My first cycle log on this forum :)


New member
Here is what my new blast looks like. I added in new compounds and peptides. I will keep you guys updated on results :)



• 70mg Testosterona Propionata ED
• 100mg Trenbolona Acetato ED
• 60mg Drostonolone Propionata ED
• 90mg Equipona ED

• 50-80mg Epistane ED (optional)
• Anadrol 100mg ED (optional)


• GHRP-2 200-250mcg & MOD GRF 100mcg lunch/POSTWO
• Ipamorelin 500-1000mcg & MOD GRF 100mcg morning/before bed
• HGH FRAG 176-191 250mcg PREWO/before bed or morning/PREWO
• IGF-1 DES 60mcg split bilaterally PREWO
• IGF-1 LR3 50mcg PWO
• GHK-CU 1150mcg morning/before bed mixed with secratologues


• Tiromel T3 50mcg ED upon wake
• Arimidex 0.375mg ED upon wake or Aromasin 6.25-9.375mg ED
• Pramipexole 0.875 ED before bed or Cabergoline 0.5mg E2D-E3D before bed
• Clenbuterol (optional)
• Yohimbine (optional)


• Aim for around maintenance ~3000 calories per day
• Fasted morning 30min after first inject of secratologues/ fasted PREWO after inject of HGH FRAG/ fasted before bed after inject of secratologues and HGH FRAG


• Breakfast
-Multivitamin stack
-Omega 3 fish oils
- 1 Vitamin C cap
- 24mg Ephedrine (Optional)
• After each meal, consume 1 Vitamin C cap
-Any desired PREWO
• IntraWO
• Before bed

I am using one or the other. Didn't decide which yet. I wanna opt for adex because it's easier to dose. But asin doesn't give a rebound so still deciding which
Had to drop masteron, gave me way too much acne but it turned me into a god! Would have been my favorite hormone if acne was not present on it. Eq as well, made me vascular and fuller... But eventually dropped it at week 6, too much anxiety and annoying acne. Lowered my testosterone to 280mg per week because my hormones were whack from dropping compounds so wanted to get acne in control.
I decided to bump my tren dose to 1400mg weekly. I wanted to throw some dbol at 60mg ed to explode on tren, but need to fix some gyno issue first. 8g ralox coming in soon. Been contemplating var and epistane meanwhile with some clen or dnp.

This is about what i am doing now:



40mg Testosterona Propionata ED
200mg Trenbolona Acetato ED


GHRP-2 200mcg & MOD GRF 100mcg lunch/POSTWO
Ipamorelin 200mcg & MOD GRF 100mcg before bed
HGH FRAG 176-191 250-500mcg PREWO/before bed
IGF-1 DES 100mcg split bilaterally PREWO (2weeks off now)
IGF-1 LR3 50mcg PWO (2weeks off now)
GHK-CU 300mcg before bed


Tiromel T3 50mcg ED upon wake
Arimidex 0.375-0.5mg ED before bed
Cabergoline 1mg E3D before bed


-Multivitamin stack
-Omega 3 fish oils
- 1 Vitamin C cap
After each meal, consume 1 Vitamin C cap
-Any desired PREWO
Before bed
-Digestive enzymes

Bro your all over the map,, no wonder your getting bad sides and Gyno and acne. It's easier to keep things under control when you keep things simple,, not when your throwing 30 diff compounds in your system
Yea destroyed me. Next time I'll inteoduce one compound at a time in my system. Give time for my body to adapt to it
Yea destroyed me. Next time I'll inteoduce one compound at a time in my system. Give time for my body to adapt to it

Good idea.. I'm all for multiple compounds.. My current cycle has multiple compounds in it as well.. But they all come in and are introduced at different times.

I've been cruising on test.. I bumped my test up to 400 mg and added deca at 400 mg (ran deca several times before so I'm just adding something my body already knows).. Then my NPP shows up and I add that in,, it's a nandrolone just not in decaonate ester,, weeks later

I then add in Dbol.. 4 days later my blood pressure spikes and water retention. Well guess what, I now know exactly what compound to remove to ger neg sides under control..
I remove the Dbol,, I will add it back in when sides are back to normal and then I know to up my AI ..
But I can still continue my cycle cause I added in compounds,, not take all at once.
I also then added in proviron, positive libido results no negatives,, so it stays in cycle.

5 weeks from now I will be adding in primobolan and masteron-- I've ran primo before, so no worries on neg sides unexpected,, masteron is new.. If issues come up,I'll know what the problem likely is because of the way I've simply added compounds
Mast is amazing, I'd personally start as low of a dose as possible on it. Acne is horrible on mast for many people. It's pure DHT. Apart of that, people say they get short tempered. But i honestly couldn't care less about that. As long as I don't get a carpet of acne, I'll run the compound at whatever dose i desire.
Also update, i decided to bump my tren last night to 2.1g. Becoming hard as a rock. But getting doms, not enough anabolics and not enough rest. Once my damn gyno heals, can't wait to introduce dbol or drol or both.
Should i keep t3 where it is. I mean, tren is known to flatten the pancake out of you. T3 will just worsen it. I just wonder if t3 would actually come hand in hand at higher doses than 50mcg a day.