My friend recommend me this cycle Anadrol-50 + Dianabol + Nolvadrex after

"Cycle" sucks....sounds like you need to get your diet in check, get back into training like a beast, and up your obviously didnt do your research. And you dont know how many time guys post shit their "friends" told them or gave them....this is YOUR health...
just stop taking the anadrol man you don't need pct or anything just stop taking them... You don't even have a fucking anti estrogen you will get bitch tits aka gyno and it costs 5000 dollars or more to get it cut the fuck out of your chest. Watch a gyno operation online... anadrol is a progesterone related steroid that causes gyno through progesterone and dbol causes gyno through estrogen. You are working on getting gyno from to different directions.

Lol mark my words man if you continue this cycle you will be sorry and even though you have a busy schedule you will find time out of necessity to try to cure your self and you will quickly realize you fucked up bad........ anyways I have helped you all I can PEACE
Lol others need to chime in on this... we need to fight this with mass amounts of posts from different members ha ha ha ha.... im loosing the battle against two of the most toxic gyno causing steroids in existence.
Damn so I guess I'm out 300 bucks? What about clen? I know how to clean my diet and have a solid workout plan. I've done it before just wanted to "speed things up". Honestly I felt weird all day after I took the adrol. Also my lifting stats aren't that bad still. I'm know what gyno is and already kind of have(puffy nipples) they went down a little though when I started lifting. So as far as I understand I need to get injectable test? In order to prevent gyno. I'm not really trying to get huge just wanna be cut that's all. If dbol and drol are so bad for gyno how come so many people take? Also did some research and many said they used smaller doses of drol and dbol combined but had test to inject. I don't mind injecting just gotta make sure it's the right stuff. My bad if I'm being a pain in the ass and I appreciate all the input.
Damn so I guess I'm out 300 bucks? What about clen? I know how to clean my diet and have a solid workout plan. I've done it before just wanted to "speed things up". Honestly I felt weird all day after I took the adrol. Also my lifting stats aren't that bad still. I'm know what gyno is and already kind of have(puffy nipples) they went down a little though when I started lifting. So as far as I understand I need to get injectable test? In order to prevent gyno. I'm not really trying to get huge just wanna be cut that's all. If dbol and drol are so bad for gyno how come so many people take? Also did some research and many said they used smaller doses of drol and dbol combined but had test to inject. I don't mind injecting just gotta make sure it's the right stuff. My bad if I'm being a pain in the ass and I appreciate all the input.

No you are not of $300, just hold onto them. If you want to burn fat and have diet in check then clen may be good for you. You def need to research it first because it is not a joke. Read some logs where others have used clen and shared their results. Bottom line is, you need to research whatever you plan to take before you take it. Make sure that you have your back up plan if something flares up, you need to know what to do and what to have on hand. You dont want to be up shit creek without a padddle.
Damn so I guess I'm out 300 bucks? What about clen? I know how to clean my diet and have a solid workout plan. I've done it before just wanted to "speed things up". Honestly I felt weird all day after I took the adrol. Also my lifting stats aren't that bad still. I'm know what gyno is and already kind of have(puffy nipples) they went down a little though when I started lifting. So as far as I understand I need to get injectable test? In order to prevent gyno. I'm not really trying to get huge just wanna be cut that's all. If dbol and drol are so bad for gyno how come so many people take? Also did some research and many said they used smaller doses of drol and dbol combined but had test to inject. I don't mind injecting just gotta make sure it's the right stuff. My bad if I'm being a pain in the ass and I appreciate all the input.

No you are not, let me explain how this works, some other moron was talked into running the same cycle as you and they bought the gear, then they learned that the cycle would fuuck them up if they ran it so they sold it to you. All you need to do is find another sucker in the gym and convince them that you know what you are talking about and sell the ger to them, tax it a little and sell for $320. Then they will come to this site and put up a thread just like yours and the vicious cycle will continue over and over.
Lol your not out any money man... just get your body fat down to a good level with out clen in my opinion. get down to at the very least 15% and get some testosterone vials and run testosterone at 500mgs plus the other things that you need. You are ahead of the game man. It sounds like you don't have fake stuff you didn't get ripped off and you didn't do this cycle. Smile be happy and realize you have a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow when you get down to 15 % body fat or lower. we all gave you good advice now leave the nest and flap your wings and go loose some weight and start your cycle :)