************ my first dnp cycle log. ******************8

Bro how did you make it this far lol? you remind me of my ten year old, he can't walk down the hallway without hurting himself, maybe you should wear a helmet? :)
Bro how did you make it this far lol? you remind me of my ten year old, he can't walk down the hallway without hurting himself, maybe you should wear a helmet? :)

Literally lmao at this. My kids turned and looked at me like "dad wtf is wrong with you!!?"
think im all done with this log. starting to get an arm rash. don't wanna try and stick it thru 8 days.. you were right mr. det oak.

He told you, one day you ll say this mothafaka knows what he is talking about

also been having constant anxiety that im gonna lose my vision or someshit. I don't think DNP is worth it unless your life is bodybuilding. my life is not bodybuilding..



false alert, I ate a protein bar that had cashews in it, im allergic to cashews.

thread continues.

2x loooool
welp day 3 is coming to a close...

not much to say other than continuous headache and some possible eye strain (cant tell if its headache or eyestrain)... the possible eye strain is defiantly bothering me so I will be stopping the cycle.

on a side note I tried purposely not drinking much water today and I got ridiculously hot at work, like literally was dripping sweat.. pounded like 4 glasses of ice water and temperature was back to normall..

so here is what I think.

I have done DNP and have a read a ton about it and my conclusion is I do not like DNP.

I don't like DNP at all. this stuff is dangerous, kills people, does damage to your body, possible vision damage, id rather cut off my cock off than go blind.

whats the fucking point?? just so you can have a lower bodyfat percentage that you could have gotten with clen/ephedrine/t3/anavar/master/winny/diet????

All of those things are 100x safer and more enjoyable to run than DNP..

I have had an overwhelming anxiety the past 3 days about wtf im doing and the kind of decisions im making.

call my thread stupid, call me paranoid, whatever.. I have tried the stuff. and I will conclude its not for me.

I have done recreational drugs and I honestly personally feel safer snorting heroin than touching DNP again.

all iv had the past 3 days are anxiety about my eyes, headache, felt weaker than normal. this is not enjoyable at all.

I can defiantly say it works though, I have gone down 2 pounds on the scale even though im barely at a caloric deficit and have been drinking an insane amount of water.

I will go back to my beloved anxiety-free clenbuterol for now until I get to my desired bodyfat and will stick with a diet.

in no way at all am I saying don't run DNP, I feel every man has the right to be open minded and learn from his own experiences,
but on a personal level, the pros do not outweigh the POSSIBLE cons on this one.

this thread was a waste, but it was more of a diary for myself and to get feedback on that diary from other more experienced people. so at least I learned something in the process.

that's my conclusion.
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on a side note I tried purposely not drinking much water today and I got ridiculously hot at work, like literally was dripping sweat.. pounded like 4 glasses of ice water and temperature was back to normall..

I have absolutely no idea why you would even attempt to do this, confirms my feeling at the start of this log that you weren't ready for DNP. If you had maintained this I'm not joking when I say it would've been equal to attempted suicide.

I have done recreational drugs and I honestly personally feel safer snorting heroin than touching DNP again.


DNP is safe when its run by people who actually know what they're doing. Every single death attributed to DNP has been due to:
1) Overdose
2) Dehydration
3) A physiological reaction unique to that individual (allergies, etc)

ALL of these can be avoided by people who KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING. It is not a coincidence that vets, mods and other knowledgeable people have good things/experiences to state about DNP.

The problem is, and the reason why its a GOOD thing to spread nonsense about DNP to the general public(its a poison bro, etc), that alot of people who use DNP (including you) are simply not qualified to go anywhere near it.
Your approach to this whole thing (antioxidant mania, not counting macros, etc) shows everyone who knows anything about DNP that you weren't ready.

On the plus side, I'm glad you were mature enough to stop your cycle early when you realised you were in over your head :)
I have absolutely no idea why you would even attempt to do this, confirms my feeling at the start of this log that you weren't ready for DNP. If you had maintained this I'm not joking when I say it would've been equal to attempted suicide.


DNP is safe when its run by people who actually know what they're doing. Every single death attributed to DNP has been due to:
1) Overdose
2) Dehydration
3) A physiological reaction unique to that individual (allergies, etc)

ALL of these can be avoided by people who KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING. It is not a coincidence that vets, mods and other knowledgeable people have good things/experiences to state about DNP.

The problem is, and the reason why its a GOOD thing to spread nonsense about DNP to the general public(its a poison bro, etc), that alot of people who use DNP (including you) are simply not qualified to go anywhere near it.
Your approach to this whole thing (antioxidant mania, not counting macros, etc) shows everyone who knows anything about DNP that you weren't ready.

On the plus side, I'm glad you were mature enough to stop your cycle early when you realised you were in over your head :)

the reason I stopped is because of eye-strain, im not sure if the eye-strain is related to my recent tanning or not.. regardless its freaking me out.

defiantly not going tanning anymore though in those shitty beds as those can cause cataracts to I found out. at least without my face half wrapped in a towel.

I may revisit the compound some day, but right now I just am having bad vibes about the eyes. the death part doesn't scare me one bit.
pretty sure I have a corneal flash burn from my recent tanning. gonna wait a month or so before I consider revisiting anything. as I cant imagine DNP affecting my eyes in 2 days.