My girlfriends past really hurts me, help?

great advice as usual brother (halfwit)

thank you so much

Just stick with it brother, you'll come out on top. Just remember every time you feel in a dark place - head to the gym. Use that angst and anger to your advantage. It will keep you out of trouble and even help you make gains from it. ;) Best of luck my friend. :)
Funny wonder how you can love her so much and other people just use her and if she allows that, she must be a slut.

Here is the good news: date her for a while and you won't care. You will learn to hate and resent her for many other reasons--other than being a slut. Jk...kinda.

It's just the new girl blues. As you get older, everyone has a past. She will eventually be yours--unless you are foolish enough to get married that young. By the time you get into your 30's if you aren't in the high teens or low twenties (sexual partners), you look like a damn prude.

As I see it you have two problems...very small problems albeit, but here goes:

1) you ask the big 3--Am I the best? Am I the biggest? How many partners? The answer to those questions either suck, or they are a lie. Assume that.

2) you let some chump come up to your girl at a party and ask if she missed another guy. Interrupt that conversation and introduce yourself. I am not saying fight, but show that there is a sentinel at the wall standing guard if Allan gets the balls to do his own bidding. Hell, your girl will respect you more, and you won't appear weak. Plus, you don't have to kick yourself for the entire car ride home. I would rather have someone else kick my ass than for me to do it for them...against them, you always have a puncher's chance.
Sadpanda lol did you come up with that name after u met her ? I can tell you from experience that people don't change and what I mean by that is tendencies. Now I'm not saying your girl is going to cheat on you but personally I would never wife up a chick that has slept with a lot of different men. It's gross. I'm sorry bro just my 2 pennies
Its a difficult dilemma ether way, I feel for you.
I akways made it a priority to hit it n forget if I knew or suspected the girl had a past. I'd say that made me the bad guy in most cases.
The one time I knew and didn't it burned me but she was a lying bitch. She knew my head was all jacked up from my divorce. So yeah, one should always use some caution where the heart is involved.
Yeah, it's hard to get your head unwrapped around it. The knowing now is better then latter. I think I would have blasted that guy if he had pulled that shit it in front of me. Again not the right answer but the to quick to react stupidly.
People can and do change. But they also lie too. Its better to know now then after you put a ring on her finger n learn that shit! My ex hid her past, her parents knew she was a raving lying lunatic and I am sure they knew she was a cheating hoe ( something I have never done) as well. They all put on an act so she could trap a man n try the break him, just like her mama taught her. It really sucked ass finding out all that shit afterward.
I knew someone that not only dated, but knocked up n later married a girl who not only did but bragged about having a train run on her by an entire footbal team!! I'd have a big hell no for that situation. I told em very loudly hell no are ya stupid!!! They have been happily married for a while now too. Ive been impressed to say the least. They have lasted n done a lot better then my first disaster.
In the same regard in the military we had a lot of barrack rats that were quick to get trains going along with all sorts of crazy stuff being done to Them. I really felt bad for the poor girls but dady had done a number on them and they were destined to repeat the negativity.
We would always get some naive, non common sense type E1 dress out of boot would propose to these gals sometimes right after they had sex with 20 plus guys. They always ended in disaster too. Sometimes I honestly beleive the girls tired but nothing like a buddy fucker knowingly taking advantage of a situation in a moment of weekness, drunkness, hubby being deployed or whatever the situation versus doing the right thing since they were horney and knew she was always easy. If she's changed I doubt you will have those situations to worry about.
A lot of guys always try n get lots of conquests so does it make us any better. Then of corse we want the virgin bride.
My advice is if your happy. Enjoy it! Take your time, be cautious and keep both eyes wide open. Anyone talking shit is probably Jealous she didn't choose them or trying to cause her grief with you. Remeber she's with you for a reason. I imagine those situations have to be hard for her too. Talk it over with her too. Just choose your words wisely so it doesn't do more harm then good.
I made a lot of stupid decisions because I always reacted quickly and harshly so like I said thinking things thorough regardless of what you do so you don't have regrets latter.
I wish you the best of luck in and hope it turns out well for you.
in my culture a girls reputation is EVERYTHING... i am more lenient then the average for my culture but if a girl had been sleeping around alot like that i wouldn't be cool with it...

and i do mean im lenient.. my wife was a lesbian when i met her.. lol.. but she had only been with one guy before me.. and had a few girlfriends..

point of story.. everyone has their own line of tolerance.. has yours been passed?? if so move on and find someone you are comfortable with
Ignore everyone else. Know what you want and go get it. If you like this girl then stay with her. Simple as that.