My first Test E cycle log


New member
Hey everyone,
So i have been lurking on this forum for months learning and gathering as much information as I could. A couple of days ago I decided it was time to bite the bullet. Some of my current stats:

Age: 24
Weight: 187
Height: 6ft1
BF: 16-17%
Training experience: 4 years on and off
Diet: Currently a 3J client (3500 calories)

My first cycle:
1-12 500mg each week of Test E
2-4 ~3mg Aromasin ED
4-14 12.5mg Aromasin ED (upped it to 18.75mg on week 6+)

Clomid 75/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20



Taken after waking up, no pump and no flex:

View attachment 558878

Pre-cycle: 187lbs (16-17% bf)
Week 1: 190.4lbs (15-16% bf)
Week 2: 193.4lbs (~15% bf)
Week 3: 196lbs (13-14%bf)
Week 4: 197lbs (12% bf)
Week 5: 199lbs (10-11% bf)
Week 6: 199lbs (9-10% bf)
Week 7: 203lbs (9% bf)
Week 8: 203lbs (9% bf)
Week 9: 204lbs
Week 10: 201 lbs
Week 11: 203lbs

Week 1: 3500 calories
Week 2: 3500 calories
Week 3: 3500 calories
Week 4: 3500 calories
Week 5: 3500 calories
Week 6: 4000 calories (added mostly carbs, bit of fat and protein)
Week 7: 4200 calories (added mostly carbs, bit of fat)
Week 8: Diet was off
Week 9: Diet was off
Week 10: Diet not completely on point
Week 11: Diet not completely on point

DAY 1-3:
So far my experience hasn't been that great. It's been 3 days since my first injection in my glute. The first night I had insomnia, the second day i started getting tired and getting head akes, and now the third day i have terrible pain near my injection spot, hard to walk, and also currently have some swelling. I'm hoping that it wont be like this every time. My hand was very shaky during pinning, i probably shredded some fibers or something. I'll be updating this log and also posting pictures along the way.
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with my first three injections I could not sleep at all, and also for your first injection your going to be swore for a couple days.I personally hated the glutes Painful as all get out.Did my quad and loved it didn't feel anything besides the pin first breaking the skin.I was really swore for about 4 days, but after the second shot(in the quad) I barely noticed any soreness.I may be wrong correct me guys if I am but you shouldnt even have sides or anything till around weeks 3-5?.Anyways Put some Before's up here! I also just started my first cycle.Be clean, and eat soon you will be excited for the next inject.And also if you have any Qs pm me!
Thanks caleb for the tips! I'll definitely try out my quad after i get a few injections in my glutes. I want to see if the pain is because it was a virgin muscle. Tomorrow i'll switch to a 1.5in needle instead of a 1in for my left glute (apparently a 1.5 is better to get to the muscle if you're not in the 1 digit bodyfat). Still hurts like a b*tch but i don't let it affect my workouts, makes my motorcycle riding a pain in the ass though, literally.

DAY 4:
Today I trained my Chest and Triceps. I felt much more determined and could feel a boost of strength! Maybe it's just placebo but nevertheless it made my workout much more intense! The swelling is starting to go down, pain is still high but i've gotten used to it. I'll be posting some photos and my weight once a week. I'm on a 3500 calorie bulking diet right now, not sure if I should add in 30min of cardio each day though? Would it help reduce fat gain while bulking? I'm following the Kris Gethin 12 week transformation, since i got good results last time i did it when natty. Diet wise, still good, just not used to downing 3500 calories.. so much food..
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That looks more like 16-17% BF

Anyway, you get a bad injection now and then. I had one in my right glute Thursday and it's still a little swollen today ( tuesday ) I maybe hit a nerve. We're on similar cycles and have similar stats so I will be following this.

Do you think the Nolva will be enough for PCT ? No HCG ? For fully restored test levels ?

I was stupid enough to not run complete blood tests before cycle, but will run after for sure.
I got surprised when i saw that "16-17%" so i went and took out the calipers. I checked a couple times and you're right, it showed between 16-17%.. Thanks for clearing things up!

I'll pin my other glute tomorrow, if there's huge PIP again then i'll try pinning my Delts instead. Hopefully it's like you said and i hit a nerve last time. I didn't add HCG since it's my first cycle and only running test e, but I do have Aromasin on hand just in case.
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Correct, nothing till week 4 us normal. But the thrill of running your first cycle is enough to make you grow. The power of food, and the power of your mind is huge. Think big, dream big, live big, add steroids and there's nothing you can't do. Lol dunno why I rambled on.

My whole first cycle, pinning was absolute the worst thing ever. Couldn't walk. Wake up in pain back was sore from walking funny. 2nd cycle ain't no thing, and now it's just part of the week don't even think about it.
It's like sex the more you practice the better you get!
Thanks for the comment and the motivation Jacked! Glad to hear that you've also been in and made it through the 1st cycle Glutes hell!

DAY 5:
Still having a good amount of pain in my glute from the 1st injection, I decided to switch to a 1in needle and pin my delt instead. It was easy, didn't shake as much as before, and only a bit of discomfort but not really any pain so far. I hope it stays that way, if it does, i'm definitely not pinning my glutes again! (for now). Today is a rest day, i feel good, no headakes or insomnia. Sticking to my 3500 calorie diet, aiming for no more than 2lbs increase per week (or else it'll probably be mostly fat). I'll post my weight on Day 7.
DAY 6:
The pain in my glute for the 1st injection is pretty much gone, just some discomfort left. By tomorrow it should be gone, so that's about 6 days of PIP with 3 days of very annoying pain (had to tell my gf i pulled a muscle since she noticed me having a hard time walking lol). On the other hand, my delt from yesterday's injection is a bit sore but it's heaven compared to that first pin. I'll definitely continue pinning my delts. Did my shoulder workout today, felt great and had some really good pumps. Diet is pretty spot on, and no current sides.
DAY 6:
The pain in my glute for the 1st injection is pretty much gone, just some discomfort left. By tomorrow it should be gone, so that's about 6 days of PIP with 3 days of very annoying pain (had to tell my gf i pulled a muscle since she noticed me having a hard time walking lol). On the other hand, my delt from yesterday's injection is a bit sore but it's heaven compared to that first pin. I'll definitely continue pinning my delts. Did my shoulder workout today, felt great and had some really good pumps. Diet is pretty spot on, and no current sides.

Other than product quality I've read that injection speed can really make a difference on PIP. Placing firm and constant pressure on the plunger but slowly injecting for a minute or more can help avoid PIP.
Hey everyone,
So i have been lurking on this forum for months learning and gathering as much information as I could. A couple of days ago I decided it was time to bite the bullet. Some of my current stats:

Age: 24
Weight: 187
Height: 6ft1
BF: 16-17%
Training experience: 4 years
Diet: Currently a 3J client

My first cycle:
1-12 500mg each week of Test E

1-2 40mg of Nolva
2-4 20mg of Nolva

Pre-cycle picture:
View attachment 558151

DAY 1-3:
So far my experience hasn't been that great. It's been 3 days since my first injection in my glute. The first night I had insomnia, the second day i started getting tired and getting head akes, and now the third day i have terrible pain near my injection spot, hard to walk, and also currently have some swelling. I'm hoping that it wont be like this every time. My hand was very shaky during pinning, i probably shredded some fibers or something. I'll be updating this log and also posting pictures along the way.

Are you also using an AI during your Test E cycle?
Try the quad, it's right in front of you, easy to inject without to much moving. God I love injecting quads. Most guys do
Yeh I was thinking about trying the quads soon, seems like a very simple injection spot!

Run Clomid with your Nolva for your PCT. IMO
I've read a lot of conflicting posts about using both or just one. As this is my first cycle, i want to see how Nolva affects my system, if i run clomid on top of it, i won't know which one is causing sides (if i do get sides). I'll continue reading about it, and order come Clomid just in case i change my mind :)

Other than product quality I've read that injection speed can really make a difference on PIP. Placing firm and constant pressure on the plunger but slowly injecting for a minute or more can help avoid PIP.
I inject 250ml in about 20-30seconds, i'll try injectly much slower on my next injection, thanks!

Are you also using an AI during your Test E cycle?
I have Aromasin on hand, i was thinking of using it just in case i need it, but i changed my mind and will be going on it starting tomorrow at 12.5mg EOD.
Dont use any AIs unless you notice your guys hiding out,or you start getting some sensitive nips, and also your way too early into your cycle no need for any AI's just yet.Just listen to your body you will know when you need to take them.
Dont use any AIs unless you notice your guys hiding out,or you start getting some sensitive nips, and also your way too early into your cycle no need for any AI's just yet.Just listen to your body you will know when you need to take them.

What the hell are you talking about? This is the worst advice I have read on here ever! Why would he not run an AI? Why would you wait to see sides when you can prevent sides? Man oh man
DAY 7:
weight: 190.4
Took it first thing in the morning, no pump (sorry it's kinda blurry, my iPhone is breaking)
View attachment 558223

I went up by 3.4lbs in a week. I think that this 3J diet is shocking my system and actually causing me to loose some fat while gaining muscle! Since i'm normally not even close to eating this well. Today is a rest day (boring), I feel good, delt PIP is easy to manage, will be pinning my other delt tomorrow and will start my AI just in case. I'll try out my quads after i devirginize my other delt.
theres no need? I have read on multiple forums. pretty much your wasting it.if he was running dbol or something else them yeah but on a 500ml test e cycle theres no reason.unless he starts to see sides
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theres no need? I have read on multiple forums. pretty much your wasting it.if he was running dbol or something else them yeah but on a 500ml test e cycle theres no reason.unless he starts to see sides

Please stop giving advice, you're going to get someone hurt. You're a few weeks into your first ill-devised cycle and still don't know how to eat to support muscle growth. You really have no business giving advice to anyone, please leave that for those who actually know what they're talking about.

And Craza do not wait for sides to start an AI, Test won't wait to aromatize. You will need an AI, the amount/dose is the only thing you need to determine so start low and build up - there's is no worse feeling than crushed E2, except for perhaps high E2. If you don't use an AI you'll gain 30lbs of water weight like Caleb here.
Dont use any AIs unless you notice your guys hiding out,or you start getting some sensitive nips, and also your way too early into your cycle no need for any AI's just yet.Just listen to your body you will know when you need to take them.

This is really bad advice. Check out the stickies. You should use an AI from day 1 on this cycle..