My first cylcle and pain


New member
Hi guys new to this forum and new to gear, I'm 18 and currently on test 555, says on the vial test 505 though. I'm in to my 3rd week this the cycle so far

1st week: 1ml into left delt had no pain really
2nd week: 2ml into my ass and then next day had a lump and was dead itchy and red, went to doctors he said there was no sign of infection it's been just over a week since ten and the lump has gone down nearly gone
3rd week: 2ml into right delt as I didn't like it in my ass after that lump, had it on Monday and since the injection my deltoid has been really sore like I can't move it up past my shoulder without pain still the same today, god knows what it would be like if I was training shoulders I doubt I could

Needle sizes: use the green ones think they are 1 1/2" to get out of vial and then blue ones 1" to inject with

Could anyone tell me while I'm suffering this pain in my deltoid?

Can you post the rest of your stats please? With that said......

Why the hell are you on AAS?? you're 18!! and obviously don't know how to properly handle your needles hence why you may have an infection for the first part!! I don't want to drop the hammer on you but really this was not an intelligent decision but it's too late to change that, so.... We might as well attempt to find answers.

The soreness/lump happens you could prevent this with several precautionary measures, which could of been obtained through proper research prior to jumping the gun.

As far as your infection is concerned I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you're preparation process isn't good... You have to be very careful when handling the needle in every part of the process from drawing fluid to, cleaning application suite, and making sure you needle does not come in contact with any foreign crap prior to inserting deep into your chosen site. Once that crap makes it from the needle to deep within your muscle tissue it's very easy to get an infection.. Seeing this isn't a new case for you I can easily assume you are not taking proper measures in the preparation process. Please visit your doctor, and take the time to research how to propery pin yourself! You cannot continue to do this to yourself, your health is allot more important than you may choose to acknowledge...
I havnt been pinning myself the guy who got the gear off did and he's been on gear for 10 years.

And what's AAS?
AAS = anabolic androgenic steroids

It's what you've been injecting into your muscle all this time...

Also just because he's been using for 10 years means nothing doesn't mean he's providing you the same precautionary care as he does himself, I also hope you aren't shooting up in any unsanitary place. Watch the video read up on here and feel free to ask questions for ANY detail if the search function didn't help. You could possibly be better off doing it yourself if this said person has been using for 10 years yet you're getting infections from his application process...
Again as I asked what's the rest of your stats?

Age is provided but I'd like to see
Prior weight training expirence.

And how much exactly are you pinning? Are you splitting shots up or taking it all in one shot for the week?
Cheers for help mate will check video after work and my weight is 190lb and how can I find body fat out? Sorry for being such a noob?
Currently taking 2ml of test 555 once a week
Well you can look at a bodyfat estimation chart in the mean time but to get the most accurate % you'll have to go to your doctor, or purchase proper equipment for checking. Your doctor will help you decide which test would be best for you so I suggest going that route, and I would have only hope I could have recommend a Blood test prior to going on Test.

Forgot to mention please input height and training background also.
5 ft 10" and not much history really apart from that I've been training since about 13 years and lifting weights since about 14 so do have some experience
I don't know if you're being a smart ass or genuinely meant that lol but yes that is your training expirence, roughly 4 years is a pretty short time but keeping you're height and weight in mind it could be good... How good well I'd to see pictures or get some sort of numbers in regards to your BF%.

Take the given advice, watch the video and READ, READ, READ. there is no shortage in information here, proper post cycle therapy (pct) is ready I hope?
Nope not being smart I genuinely know nothing about these kind of forums lol sorry and post cycle therapy (pct)? And yeah could be alright but i am pretty chubby so can see BF% quite high but that will be changing soon
I honestly just wrote an entire article for you that my iPhone decides to whipe out and now I'm really raging upset, I cannot go over all I mentioned so I'll provide you with the link I was going to close with. cycle therapy (pct)s.html

To answer your question in now shorter form post cycle therapy (pct) = Post cycle therapy, it is an essential part to the entire process and goes hand in hand with the use of an AAS, proper post cycle therapy (pct) does several things for you, aids in health after a cycle, restoration of natural Test, and helps determine how much of your gains you actually keep (of course along with proper diet and training)

Now as you mentioned being chubby I have to bring this to your attention... A higher bf% of say 18%-20% and up isn't beneficial in any way to you, highest many would recommend coming into a cycle would be 15% it's not super low but you will still get great results. Now that you know that another important factor that cannot be ignored or most so shouldn't if you actually want to have any results whatsoever is your diet, you have to eat for the results you seek!

I recommend you take every free moment to research proper diet as it will help you drop some of the weight further preparing you for a actual good benificial cycle.

There are some guys who have expirence with being on a cycle in your position that can better help with advice on your next step from here on out and what you can look forward to. I'm just going on the assumption your bf% exceeds 15% if its under that changes everything a picture would REALLY help us help you. Do not include your face all we need to see is your body mass and I guarantee better answers will come to you, you Judy have to be willing to help us help you.
1 your 10 year old vets an idiot. 2 your an idiot . Your 18 years old!! You need food not aas. Do you rven realize what steroids do to young users? It's not good.
1 your 10 year old vets an idiot. 2 your an idiot . Your 18 years old!! You need food not aas. Do you rven realize what steroids do to young users? It's not good.

Exactly what I was suggesting..... I feel bad for the kid, some idiot juicer is influencing him and dragging him down the wrong path! The guy hasn't even gone over the basics with him yet his pinnin the kid and he's getting infections n whatnot, I'd really wreck this guys face for what he's doing.....
Closes growth plates. Your natural test levels are probably slightly below that of 500 a week test cycle. Your hormones are crazy right now and you shut them down for synthetic hormones. When your crazy natural hormones come back is bad shit. That is If they come back to full strength. A lot of young users experience bad depression. You should've done your research bud.
Hi guys new to this forum and new to gear, I'm 18 and currently on test 555, says on the vial test 505 though. I'm in to my 3rd week this the cycle so far

1st week: 1ml into left delt had no pain really
2nd week: 2ml into my ass and then next day had a lump and was dead itchy and red, went to doctors he said there was no sign of infection it's been just over a week since ten and the lump has gone down nearly gone
3rd week: 2ml into right delt as I didn't like it in my ass after that lump, had it on Monday and since the injection my deltoid has been really sore like I can't move it up past my shoulder without pain still the same today, god knows what it would be like if I was training shoulders I doubt I could

Needle sizes: use the green ones think they are 1 1/2" to get out of vial and then blue ones 1" to inject with

Could anyone tell me while I'm suffering this pain in my deltoid?

2 ml in the shoulder too much in 1 shot
It was only my 3rd injection should I just keep the stuff till I'm like 21 or has it already seriously affected me
if it were me, i would stop now, bro. u r such a noob, and a horrible noob at that. do some damn research, god damn. u r gonna fuck yourself up, and ninja chop your source in the fucking throat for being a certified idiot