My first cycle

Hi, I'm looking in to starting my first cycle soon and was looking for some constructive criticism to ensure I'm not wasting my time with this cycle. I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, don't drink at all, eat clean foods with lots of proteins. My body type resembles that of an ectomorph with a touch of mesomorph. I currently eat about 2500-3000 calories a day with 300g of protein in there. I have fairly good genetics when it comes to bodybuilding and tend to gain muscle fairly easy. This is what my first cycle depicts of:
Weeks 1-10 300mg/Week of Test E
Weeks 1-4 50 mg Ed of Dbol
Weeks 1-10 .25 EoD of Arimidex

Weeks 12-16 40/40/20/20mg of Nolvadex

Current Stats:
Weight- 180
Height- 5'11"

I wanted to do this cycle to gain more muscle because I found it hard to make gains lately and I have done intensive research on everything. Any help would be appreciated.
This actually coincides with my cycle I'm starting in a few weeks. except I'm running TestE 500mg a week.

curious to see responses.
Hi, I'm looking in to starting my first cycle soon and was looking for some constructive criticism to ensure I'm not wasting my time with this cycle. I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, don't drink at all, eat clean foods with lots of proteins. My body type resembles that of an ectomorph with a touch of mesomorph. I currently eat about 2500-3000 calories a day with 300g of protein in there. I have fairly good genetics when it comes to bodybuilding and tend to gain muscle fairly easy. This is what my first cycle depicts of:
Weeks 1-10 300mg/Week of Test E
Weeks 1-4 50 mg Ed of Dbol
Weeks 1-10 .25 EoD of Arimidex

Weeks 12-16 40/40/20/20mg of Nolvadex

Current Stats:
Weight- 180
Height- 5'11"

I wanted to do this cycle to gain more muscle because I found it hard to make gains lately and I have done intensive research on everything. Any help would be appreciated.

First off, I would just stick to test only for your first cycle. With that being said, I would do 500mg per week of Test for 12 weeks. 10 is too short in my opinion for a long ester test like E. Besides if this is your first cycle, you will want to see how your body responds to test only because test will always be the base of your cycles down the road. So if you start the dbol and test at the same time and start getting nasty side effects, how will you know which compound is doing what?? That is the theory behind it. Secondly, I would throw in some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout this cycle at 250ius twice per week. Your arimidex dose looks good. As for post cycle therapy (pct), I am not a fan of Nolva for post cycle therapy (pct). I would either do clomid or torem. If you run clomid, run it at 50mg per day for 4-6 weeks. Other than that, you should be able to grow nicely with test only. Good luck.
Thanks for your feedback, it's greatly appreciated. I will order more Test E and run it as you suggested above. Everywhere I have read you should be running test injections every 3.5 days, is this what you suggest for 500mg every week? (250mg every 3.5 days?) I will order Clomid since you recommended it. The only reason I didn't order it is because I already have Nolvadex at my disposal. I will order it anyways, better to be safe than sorry I always say.
Thanks for your feedback, it's greatly appreciated. I will order more Test E and run it as you suggested above. Everywhere I have read you should be running test injections every 3.5 days, is this what you suggest for 500mg every week? (250mg every 3.5 days?) I will order Clomid since you recommended it. The only reason I didn't order it is because I already have Nolvadex at my disposal. I will order it anyways, better to be safe than sorry I always say.

For your test, shoot 250mg on Monday, 250mg on Thursday. You can also run both clomid and nolva together for post cycle therapy (pct) if you want but you will have to look at those doses on some of these stickies on this site.
For your test, shoot 250mg on Monday, 250mg on Thursday. You can also run both clomid and nolva together for post cycle therapy (pct) if you want but you will have to look at those doses on some of these stickies on this site.
How does this sound for a post cycle therapy (pct)?

Wk 12-16 Clomid 50mg/50mg/50mg/50mg ed
Wk 12-16 Nolva 20mg/20mg/10mg/10mg ed
Co-signing on upping the dosage to 500pw. You'll be much happier at that level. Pct looks ok I've found that nolvas should be run at 40/40/20/20 but that was without clomid. Gl bro
How does this sound for a PCT?

Wk 12-16 Clomid 50mg/50mg/50mg/50mg ed
Wk 12-16 Nolva 20mg/20mg/10mg/10mg ed

since the cycle ends at 12 weeks you should start the pct at 14-18 weeks.. also most of the recommendations i seen for nolva they run 40/40/20/20