My First Cycle, please help

K.I.S.S.-Keep It Simple Stupid...NO offense, just a saying.

Whole foods should be the base of your diet, shakes should only supplement your diet. Shakes are great if used pre or post workout when timing is everything and high GI carbs/quickly absorbed whey isolate protein is needed within a short anabolic window, however NOTHING replaces whole foods. I think you have the general idea, but put too much faith (not to mention $$$)into pre-made meals. You mentioned weight watchers which is nothing more than a system for counting calories. Not bad, but not very practical for anabolism when applied to bodybuilding. The idea that all foods are good in moderation is true to a point when this philosophy is applied to overall weight loss. I suggest that you 1: figure out your total calorie intake for the day. A good rule of thumb might be ideal body weight x 10 calories, meaning 200lbs x 10=2000 calories. 2: Lay out the proper ratio of protein/carbs/dietary fat. 3: Get a book that gives you the nutritional value of all whole foods, example: X ounces of chicken breast has Y grams of protein, carbs, fat=Z calories. Now use this to PLAN out 6 balanced meals/d. It shouldn't matter how busy you are, with willpower and some advanced meal planning you WILL achieve your goal. Set a goal, make a plan, stick to the plan, and train hard! It won't be easy, it won't happen overnight, but with perseverance you WILL get there. Once you've lowered your BF, the addition of a Test first cycle would work wonders sculpting your physique. You might consider front loading your cycle with the D-Bol when the time comes.