My first Test E cycle log

DAY 18

Had leg workout today. Ate too close to my workout and felt like throwing up badly. I'm currently in the middle of moving so my days are getting very tiring, but i wont miss a workout! Today my diet was a bit wonky but I hit my numbers.
DAY 19

Had my Biceps and Back workout today. I felt strong and was able to push through triple drop sets much easier than usual. My libido today is also higher than usual, i'm thinking maybe the test is starting to kick in? Pinned my left Delt today, got pretty messy when i took it out in the wrong angle, I'll probably feel some nice pip tomorrow. Concerning sides, still nothing. Diet is on point. Here's a flexing picture (same pose as the other one):
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DAY 20

I've been having some insomnia the past 2 days, felt super tired today. Libido is up and been giving me some weird ass dreams. Aggression seems to have gone up, lost my shit yesterday and currently become pissed off easily when a car drives too slow in front of me (I normally don't care) I'm not sure if the aggression is due to lack of sleep or if the test kicked in. Had my shoulders/calves/abs workout today, pumped much heavier weights on my shoulders than what I did last week! Had to add around 30-40lbs extra on the shoulder press machine, and went up by 5-10lbs on the side lateral raises! My left nipple started tingling/itching today, i'll be upping my AI back to the 6.25mg dose, concerning everything that just happened, i'm pretty sure the Test kicked in! Things are looking good, just need to be able to get some good sleep!
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DAY 21

weight update: 196lbs

Went up by 2.4lbs this week! Getting pretty happy with these gains! I forgot to take a picture in the morning so i'll do it tomorrow morning instead (and also measure my bf%) Had chest and tri workout today, did really well and had some good pumps. Aggression is better and also not as tired as before. Had a bit of an itch on my left pec around the nipple area, it came and left fast. I'll stick to 6.25mg ED for now, if it happens again i'll up the dose. I will be getting Clomid for my PCT as well, i want to keep as much of these gains as i can. After a good amount of research, i'll go with this:
Clomid 75/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Consider taking some melatonin and (or), ZMA's to help with the sleeplessness? is a good website to read up on how to dose and benefits.
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Consider taking some melatonin and (or), ZMA's to help with the sleeplessness? is a good website to read up on how to dose and benefits.

Hey Zigg, thanks for the tip, i'll look into it if i ever get insomnia again, yesterday and last night i was able to sleep well. Happened after I upped my Aromasin dose back up to 6.25mg.

DAY 22

Today is a rest day, feeling good. Here is a photo for week 3, i took my body fat percentage but had some weird results. Apparently i'm 14% bf now, do i look like 14% bf? Dropping from 15% to 14% in 1 week is a bit much, maybe my caliper is messing up. But anyways, like usual, no pump and taken first thing in the morning:
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DAY 23-24

Diet has been completely destroyed the past 2 days. Just moved into a new place and it threw me off my diet. I've noticed a small increase in acne since about day 20. Pretty much all the sides kicked in on that day. I'll get back into the groove tomorrow and get my diet back in order. Other than that, today was a rest day but sore from moving so much stuff. I started taking 20mg of Nolva ED, i got scared i was getting gyno but i think I over reacted.
Nolva is not to be ran on cycle..... Get adex or use your other AI.

Yeh i over reacted and used 20mg Nolva ED for only 2 days.. today i stopped it though and just kept with the 12.5mg of Aromasin ED.

DAY 25-26

Day 25 was a rest day. Today I pinned my left delt, i must of hit something (blood clot/pocket) since blood just gushed out when i pinned. Had to change pins after taking care of the bleeding, and just pinned a bit lower with no problems. Had triceps, abs and calves workout today, did very well. Friends are all noticing how much bigger I got (good motivation). Some of my clothes are getting too tight and uncomfortable to wear now, i wont complain about it though! My diet is back on track today and considering to up my calories a bit if i don't got up by 3lbs this week. Currently on 12.5mg Aromasin ED, this dose seem to work well now that the test kicked in. Considering sides, libido is still high, acne is getting better, sleeping just fine, and no aggression today. I noticed i get pissed off much easier now though, keeping that in check.
DAY 27

Had my legs workout today, completely obliterated them! I made a dumb mistake and forgot to take my dose of Aromasin before going to work.. felt lethargic all day, could never quench my thirst, and left nip was starting to get sensitive. I'm thinking of having some Aromasin on me at all times just to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Maybe you are paranoid?
Yeh i was paranoid, don't know what came over me, i'm good now though, getting my shit together lol.

DAY 28

update: 197lbs, 12% bf

Today is my weigh-in and only went up 1lb.. I wasn't too happy but then i was surprised when measuring my bf. I did it about 7 times to make sure, and even rounded up all the numbers. During the week i was practically on a calorie deficit due to moving to a new house, my workouts were still as intensive but my diet was all over the place. Had my shoulder workout today, never seen them so pumped! Felt great, diet is back in order, and no current sides (paranoia of getting gyno is gone). Took this first thing in the morning:

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DAY 29

Had chest and triceps today, my strength went through the roof!! Felt really good today, pinned my right delt, when i pulled it out blood started gushing out but nothing serious. Pip is practically non-existent in my delts now. Diet was bang on, i want to try and hit 200lbs by next weigh-in! Daily calories has gone up to 3650.
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DAY 30

Shoulders workout today, strength was again through the roof! Diet is on point and no sides. 12.5mg Aromasin ED is the sweet spot for me.

DAY 31

Had back, biceps and abs workout today. Strength was again through the roof and upped all the weights. I felt like i could stay at the gym all day. Since this has been happening the past 3 days, i'm pretty sure that the Test really kicked in. So, for me, the sides started at week 3, and test strength gains started at week 4. Getting a lot of good comments from friends and family (always good for motivation).
DAY 32

Had my legs workout today. It was good, had some major lower back pump at the beginning but that was because I did a wrong movement when doing the standing leg curls.
DAY 33

Had a great shoulders workout today. Pinned my left delt this morning, since the pip is pretty much non-existent in my delts anymore, i'm thinking of starting to pin my quads. That way i will be familiar in multi-site injections for my future cycles. I was planning on doing a cutting cycle during the winter but since my bodyfat % is already going down I might just do another bulk, i guess we'll see. It's fun planning for future cycles though. On a more serious note, it seems my weight gain has slowed down, therefore, I bumped up my calories to 4000. Mostly carbs, but a bit of fat and protein too. This might be happening since my workouts contains a lot of triple drop sets, supersets and giant sets. Much more intensive than at the beginning.
excellent log brother!

Thanks man! Your diet works wonders!

DAY 34

Had chest, triceps and abs workout today. Strength was at an all-time high, plowed through all my sets! Sticking to the 4000 calories, i'm pretty sure i started gaining again. Tomorrow will be my weigh in! Excited to see if I reached the 200lbs mark (i've never been that heavy) I've been looking into the Physique competition division, it's something i would definitely want to try out! Maybe in a year or 2, once I get more solid muscle, diet and training experience.
DAY 38

new weight: 199lbs (10-11% bf)

Today was my weigh in! I didn't reach 200lbs but the added calories are definitely working. Pretty happy at how my bf dropped by so much again! My muscles are starting to show much more definition, i especially noticed the shoulders and delts, and i'm also starting to get the V taper so it's pretty exciting! I'm hoping i'll keep losing bf and gaining muscle, i've never been in the single digits before. Here is a picture i made after waking up, no pump or flexing.
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