************ my first dnp cycle log. ******************8

If you're getting headaches and lethargy so bad that you don't wanna lift how bout dropping your dose and trying to troubleshoot a bit here? Kinda pointless to run a compound that's performance or appearance enhancing and you can't even get physical...

I find it abit weird that you call the best fat burning compound ever made "pointless" bro :)

DNP is NOT designed to be a performance enhancer of any kind, it helps you lose fat - that is its main & only benefit. It's also normal to feel lethargic on it, your depleting your ATP stores after all.
I find it abit weird that you call the best fat burning compound ever made "pointless" bro :)

DNP is NOT designed to be a performance enhancer of any kind, it helps you lose fat - that is its main & only benefit. It's also normal to feel lethargic on it, your depleting your ATP stores after all.

I didn't call the drug pointless, as I posted on the first page of this thread I think it has it's place, what I said(meant) was if you can't even work out it's pointless. And I also said "performance or appearance enhancing" maybe should've emphasized on the appearance a little more. I can see how you read it that way though.. As it may be a great fat burner so is crystal meth and cocaine doesn't mean they're safe.

*** Edit - I'm not arguing with you. I appreciate your insight and opinion as well and I think you give good advice and are a knowledgable guy from what I've seen. I'm just maybe clearing up what may have been misconstrued. Just want to clear that up so an unnecessary argument didn't ensue. Cheers
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Bro its not that you arent brave enough to it its more so you smart enough not to, i dont understand the use of this poison, especially outside the pro level.

I personally don't either bro. I agree 100% on the pro-level. It is a great fat burner but I'd rather use diet and add something like Clen or T3 if I wanted to use a compound at all, yes they're both dangerous as well but nothing like dnp.
if you have input please add constructive input to help further assist me and to help the viewers of this log so they can learn more about whether DNP is worth it for them or not. that's the whole point of the log.


waceyf, Claritin and zyrtec are both anti-histamines anti allergies and I googled them people use either or for dnp. i don't think its gonna matter much either way.
if you have input please add constructive input to help further assist me and to help the viewers of this log so they can learn more about whether DNP is worth it for them or not. that's the whole point of the log.

There has been a very good amount of input but as we've seen from other threads you started when it isn't what you want to hear you consider it useless info.


waceyf, Claritin and zyrtec are both anti-histamines anti allergies and I googled them people use either or for dnp. i don't think its gonna matter much either way.

I'm aware they're both antihistamines, It was more the shrug off type attitude that I was referring to. I'm glad you googled it. Good luck.
ummmm claritin? nope i said zyrtec bro. when you get to your third week your gonna be like "damn that mfer OAK knows what he's talking about, I should have listened to that guy"
day 3: hittin it with 200mg's today since energy is super high and no headache. bout to swoop some zyrtec on my way to the gym since im feeling good.
Lol I've noticed you also edited the dosing in your original post so people don't realise that you've doubled it in 3 days.

You stated originally that you would start around 50-100mg and slowly increase to 200 by day 7.
Instead you STARTED at 150, hit 200 by day 3 - I can see where this is going but its your health so do what you want :)

All I'll say is 2 things:

1) Just because you feel fine doesn't mean the dnp isn't working.
2) Dnp peaks around 36 hours after you ingested it in your body.

However, if you want to keep increasing the dose because you want to feel like shit then please go ahead.
Lol I've noticed you also edited the dosing in your original post so people don't realise that you've doubled it in 3 days.

You stated originally that you would start around 50-100mg and slowly increase to 200 by day 7.
Instead you STARTED at 150, hit 200 by day 3 - I can see where this is going but its your health so do what you want :)

All I'll say is 2 things:

1) Just because you feel fine doesn't mean the dnp isn't working.
2) Dnp peaks around 36 hours after you ingested it in your body.

However, if you want to keep increasing the dose because you want to feel like shit then please go ahead.

nah not going over 200 mgs
Lol I've noticed you also edited the dosing in your original post so people don't realise that you've doubled it in 3 days.

You stated originally that you would start around 50-100mg and slowly increase to 200 by day 7.
Instead you STARTED at 150, hit 200 by day 3 - I can see where this is going but its your health so do what you want :)

All I'll say is 2 things:

1) Just because you feel fine doesn't mean the dnp isn't working.
2) Dnp peaks around 36 hours after you ingested it in your body.

However, if you want to keep increasing the dose because you want to feel like shit then please go ahead.

yup classic move, all dnp newbs do it, all the sudden a week later you got rash every on your body, your itching like a mofo an your like WTF happened. Most don't understand the half life of the meds they play with.

I know Dtone wrote an article on it somewhere, you should dig it up op.
think im all done with this log. starting to get an arm rash. don't wanna try and stick it thru 8 days.. you were right mr. det oak.
also been having constant anxiety that im gonna lose my vision or someshit. I don't think DNP is worth it unless your life is bodybuilding. my life is not bodybuilding..
