My first Test E cycle log

Thanks for all the feedback and opinions on the AI!
I decided to start taking 6.25mg ED of Aromasen :) Even if it might be a waste, i look at it like my motorcycle gear, i don't really need it, but if i crash i wish i had it.
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Please stop giving advice, you're going to get someone hurt. You're a few weeks into your first ill-devised cycle and still don't know how to eat to support muscle growth. You really have no business giving advice to anyone, please leave that for those who actually know what they're talking about.

And Craza do not wait for sides to start an AI, Test won't wait to aromatize. You will need an AI, the amount/dose is the only thing you need to determine so start low and build up - there's is no worse feeling than crushed E2, except for perhaps high E2. If you don't use an AI you'll gain 30lbs of water weight like Caleb here.

i second that! craza read this guys recent threads lol he has no say, there is plenty vets on hear that will give you solid advise, keep on posting your updates im interested on hearing how your getting on.
I feel good, had my back and biceps workout today. Decided to pin my other delt, PIP is easily manageable. No signs on any sides and still running my 3500 calorie diet, will be upping calories by 150 every 2 weeks (based on 3J's recommendation). So pretty much upping my carbs until i hit 500, and then upping my fats. Excited to get to week 3/4, where people say that the Test really starts to kick in! But for now, at least I know my diet is good since i'm getting gains. Started the Aromasin today at 6.35mg ED until PCT.

Here's a flexing picture, did it for personal motivation but might as well share it:
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Lol your first pic and then that pic look totally different. I almost asked if you have really been lifting 4!years. After that pic tho looking good
i second that! craza read this guys recent threads lol he has no say, there is plenty vets on hear that will give you solid advise, keep on posting your updates im interested on hearing how your getting on.
Thanks Acaboosy, i'll keep on posting!

Lol your first pic and then that pic look totally different. I almost asked if you have really been lifting 4!years. After that pic tho looking good
Yeh i become very deflated when I wake up lol

Had leg day today, went pretty well, been feeling tired lately though, could be the Aromasin. Other than that I still have no sides from the test!
DAY 10

Had my chest and triceps workout today, had some very nice pumps. Been feeling constantly tired the past couple of days. Anyone else have this side on Test E? I just always want to take a nap (even though i sleep around 8-9hours). Since this started happening when I started the Aromasin, i'm guessing i'm probably crashing my estro. I'll be going on 6.25mg of Aromasin EOD instead of ED to see how i feel. If i keep feeling tired all the time then i'll go in for some blood work.
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Get some bloodwork anyway, why guess. If you get it now then you'll know what your E2 is like when you fell like this, which can be helpful for future cycles in determining your personal symptoms for high/low E2. I personally think when you feel the worst is the best time to get bloodwork - so you know exactly what the issue is rather than guessing.
Manipulate your AI doses a little bit. My first cycle I got away with barely anything because my body was fired up having all that test in me. Try cutting your dose in half ED and if you still feel lethargic split it into EOD doses. Another thing a lot of people don't consider when running a first cycle is, if you are shocking your body with a new diet (usually bulk) at the same time as a first or second cycle, you are gonna feel it 10x more. I jumped into a 10 whole egg breakfast my first cycle with 24oz of meat a day and my cholesterol was so damn high I could hardly stay awake. Your progress is awesome though. Keep it up!
Get some bloodwork anyway, why guess. If you get it now then you'll know what your E2 is like when you fell like this, which can be helpful for future cycles in determining your personal symptoms for high/low E2. I personally think when you feel the worst is the best time to get bloodwork - so you know exactly what the issue is rather than guessing.
Hi MBB, yesterday i inquired for an appointment to get blood work done, but today i'm feeling better. I've been off Aromasin for 2 days, so i'm thinking of getting back on in a day or two, with a lower dose, and if i start feeling lethargic again i'll go and get bloodwork. Thanks for the advice! =)

Manipulate your AI doses a little bit. My first cycle I got away with barely anything because my body was fired up having all that test in me. Try cutting your dose in half ED and if you still feel lethargic split it into EOD doses. Another thing a lot of people don't consider when running a first cycle is, if you are shocking your body with a new diet (usually bulk) at the same time as a first or second cycle, you are gonna feel it 10x more. I jumped into a 10 whole egg breakfast my first cycle with 24oz of meat a day and my cholesterol was so damn high I could hardly stay awake. Your progress is awesome though. Keep it up!
Hi Cblock, unfortunately my Aromasin comes in powdered capsule forms, so i can't really cut it in half (or everything will come out). As you said, this new bulking diet is probably shocking my body as well. In a day or two i'll go back on 6.25mg but EOD instead of ED. (that's a humongous breakfast btw!) Thanks for the advice!
DAY 11

Started my day with a little mess up with pinning my left delt. When i stuck the needle i felt a sharp pain, i must of struck a nerve, so i pulled it back out, changed needled and tried again a bit lower, this time everything went well. I'm surprised I don't currently feel any pip, just a bit of soreness. I had my back and biceps workout today, felt great and also started pushing for more intensiveness during my workouts. I stopped the Aromasin for 2 days now and feel much better. Now that I know the cause of me feeling lethargic, i'll cut down the dose by around half. I was thinking of going on 6.25mg EOD but first i'll try ~3mg ED (eyeballing it, since my Aromasin is in capsule form). If that doesn't work out then it'll be ~3mg EOD (thanks Cblock for suggesting this).
Just keep it safe brother. Sounds like all in all you are playing it properly with your observations and goals. Good luck
Any change in weight as of yet craza?
Yeh i've gained quite a lot of weight so far, my weigh-in will be tomorrow, first thing in the morning after waking up, and i'll also take a picture. I went up by 3lbs in the first week, excited to see the second week's result! I'll update my first post each week to include my weight.

DAY 13

Having a good amount of PIP in my left delt. I like having it though, it reminds me i'm on roids and gives me an extra boost in the gym. I will be upping calories by 150 tomorrow, all will go in carbs since my protein intake is already really high. I've also started the ~3mg of Aromasin today, will keep it up ED and hope i don't crash my estro again. I feel a bit tired but not as much as before when i was on 6.25mg ED. Rest day today.
DAY 14

weight update: 193.4lbs (~15% bodyfat)

I'm pretty happy so far, i went up 3lbs in the first week and 3lbs in the second week! Today I upped my diet by 150 calories, so now at 3650 calories. Had a shoulders, calves and abs workout, went really well. I normally can't do a lot of calves workout since my feet arcs give out, but today i was able to go heavy and for the first time in 4 years my feet arcs weren't in pain! Also, the ~3mg Aromasin ED seems to be working for me. I'll continue the dosage, but 3mg might actually be my baseline when running Test.

I'm a visual guy and made this to see my progression. I'll be updating it once a week, with my new weight and a picture taking right after I wake up, on every Thursday, and with no pump.

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DAY 15

Pinned my right delt today, everything went well, no current pip, no noticeable sides. Rest day today.
Why all the enormous hate for the guy recommending the no A.I route. I'm sure that having posts on a webboard doesn't make you all knowing.

William Llewellyn in Anabolics talks about how important estrogen is in your cycle. If your first cycle, of test only, is to help gauge sides, tolerability and reactions. How are you supposed to do that if you take a high dose of A.I off the get go?

I've always thought that the A.I on your first cycle ED information was a one size fits all, get our grounds covered answer. That way, people poking their heads in to chat boards or the vastly under-educated mass of people who don't research will have their asses covered.

If you understand what to look for from side effects, you have an A.I on hand and have a good base line understanding of your body. I don't see why it would be dangerous, and could actually be less dangerous, at all to not run an A.I off the get go.
Sorry for the incorrect information! I read the wrong info. Other than that keep it up man looking great!

No problem Calebs! That subject is a huge debatable subject. On some posts I read that it's better to wait, and on some others i hear that you have to take it from the beginning. I guess in the end it's just a matter of your personal preference!

DAY 16-17

Weekend rest! My diet wasn't on point in the evening of both days since i went to a wedding and a party. But I still kept it as clean as i could and stayed away from dreaded empty calories (beer). Pip in my right delt was strong, but gotten used to it. Eating so much on rest days makes me paranoid that i'll get fat.