My GF and Clen??


New member
Well my Gf and I started Clen last Friday. So this is day 4. I am on about 100+mcg today and she is taking about 60mcg today.
I am not jittery at all yet, but she is really jittery. She has already taken 2000mg of Taurine and 99mg of Potassium. Does she just keep taking the Taurine if the jitters are still there? How much Taurine is too much. I know it is an amino acid, so i am thinking that it would be ok to take a lot, but thought I would ask.

Is there anything else she can take for the shaking?
I would, it has a lot of cardioprotective benefits. Experience and body weight probably have a lot to due with jitty feeling.

I don't think you can get hurt by taurine unless you get hit over the head with a bag of it.
Hey there crazyMike!!!

Well I would'nt get carried away with the Taurine, maybe you can tell your girl to lower the dose and sometimes you can't do anything about the jittery. Clen is some strong shit. Good luck
Yeah she says it is starting to subside. So I think she just had to get used to it. I am up to 120+ and still nothing. I might try a little higher....
Hey bro I got up to 140mcg and then that's when I felt it the most but you are a bigger boy then me he he, someday I will catch you. how are things bro?