Tbol worked great!!! i gained weight fast I think it was mostly due to the water retention from the test but it seems as if the water weight has gone away and my muscles are more defined and very hard especially during workouts from the insane pumps. My weight gain kind of stagmented during week four but have gained a couple of pounds since then...im going to up my calories and protien some more. i worked out back today started with deadlifts and ended with 325 for 10 reps it felt great! I injected today it went great looking forward to all my injects theyre great!!! Test is amazing!, its a wonderful drug...something i would advise with tbol is make sure you are drinking plenty of water i was taking 40mgs and would get headaches if i wasnt completely hydrated during the day. My blood pressure went up a little when i was on it but its back down to normal now