My friend recommend me this cycle Anadrol-50 + Dianabol + Nolvadrex after


New member
This would be my first cycle and i have never done steroids before. Beginning of this year i started lifting and was doing great until summer hit, vacations and partying started and let's just say my lifting stats went down, i got discouraged and haven't been to the gym since june. Me and a friend of mine are starting back up today and we have a good friend who has access to anything you need. He recommended us this cycle 50mg dianabol + 50mg a-50. And after cycle use Nolvadrex to clean up the system. Since my goal is to loose the fat that i've put on over the summer he suggested i also get something called Clen fatburner(in gel form) as well and said it's one of the best you can get. I read a bit online and most seem to say that never mix the two(dbol and abol) but some say it's ok and not different than using 100mg of one. My question is how would this stack workout(also i will be cutting on 1700 cal/day w/low fat/low carb/high protein diet).

So this is what my daily stack going to look like:

50mg a-bol 50
Fish Oil
D-Testosterol TS(got it at GNC a while ago didnt know any better but still have almost full bottle -> this one

Before workout
1 Clen pil

After workout
Dbol 50mg
ON Whey w/creatine monohydrate

am i gonna die if use all this?

Suggestions welcome

also pic of the pills:
Yeah I wouldn't do that. Do yourself a favor and RESEARCH before putting things in your body that you have no idea what they'll do. Dont listen to your friend or friends. RESEARCH. There are stickies about first cycles on here. Check them out
As in height/weight/bf?

6'0" about 240lbs

bf% id same somewhere around 22-24%

Was down to 215 before summer with 14% bf and was looking pretty lean. Also i'm russian if that makes any difference :p

also my friend is more skinny fat

probably about 170-180lbs
bf% around 16-18 i guess. he is skinny with a lsmall belly.
As in height/weight/bf?

6'0" about 240lbs

bf% id same somewhere around 22-24%

Was down to 215 before summer with 14% bf and was looking pretty lean. Also i'm russian if that makes any difference :p

also my friend is more skinny fat

probably about 170-180lbs
bf% around 16-18 i guess. he is skinny with a lsmall belly.

Yeah I would wait on the aas. Get your diet and training on track first before starting ottherwise your results will be minimal at best
Ok well I guess it is time to pay back my dues to steroidology once again for the members who have helped me... here it go's

1. Your friends are iditots and you need to except they have no idea how to run steroids.

2. All steroids should be ran with a testosterone base for health reasons, The body needs synthetic testosterone in the form of Test E, Test P, Or test C as a base for all steroid cycles and that is a un breakable rule. Any one who knows anything will tell you that it is basic stuff.

3. After you are done using steroids you should start PCT usually when injecting a testosterone you will wait 2 to 3 weeks after the last injection for the ester to clear till you start pct.

4. PCT should consist of nolvadex at 40 mgs a day for 2 weeks and than the next 2 weeks 20mgs so all together 4 weeks of nolvadex , also clomid should be used at 100mgs for 2 weeks and then 50mgs for the next 2 weeks... both these compounds should be ran at the same time same days... Pct is to restart your natural testosterone and stop estrogen rebound not to clean the system up whatever that means.

5. all first cycles should be ran with 500mgs of testosterone enenthate a week for the first cycle for 12 weeks at the least and most.

6. Hcg should be administered twice a week at 250 iu dosages for your entire cycle and stopped before pct

7. You need a aromatase inhibitor such as arimadex with should be ran at .25mgs every other day to .50mgs every other day.

8. You should never start a steroid cycle at above 15% body fat and some say 15% is still to high. Side effects such as gyno and high blood pressure are more likely at higher body fats.

10. Do not run a cycle if you are under 24 it will fuck up your ability to produce testosterone for the rest of your life possibly forcing you to inject synthetic testosterone for the rest of your life and cause possible health problems related to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to early in life..

11. These are all basic guide lines of steroid usage.. I do not recommend any one ever take steroids they are illegal and if they are not legal in your country you should not take them... But for entertainment purposes this is what the normal rules are. Again I do not suggest you follow any of this or take steroids I am not a doctor and do not condone anything illegal. I highly recommend you educate your self a lot more.
There now I feel justified asking more questions to the vets... I have done my sacrifice to the steroidology gods :) I hope they are pleased and bless me with many successful cycles ha ha ha ha :love:
Oh and To the original poster if you do run that cycle you named... You are going to gain probably 10 pounds of pure water weight and your blood pressure will shoot up like fucking crazy man... You will look fat as fuck... And get gyno im willing to bet... You should go to the doctors before any cycle and get blood tests done that show testosterone levels, estrogen levels, cholesterol levels, kidney function, liver function, and all that good stuff to. You want to be safe man. The horror stories you hear about steroids are about to come true for you if you do that liver toxic water retenting 1 month of hell you call a cycle... lol trust me man do not listen to those guys... you will go back to them and tell them what I said. And they will call me a idiot but they have no idea they are the idiots.. It is like getting made fun of by a whole bunch of 3rd graders what they say makes sense to them and is funny and they are right in their minds. But it is because they can not comprehend anything some one who is older and has more intelligence has to say...
Ya I do to... but I felt like I wanted him to really read everything tailored to him specifically so he took it to heart. Because a lot of people have helped me on here and I want to return the favor to others. Honestly I feel like there is no such thing as a dumb questions when it comes to compounds that are prescribed by doctors with many years of study dedicated to a single subject. Even fucking up on something simple can be tragic with steroids. Especially with harsh substances like clenbuterol and anadrol.. I don't want to scare people and get into specifics but lets just say you do not want to take to much of either one of those substances on accident or for to long. Clen is more dangerous when it comes to dosages but anadrol combined with other orals and a nigh of drinking and liver functions being compromised through pass medication use or something already could be a perfect storm.... that is why blood tests are so important before any cycle.
Ya I do to... but I felt like I wanted him to really read everything tailored to him specifically so he took it to heart. Because a lot of people have helped me on here and I want to return the favor to others. Honestly I feel like there is no such thing as a dumb questions when it comes to compounds that are prescribed by doctors with many years of study dedicated to a single subject. Even fucking up on something simple can be tragic with steroids. Especially with harsh substances like clenbuterol and anadrol.. I don't want to scare people and get into specifics but lets just say you do not want to take to much of either one of those substances on accident or for to long. Clen is more dangerous when it comes to dosages but anadrol combined with other orals and a nigh of drinking and liver functions being compromised through pass medication use or something already could be a perfect storm.... that is why blood tests are so important before any cycle.

Great advice man. Hopefully he will take it
He will probably mentally trick himself into believing I am wrong and let his friends tell him what do. That will reassure him and make him feel like I am full of shit. The reason he will do this is because he does not want to do the work to get his body fat to low enough digits, He does not want to spend the money to do a cycle right, and also he probably can not get over the stigma that needles are scary and make you a junky... and that pills are harmless... Lol but with that logic I guess all those prescription pain killers that are killing famous movie stars are as safe as skittles and are not just synthetic " H" so to speak. Ever single person should never judge anything by a stereo type or a book by its cover. Everything should be individually researched and find out the positives and negatives. Stigmas and stereo types are for those who are to lazy to do research so they believe whatever they want. I mean all the people who think every black guy has a gun and a kilo in his trunk are the same type of people who thought the earth was flat and not round.
He will probably mentally trick himself into believing I am wrong and let his friends tell him what do. That will reassure him and make him feel like I am full of shit. The reason he will do this is because he does not want to do the work to get his body fat to low enough digits, He does not want to spend the money to do a cycle right, and also he probably can not get over the stigma that needles are scary and make you a junky... and that pills are harmless... Lol but with that logic I guess all those prescription pain killers that are killing famous movie stars are as safe as skittles and are not just synthetic " H" so to speak. Ever single person should never judge anything by a stereo type or a book by its cover. Everything should be individually researched and find out the positives and negatives. Stigmas and stereo types are for those who are to lazy to do research so they believe whatever they want. I mean all the people who think every black guy has a gun and a kilo in his trunk are the same type of people who thought the earth was flat and not round.

When I was in his shoes I just kept searching the internet until I found the response I was looking for. I did winstrol only and it was great until I came off of it. Despite all the threads stating to take with a test base. Messed me up for months. I didnt even know what was going on. How dumb
Lol I did 6 oral only cycles of pro hormones consisting of combing all the worlds strongest designer steroids out there.... My harshest cycle was superdrol,halodrol,tren..... I did tren,dmz, than tren,dmz,equpoise clone, I did 1ad,4ad and tren and a plant sterol, I did tren, dmz and im forgetting the sixth one but I took 6.... lol I wrote that all messy but those are my biggest steroid mistakes written down for all to see. I had horrible horrible pct and life sucked after all of them. Every thing from limp dick to gyno to straight out wanting to shoot myself in the head. Lesson learned use proper pct and have a testosterone base with all cycles.
Oh and To the original poster if you do run that cycle you named... You are going to gain probably 10 pounds of pure water weight and your blood pressure will shoot up like fucking crazy man... You will look fat as fuck... And get gyno im willing to bet... You should go to the doctors before any cycle and get blood tests done that show testosterone levels, estrogen levels, cholesterol levels, kidney function, liver function, and all that good stuff to. You want to be safe man. The horror stories you hear about steroids are about to come true for you if you do that liver toxic water retenting 1 month of hell you call a cycle... lol trust me man do not listen to those guys... you will go back to them and tell them what I said. And they will call me a idiot but they have no idea they are the idiots.. It is like getting made fun of by a whole bunch of 3rd graders what they say makes sense to them and is funny and they are right in their minds. But it is because they can not comprehend anything some one who is older and has more intelligence has to say...

i just had a full physical with blood work done and the doc said i am as healthy as one can be. also i'm 24. There is so much stuff online i don't even know what to believe or who to listen to. You guys seem like you know what you are talking about, so i'll read through stickys. There is also so much crazy terminology though and stuff i don't understand. I'm in college taking 20 credits with a business on a side, so it's hard to find time to extensively research something. After this "cycle" i was planning on switching to HGH(injection) but i don't even know anymore. I already spent $300 on those pills and kind of wanted to use them. I know should have done the research first. This morning i took the a-50 btw.
i just had a full physical with blood work done and the doc said i am as healthy as one can be. also i'm 24. There is so much stuff online i don't even know what to believe or who to listen to. You guys seem like you know what you are talking about, so i'll read through stickys. There is also so much crazy terminology though and stuff i don't understand. I'm in college taking 20 credits with a business on a side, so it's hard to find time to extensively research something. After this "cycle" i was planning on switching to HGH(injection) but i don't even know anymore. I already spent $300 on those pills and kind of wanted to use them. I know should have done the research first. This morning i took the a-50 btw.

You are in a good place for info on a safe cycle. There is quite a bit of info here. Its not to too late to stop the pills. Save them for later, they will only cause you problems now. Read up on the stickys, make time to research or dont do AAS.