My first cycle (Test Prop and D-bol) log, with pictures.

Alright, today was the last day of the dbol. It ran for about 3.5 weeks. It was a good run, minus all this damn bloat. It's strange cuz I was still running aromasin and still bloating up quite a bit. Anyways, I loved the strength gains, I'm definitely going to miss em. I'll post some new pics either tonight or tomorrow.
New progress pics are up. My main photo hosting website is down, so I had to use another one. I'll re upload them tomorrow to the other website when it's back up. The pics turn out better on message boards with that. What do you all think? Am I making any visible gains?
LOL Took me a minute to figure out you'd put the pics in your 2nd post. IDK hard to say at the moment. You've definitely added some bullk! I think it will be more obvious when your bloat comes off. Keep up the hard work yolked!
Yeah man. For some reason the forum doesn't let you put up more than 10 pictures per post, so I had to throw em in the second post. I resized all the pictures even bigger so its easier for all of you to see what's happening. Yeah I just hope all this isn't just fat and water tho.
Update 19: So the nips are getting kinda puffy. I'm not taking any chances, I just ordered some Liquid Prami from our board sponsor, and I'm gonna start tapering up the dose on that. Hopefully from what I've been reading around it completely eliminates my puffy nipples. I do believe it progesterone/prolactin based gyno because there is no hard lump underneath. Anyways, with regards to the cycle strength is still increasing and weight is still gradually increasing. I'm sitting at around 195 pounds. I'm up exactly 20 pounds since the start of the cycle. I can't wait to hit 200 pounds, it's gonna be nuts hitting that weight ha!
Update 20: So people at my old gym that I haven't seen in almost 4 months have told me that I look WAY bigger than before, although definitely not as cut. Yesterday I was able to shrug 335 pounds with ease. It used to be semi difficult, but it was so easy this time around. It seems as if a sudden burst of strength just came in. I could definitively do another 50 pounds easily, but I didn't want to tweak anything with throwing on a sudden increase in weight like that. I'll wait till next week to try that out.
Update 21: Sorry it's been a while guys, but I'm swarmed with work in school right now. I've still been lifting and eating like a champ though. My strength is continuously getting stronger. Every single person, and I mean every person I know has told me I look extremely bigger. My shirts are getting super tight on me now. I'm going to start up on the dbol again for another 3 week cycle.
Good luck with that. How long have you been off the Dbol? And are you planning to cut natty after cycle, or are you gonna run a cut cycle?
I've been off the dbol for about 2.5-3 weeks. I missed the strength and size gains I had haha. I will cut a few weeks after post cycle therapy (pct) with clen. I already have it all ready to go. I don't want to lose everything I gained on this cycle, by cutting too early so I'll wait a bit for the natty to get back up and maintain for a few weeks after post cycle therapy (pct).
Definitely looking a lot thicker and bigger in the week 5 pics. Why did you order prami? You're not running anything that messes with prolactin. 25 mg aromasin ed is a pretty hefty dose... where'd you get it?
Definitely looking a lot thicker and bigger in the week 5 pics. Why did you order prami? You're not running anything that messes with prolactin. 25 mg aromasin ed is a pretty hefty dose... where'd you get it?

Well the reason I got the prami was because I think i have prolactin related gyno. I got puffy nipples from puberty, and I thought this might help reduce them. I'll give it a few weeks to see how it goes, otherwise I'm gonna start saving up for gyno surgery if I don't lose them when I do my cut in a few months. I need that much aromasin because when I first started the cycle I was taking 12.5 mg's e/d and I started getting itchy nips, so I just upped the dose, so far no problem. Joints dont hurt much. Only problem is that I am getting a bunch of acne on my chest and back. I really hate it, but it's just something you have to deal with. I'll get some new pics up at the end of this week, so next Friday or something.
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Do you think the hyper size difference will decrease when the dbol is wrapped up? It's great feeling to barely fit your clothes anymore and outlift all your friends! Nice work bro, looking forward to more updates!
I'm not sure man. I hope the size still stays there. I'm turning heads everywhere I walk, I love it ha! I'll get progress pics up tomorrow.
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Update 22: New pictures are up. I had to take them real quick, but nonetheless they are there. I'll take better ones tomorrow. I'm exhausted from school and I think I'm getting sick, but yeah. I've definetely gained insane size. I have way more pictures and I can definetely tell from them that I look massive. I've got about 4 weeks left to go. I think it might stretch out to 4.5 more weeks. I've decided to do a Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast for the last 10 days of the cycle, to make post cycle therapy (pct) smoother. My balls are still normal in size. I honestly feel that this cycle has actually made me a little more leaner. I don't feel as fat anymore, even though I do have a considerable amount of fat on my stomach, but I was bloated in these pics after dinner. You guys notice anything in the gains? Leave me some feedback, I wanna see what others have to say. The pictures are in the second post on the first page.
Another new picture is up. This one is of my back. I think this one definitely sums up my progress so far. Idk if it's me, but I can see that I'm actually leaning up on this bulk, it's weird, but I'll take it. What do you all think?
Looks good bro....youre right, you do look like you cut down especially on the back shot, yet added 25 lbs....nice...

I can def see gains....are you happy with the results so far?

Hell yeah... you still got 4 weeks left too! Im only just comin up to day 12 mark of prop 150 eod and dbol 50 ed...up about 6 lbs

Good luck ...keep at it brother....following