,40,20,20 this sounds good? i deal lump and pct same time hopefully.

Doesn't sound good. You forgot clomid.
Doesn't sound good. You forgot clomid.

Nolva and clomid both serms? So nolva alone wont make the work?
Some guys say natural production starts even without pct by itfself as time goes on? everyone tells diffrent story

Also i can get nolva from 1 week and not fewdays like i thought... this blows.. now i just hope it wont develope bigger so it's going to be visible..(lump)

dianabol converts into estrogen,that causes gynecomastia but i didnt take any dbols yesterday and today so basicly i have VERY VERY little dbol in my system at the moment so estrogen levels are starting to decrease by itself? or not?
Does the high estrogen level go lower now that i'm not using anything?
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I don't get this, but there seems to be this philosophy out there that you shouldn't use an AI until you start to see gyno. Guys think it will limit their gains. I imagine this came about from a few idiots taking too much AI and not monitoring estradiol levels.

I personally think it is a lot better to prevent gyno than treat it after the fact. And we all know that high estradiol does a lot of bad things to men besides gyno.

i agree completely... preventative measures are much better
OKEY FOLKS! read carefully! I toke only 2 weeks dbols only,and i stopped using 1 week ago. My bloodpressure is now normal,balls&erection also. Lump has NOT get anybigger(IT IS NOT VISIBLE)
Do i still have HIGH estrogens levels even after 1 week? do i need to take nolva&or other ai?
Far as i see things i need nothing,tell me your oppinions.