My first testosterone enanthate cycle


New member
I'm 28 have a lean (9%body fat) athletic build weigh 70kg, 170cm tall and want to bulk up. My diet is healthy and I'm eating 4grams of protein for every kilo I weigh daily.

What do you think of this for my first testosterone enanthate cycle?

Weeks 1-10: 500mg test enanthate (monday,thursday) , 20mg nolvadex daily, 0.25mg arimdex daily, 1.25mg fincar daily.

Weeks 11-14: Hcgenerate, 20mg nolvadex daily, 0.25g arimdex daily, 1.25g fincar daily, 50mg clomid daily

Your help, advice, critiscm will all be appreciated as I'm new to this. I've read many different articles and forums and find the PCT the most confusing as there are many different suggestions. Help me please!

Thanks for your time :)
idk why you would need to run nolvadex if you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Just run the adex and save the nolvadex for your post cycle therapy (pct). and why are you running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during your post cycle therapy (pct)????? only thing you need for your post cycle therapy (pct) is nolva and clomid. If your running only test i don think hcg is really needed imo. Hcg is for if you run deca or npp or tren then thats when it is needed and you dont start your post cycle therapy (pct) till 14 days after your last pin. Do you already have your gear???
hCG should never be run during post cycle therapy (pct). It is to be used on cycle only, and discontinued 2 weeks before beginning PCT.