My first Test E cycle log

DAY 49

Destroyed my legs in the gym today. I decided to go ahead and pin the left delt, since the redness is completely gone and the pip as well. Pinning went fine, no problems. I'm still on the 18.75mg Aromasin, it's working better for me than when it was at 12.5mg.

DAY 50

Had Chest and back today, was really tired but still pushed myself and lifted very heavy. Only 5 weeks left of the cycle and then i hop onto PCT! Tomorrow is my weigh in, from looking in the mirror i think my bf went down, and hopefully i managed to get to 200lbs! Other than that, no sides to report
DAY 51

new weight: 203lbs at 9% bodyfat

I reached my goal! And I still have around a month left on cycle! Looks like my plateau ended and was finally able to get into the 200s. I'm happy that all this hard work is really paying off. Having some big pip on the left delt, but no swelling or redness so that's good. I'm really hoping i wont go under 200lbs after PCT. I updated the first post with a before and after picture, but here's the week 7 picture:

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EDIT: After talking to 3J, I realized my caliper is giving me incorrect values. What it does show is progress from week to week, where my bodyfat is dropping (which is good), but the actual value is incorrect. This makes sense since my abs aren't fully visible either. I will be getting a more sophisticated caliper to see if it gives me more accurate results.
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DAY 52-54

Had Biceps and Triceps workout, felt good. The pip in the left delt was really high, i should really stop pinning that delt. Today, on day 54, the pip is starting to go down, so i'm guessing in 1-2 more days it will be gone. I've been falling behind on my diet these past couple of days, hopefully i'll be able to get my shit back on track soon!
any updated measurements on the arms before and now?

I'll post up some measurements soon, from precycle to current.

DAY 55-59

new weight: 203lbs

Things have been hard for me the past week, which is why my logs aren't as frequent anymore. Things should be getting back to normal soon (it's nothing concerning the cycle). I decided to pin my right delt again to give a rest to the left delt. My diet hasn't been on point, i tried to keep it as best as i could but due to circumstances i think i only got enough calories to maintain my weight. I will be posting a picture up tonight. Strength still continued to go up though, was happy to be able to flat bench 90lbs dumbells for 2 sets of 6-8! I feel like i need to reach 210lbs or more before the end of the cycle or else i'll fall back into the 190s after PCT!

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DAY 56

Had Biceps and triceps workout. Completely owned them, strength still going up. Diet isn't on point yet, but things finally calmed down and will be able to start out the next week with my diet back on track! People are shocked by how i transformed so quickly, but to my surprise no one has brought up aas yet. Will have to order some more Aromasin since i upped the dose to 18.5mg a couple weeks ago.

DAY 57

Today is a rest day, i found a good before picture in the same angle as my current pictures. This will give a more precise before and after since they're in the same pose. I looked tiny/fat though!

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DAY 58

Pip in the left delt is really high. Even after 1-2 weeks of no injections in it, it seems like it just cant take it anymore. Cycle is almost over so i'll make the injections into that delt rarely. The right delt on the other hand takes it like a champ, with barely any to no pip.
Day 59-64

weight: 204

Diet is back on track as of today, things have finally settled down. I still went hard on all my workouts, but since the diet wasn't on point, i barely gained any weight. Here's the progress pic from Sept 11, which i forgot to post! I forgot to take my Aromasin yesterday and felt a sharp pain on the left nip for a bit for a bit but went away after though. Still got a few more weeks to go, i'll try and aim for 210lbs before my PCT begins! I look bloated in this picture compared to the last week's one, that's what shitty food will do to you i guess. Gotta try and finish this strong.

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DAY 65

Rest day today (PS4 Destiny day), diet is good. I've had no pip, which is weird since i've had swelling 3 times in a row on my left delt and not nothing.

DAY 66

Had back and arms today. My energy was through the roof! Since i've been back on my diet the past 3 days, i feel a huge difference! It's a bit tough eating so much again since i lost the flow, but i'll get used to it.
Sorry for not updating the log! I just had a pin in my left delt. Pinning the delts are fast and easy, barely no more pip. I've been taking 20mg Nolva ED due to being sensitive to gyno. If i stop taking the nolva i get these burst of pain behind the nip. My diet hasn't been as spot on as before but i'm currently at 203lbs at 9.5% bf (according to my caliper).

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I want to thank you for posting your logs during your first cycle Craza. Is very informative for a lot of us who are thinking of doing a cycle. Thank you and best of luck buddy.
I want to thank you for posting your logs during your first cycle Craza. Is very informative for a lot of us who are thinking of doing a cycle. Thank you and best of luck buddy.

Thanks for the comment MagicMo! I was in your shoes before, looking through posts and posts on the proper first cycle and people's progressions.
My cycle is over! Here is my progression:

Went from 197lbs to 203lbs and lost a significant amount of bf! I probably could have done better in the last month, since that's where my diet fell out of place. But i'm happy with my results nonetheless!

Here is my before and after, no flexing or pump as usual:
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Here is a flexing one:
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Thanks For Logging Your first Test E cycle. I'm thinking of possibly stacking Test E, Deca or maybe EQ for my for my first cycle in years. I took six years off.
what an awesome before and after!! another 3js nutrition network success story!! keep up the good work!!
Hey guys, just wanted to give an update on my PCT. (with help from 3J)

Week 1:
The first day of PCT I got the flu, was able to beat it in around 3 days but it made me loose 3lbs, went down to 200lbs. Libido came crashing down, had practically no sex drive. Needed some hands on help from the gf. Moderate amount of acne came on my upper back and shoulder/delt area due to the clomid being at 100mg. My strength is still high. Went down to 198lbs from 200lbs.

Week 2:
Testes are back to their normal size. My libido came back up a bit and I don't need the kick-start from the gf as i did before. Acne is lower than before since the clomid dose is at 50mg now. Strength is still good, my weight went back up to 200lbs.