My first cycle: Helladrol


New member
Did a bit more research, looking for opinions on my first cycle.

First 6 Weeks:
Helladrol 75/100/100/100/125/125
Annabolic Innovations Cycle Support: 2 scoops per day
FISH oil: 9 Grams per day (3 caps with each dosage of hdrol)
BCAA: 25 Grams Per day (10 post workout)
DAA Powder: 3 grams with breakfast
Taurine: 3 grams pre workout

PCT: 4 Weeks
Liquid Nolva 20/20/10/10
Triazole: 3 caps per day (2 am, 1 pm) (Aromatase Inhibitor)
Vitamin C: 4 Grams per day (Cortisol Control)
Test Infusion: 3 Caps AM, 3 Caps PM (Test Booster)
DAA Powder: 3 grams with breakfast
Annabolic Innvations Cylce Support: 2 scoops per day

How does this look for my first cycle?
After researching triazole a bit more, I think you're fine with both nolva and it. I think your set up looks good the way it is and with the DAA, if you've got it, no reason not to use it IMO (not like it's expensive :)
I just picked up some Demacrine and Forma Stanzol, How would I properly dose this cycle? I am thinking

Weeks 1-6: Helladrol (75/75/100/100/125/125) (3 times a day)
Weeks 1-6: Demacrine (3 pumps every morning)
Weeks 1-6: Cycle Support (2 scoops per day, 1 am, 1 pm)
Weeks 3-6: Forma Stanzol (5 pumps AM, 5 pumps PM) (adding this week 3 due to DHEA?)

Nolva 20/20/10/10 (should this be upped or is this correct? )
Forma Stanzol (10/6/6/6)
Test Infusion (3 caps AM, 3 Caps PM)
DAA Powder: (3 grams breakfast)
Cycle Support (2 scoops per day, am and pm)

Hows this look now? Any changes?
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I just picked up some Demacrine and Forma Stanzol, How would I properly dose this cycle? I am thinking

Weeks 1-6: Helladrol (75/75/100/100/125/125) (3 times a day)
Weeks 1-6: Demacrine (3 pumps every morning)
Weeks 1-6: Cycle Support (2 scoops per day, 1 am, 1 pm)
Weeks 3-6: Forma Stanzol (5 pumps AM, 5 pumps PM) (adding this week 3 due to DHEA?)

Nolva 20/20/10/10 (should this be upped or is this correct? )
Forma Stanzol (10/6/6/6)
Test Infusion (3 caps AM, 3 Caps PM)
DAA Powder: (3 grams breakfast)
Cycle Support (2 scoops per day, am and pm)

Hows this look now? Any changes?

i think ure good2go,except the nolva dose,i would do 20/20/20/20
daa+test infusion just a bit overkill with nolva but anyway.