Not a Newbie
native american, lebanese, irish.
fast twitch. flexible
Run a 4.45 40 yd dash.
Bench 225.
squat 405.
High school all american baseball player few short years ago. (atv accident ended throwing career
Fast metabolism. Eat 4k per day.
motivated med student and Business owner. Life just opened up a glimpse of time daily to train.
I would love to do AAS. The rapidity of gains is very appealing. I also will not be wasting time with just AAS when I can achieve synergy with HGH and insulin to make the gains I desire.
metformin to maintain my insulin sensitivity.
I will be on HGH all year with eod protocol and will use light insulin usage to hold on gains. As long as I eat spot on this should work phenomenally.
Already have raw materials freeze-dried. will be brewing.
First.. what the F does native american, lebanese, irish have to do with anything??
Second.. your 23.. the fact ur willing to experiment with AAS, HGH, and insulin on your first blast, indicates only you're willingness to take unnecessary chances with your health. To me, it's the equivalent of someone who's never done mind altering substances, reading a few articles in High Times and then coming to the conclusion that trying weed, xtc, and acid for the first time, all at once ... is a good idea.

Third.. You say "I would love to do AAS" and then say right after, "I also will not be wasting time with just AAS"..!! So which is it??? Hopefully by now you can smell what I'm cooking..

Fourth... And how do you know you can achieve synergy with HGH and insulin?? Please enlighten...
Fifth.. This is the best part.. For your first blast, you "have raw materials freeze-dried. will be brewing"??
So, when you laid out a game plan, you reasoned that brewing your own gear makes the most sense.??

Hopefully by now.. you're rethinking the mistakes you're about to make. This whole plan sounds terrible. You're gonna fuck yourself up, and if that's all you do...then you're lucky..