************ my first dnp cycle log. ******************8

completely killin it with the anti-oxidant intake so far. artichokes, red beans, cranberries, strawberries, pecans. im eating like the healthiest motherfucker alive today.

Your overdoing with your "antioxidant mania", you realise all you need is vit C to protect you against cataracts right?

Your clearly going to ignore the advice I gave in my first post - eating healthy is all well and good but if you arent going to be in a caloric deficit the fat loss on DNP is going to be very, very disappointing for you. This applies even more when your on a lower dose, it is NOT a magic pill.

I cannot understand why you would take DNP or any other cutting tool if your not going to count macros. This log is going to be a complete waste of time because your results are going to suck considering the substance your taking.

I'm simply making sure people see my posts so that they don't assume that DNP is ineffective because of your poor approach to it :)
If your goal is to lose fat as efficiently as possible (which I'm guessing it is since you're using DNP) you absolutely should be counting macros bro.

I'm still just guessing but you are likely pissing out a lot of supplements there...pissing away money essentially.

That is a crazy list - supplement companies fucking love this kind of thing by the way.

day 2: took my second pill 150mg.. days 1-4 I will be doing 150mg per day.

i take it and you sit around waiting for it to kick in and im like fuck this shit sucks it barely does anything, than I go eat a banana and a granola bar.. the internal heat kicks in.. defiantly a nice feeling since its 40 degrees in Michigan and im outside playing soccer in a t-shirt and shorts, slight lethargy and diarahhea kicking in, also sweaty palms and my head feels warm. going to increase the vitamin c dosage after reading mrrippedzilla's post.

keeping protein at around 200grams, fats low, and carbs 200-350 grams. that is caloric restrictive for me.

defiantly feels like im gaining weight so far from all this goddamn water im drinking. Im the type of person who normally can drink a bottle of water a day and im good. this 2-3 gallons shit is a pain in the ass, but if your gonna do something you gotta do it right or don't even bother doing it at all.

will do a light workout later. I added l-glutathione to the diet 300mgs per day.

so far dnp feels nice, but its only day 2. sides are defiantly tolerable. I had weird dreams though last night probably due to the shitty sleep because I ate before bed. also is one of the side effects increased libido? I had a two hour erection yesterday. it may be due to the warmth.

will throw in an update later today.

I changed my dosage to 150mg for days- 1 - 4

I might change days 5-8 to 300mg idk yet,

off to the gym ttyl bros.
It appears he's just posting his "update" without even reading the replies and advice. I personally think DNP has it's place as everything else in our world but 180 lbs is not one of them. The goals here were obtainable with diet alone, NO drug needed. I think this is careless and lazy. It reminds me of New Years resolution folks that go out and buy supps and last a month in the gym still eating a fucking Big Mac at dinner time. I hope you watch yourself very close as this is one of the most dangerous drugs out there.
Dude their spicy chicken sammich is legit. I ate 10crunchy tacos from taco smell this morning. Fire sauce FTW
day 2 update: this shit gives me a headache, gym workout sucked, muscles are weak..

don't think im going to be going to the gym the next 6 days,, what the hell is the point of driving 15 mins just to do a wimpy ass workout?

I have a workout station in my basement that will suffice for the next few days.

i like the warm sweaty feeling but i don't like the lethargy and headache..

going to jerk off in a minute.. see if the legends of the yellow cum are tru.
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do some research man, sorry i just don't feel like making some long drawn out post. but its gonna build up and by the time you get sides its way too late. benadryl doesn't work that great, the posts your reading on the net were probably from so long ago you they didn't even sell over the counter then.

i don't really care if you do or your don't, just looking out for ya.
do some research man, sorry i just don't feel like making some long drawn out post. but its gonna build up and by the time you get sides its way too late. benadryl doesn't work that great, the posts your reading on the net were probably from so long ago you they didn't even sell over the counter then.

i don't really care if you do or your don't, just looking out for ya.

what about Claritin I already have Claritin
If you're getting headaches and lethargy so bad that you don't wanna lift how bout dropping your dose and trying to troubleshoot a bit here? Kinda pointless to run a compound that's performance or appearance enhancing and you can't even get physical...

PS.. Please no pics of your yellow jizz. Thanks.
Claritin it is since I don't feel like buying shit.

Don't feel like buying shit?? Hell just take aleve then if your just gonna take what you got on hand!?!? You can't just do what you want cuz you don't feel like buying shit. You're being reckless and it could have serious consequences. I feel you're not taking this serious. I'm not bashing, flaming, bitching or calling you out. I'm simply thinking of your health down the road.... I personally don't know if Claritin will work or not as I'm not brave enough to take dnp, but I think you should know if it's even gonna work before you go popping pills.