My first cycle!


New member
So here it starts guys, need your help!

So I have this one guy from my workplace who will make me the cycle and he's been into all kind bodybuilding competitions.

I just want to know what you like about this stacking:

Winstrol 50mg/ml - I would buy 20 ml
Deca 200mg/ml - I would buy 20 ml
Parabolan 152mg/1.5ml - I would buy 15 ml

I would roughly pay about 480 euros for this whole, is the price alright?

That was his suggestion and he would do the exact cycle later for me.

Do you have any suggestions or do you see something odd on this?

I weigh about 115 kg and I am 191 cm tall and have been going to gym for 6 years and 2 years it has been my main sport if you can say it like that.

Cycle would last 12 weeks.

My training would be first as I train now.

Whole body twice a week.

1. Peck/tri/shoulders - low reps with heavy weights
2. Back/biceps/arms - high reps with light weights
3. Legs/abs - low reps with heavy weights
4. Rest.
5. Peck/tri/shoulders - high reps with light weights
6. Back/biceps/arms - low reps with heavy weights
7. Legs/abs - high reps with light weights.

If all goes well he said I could probably do my whole body three times per week...

Soo any advices etc?

Thank you already!

Read site rules first off. You know what, while your reading look at the stickys too. If this is going to be your first cycle then its a complete epic failure... You have no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or post cycle therapy (pct) and don't have a clue as to what they are most likely.
I'm sorry I forgot to mention, my pct will be clomid for about 3 weeks after my cycle. So doesn't it also take care of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) side?

Sorry for the lack of knowledge, but you gotta start from something, hopefully youll understand this.

I tried to find the site rules / stickies, but couldn't find em....
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you dont even have any Test in there and you want to run tren hex on the first cycle, are you for real ?
plus you got 2 19-nors together and whats the winstrol for cutting for competition ?
Can't find stickies or rules? Try clicking on Anabolic Steroid Discussion > NEW MEMBERS --- CLICK HERE!!!, that should help get you up to speed on policies and the like.

For a first cycle, like bhrees and tbonexl said, this is going to be a failure and is most definitely NOT a beginner cycle at all. You should just go with a simple Test E or C cycle at 500mg/wk for 12-14 weeks. Don't forget your PCT either, pretty damn important. Hold off on the Winstrol (winny), the Tren, and possibly the Deca until a second run. If you're really tempted, MAYBE use the Deca alongside the test.
OMG....go and look at all the first cycle shit out there. Everone on the site will scream Test only for first cycles. You dont know how your body even responds to gear.
Well I feel ashamed... Shit. Well I have read the info for newcomers and now thinking that I should just run test cycle for 12 weeks and see what happens and getting to know my body how it reacts to it... Well gotta go chat up with that guy who offered me that cycle and ask wtf was he thinking... -.-'

I appreciate for your understanding and helpful guidance, Idk where I would be right now without this forum!
Well I feel ashamed... Shit. Well I have read the info for newcomers and now thinking that I should just run test cycle for 12 weeks and see what happens and getting to know my body how it reacts to it... Well gotta go chat up with that guy who offered me that cycle and ask wtf was he thinking... -.-'

I appreciate for your understanding and helpful guidance, Idk where I would be right now without this forum!

Don't feel bad, everyone starts somewhere, you were just given not-so-great advice from that guy who wants you to buy up everything he has on your first cycle. Glad you went ahead and educated yourself on this matter, shows commitment. I think we both know where'd you be, you'd be on some crazy advanced cycle making gains with no AI/PCT and then after you're done, you'll be crying about your noodle.
I talked with this guy and he referred that he hasn't been taking test for ages due to the nasty side-effects of it and It would be safer just to take parabolan and Winstrol (winny) (MAYBE DECA) for me to accomplish my goals (Loose fat and get little bit more lean muscle). He said the reason is that you will get lean muscle mass with these substances without loosing it after it as it would happen with just test. He said "why drive a shitty car when you can drive a quality car"... Also the dosage what I will take (first post) would be so small, that I wouldn't need any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and for PCT clomid will just work fine.

I need asap opinions about this, really making me think, since I know you all guys have done your research but also this guy who is saying these things knows his stuff, he's competed in many bodybuilding competitions and he has been HUGE and really ripped and he still is big, not so ripped as in competitions... He also said he has seen pretty fucked up guys who have used test and seen the results with those cycles and like 2 months after the cycle. In my country the test is not always 100% legit and also hard to be sure that it is real gear and you don't know have people diluted it by themselves...

So whats up with the knowledge is just so different from here and from him?
Alright guys, I got a few questions but first I will give you all a little introduction about myself so hopefully an expert on this subject can help me by knowing a little bit about me and I will post a picture of myself to show you what I look like.

First off I have been lifting for a solid 5 years now and I am all natural. The first reason why I started lifting is because I quit boxing when I was 21 and I missed being physical so I picked up lifting/bodybuilding. I was an amateur boxer with a record of 32-4-2 and my trainer and my father both wanted me to turn pro and I was so sick of it because I would spend 5 days a week trained 52 weeks a year since I was 7 years old and to make a long story short I just quit the sport. I boxed at 125 lbs. and my normal weight was 132 lbs roughly.

When I first started I was 5'9" 132 lbs and 5 years later/now I am still 5'9" and 165 lbs. I consume 400 grams of protein a day and about roughly 5000 calories.. I am what most people like to call a hard gainer. I am addicted to growing but I am afraid this is as big as I will get because my genes say so. I am in school for exercise physiology so I am educated on the subject but not educated when it comes to "supplementation"/Juice.

Here is what I look like:View attachment 549232
Ok so now that you know what I look like and a little bit about me I have some questions.

I want to go right to an injectable cycle because it doesn't have to pass through your liver and kidney in a damaging manner. I have never taken any before so please know exactly what you are talking about before you reply to me because I wanna live a long life without injury if you know what I am talking about. I do not know how many weeks I need or what brand or what kind. All I have is this website where I can buy whatever from whatever brand. It looks legit and my buddy who plays D-1NCAA football gets his stuff from here but I don't think he knows what he is talking about because he is not a hard gainer like myself.

I know this is what I want to do because I eventually want to compete in body building competitions but obviously I have a long way to go, I know I am decently cut but I need more mass.

So if anyone could help me I just want to start off baseline to see how my body reacts to the first cycle and then go from there.

Someone please help. Just tell me what I need the dosage and the weeks and I can handle it from there.

No one know my body like me and if you say that I am not peaked yet, I can send you a picture of both my parents and you can tell me if I am the biggest I can be. Trust me my genes are horrible. Dad 65 weighs 140 lbs Mom 54 weighs 110 lbs. Both are 5'8"
Alright guys, I got a few questions but first I will give you all a little introduction about myself so hopefully an expert on this subject can help me by knowing a little bit about me and I will post a picture of myself to show you what I look like.

First off I have been lifting for a solid 5 years now and I am all natural. The first reason why I started lifting is because I quit boxing when I was 21 and I missed being physical so I picked up lifting/bodybuilding. I was an amateur boxer with a record of 32-4-2 and my trainer and my father both wanted me to turn pro and I was so sick of it because I would spend 5 days a week trained 52 weeks a year since I was 7 years old and to make a long story short I just quit the sport. I boxed at 125 lbs. and my normal weight was 132 lbs roughly.

When I first started I was 5'9" 132 lbs and 5 years later/now I am still 5'9" and 165 lbs. I consume 400 grams of protein a day and about roughly 5000 calories.. I am what most people like to call a hard gainer. I am addicted to growing but I am afraid this is as big as I will get because my genes say so. I am in school for exercise physiology so I am educated on the subject but not educated when it comes to "supplementation"/Juice.

Here is what I look like:View attachment 549232
Ok so now that you know what I look like and a little bit about me I have some questions.

I want to go right to an injectable cycle because it doesn't have to pass through your liver and kidney in a damaging manner. I have never taken any before so please know exactly what you are talking about before you reply to me because I wanna live a long life without injury if you know what I am talking about. I do not know how many weeks I need or what brand or what kind. All I have is this website where I can buy whatever from whatever brand. It looks legit and my buddy who plays D-1NCAA football gets his stuff from here but I don't think he knows what he is talking about because he is not a hard gainer like myself.

I know this is what I want to do because I eventually want to compete in body building competitions but obviously I have a long way to go, I know I am decently cut but I need more mass.

So if anyone could help me I just want to start off baseline to see how my body reacts to the first cycle and then go from there.

Someone please help. Just tell me what I need the dosage and the weeks and I can handle it from there.

No one know my body like me and if you say that I am not peaked yet, I can send you a picture of both my parents and you can tell me if I am the biggest I can be. Trust me my genes are horrible. Dad 65 weighs 140 lbs Mom 54 weighs 110 lbs. Both are 5'8"

Start a new thread man.:smashcomp:smashcomp