My New Cycle TeST&EQUI


New member
Hi guys this is my second cycle well my first one was more our less 3 years ago im 25 now , did a cycle of sustenon and deca 250mg each every week went from 70kg - 83kg , and after the cycle i retained 10kg , hum need to find the metrics lol sorry for not being in pounds anyway im starting my new cycle today! lol already did the bloodworks in the morning ahah xD

2)My stats
25 anos , 1,73 , 82kg
3) BF - 12%

shots 2 ml monday morning and thursday night our maybe friday morning..
1-10 500 mg/week test enath
1-10 500 mg/week equi
i have hcg in hand dunno if i should started it right now as i only have in 500uis and its kinda hard to divided and to keep this simple maybe i started next monday and do 500uis monday and friday?
i couldnt get exesmastane pretty hard to get here where i live :| , i have letrozole i was thinking in taking it 0,6 every 3-4 day ? i will how i will feel starting on second week with

Clomafene Citrate 50mg everyday for 4 weeks
Tamoxifen citrate 40mg every day 2 weeks followed by 20mg everyday for 2 weeks

well im open to sujections today did my first pin I COULD NOT GET 23G I DId WITH A 21G LOOOOOOOOOOOL XD
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thats the corrent notion now a days that EQ should be run et least 16 weeks but wtf isnt that a big ass cycle? its like a 20 weeks cycle LOL its the double off a "normal" beginner cycle ...:|
thats the corrent notion now a days that EQ should be run et least 16 weeks but wtf isnt that a big ass cycle? its like a 20 weeks cycle LOL its the double off a "normal" beginner cycle ...:|

Not many people touch EQ for beginnner cycles though mate.

Most people would do:
1/ Test E
2/ Test E + Dbol kickstart
3/ Test E + Deca + Dbol kick start
then mix shit up after 3-4 cycles with test p/e/c, var, eq, mast, npp etc
ye but now im already with it xD , my first cycle was sustenon and deca anyway lol nothing bad happened it was et 250\ each week
in this case, run the EQ for 14-16 weeks and the test for 2 weeks more. Run PCT 3 weeks after your last Test injection. Do your own PCT calculator though as it may be slightly longer than 3 weeks due to EQs longer ester. Doing a forum search will find you a PCT calculator on this site.
thanks already did that in the start btw can i use hcg in the same syringe and just changing the needle? i wanted to use 10x hcg et 150 each day our so can i do that ? our for each injection new syringe too?
just inject HCG 2x per week, can be loaded in with your test/eq. Always use a new needle/syringe when it's been used before. They're too cheap to risk infection by re-using
It shouldn't matter about the pct with the EQ, just for the test because EQ doesn't shut you down or anything like that. Maybe Ripped, Megatron, Halfwit or someone else could chime in
back first week done ! , i tried the ventral glute but didn't had a mirror et the time i pinned my self in somewhere else dont even know where lol , i think ill just stick it in the glutes for a while i cant find the 23\25G in here pharms just have the 21G -.-'

I did the HCG shot but is really necessary? kinda think its prolly better just to use hcg after 4-5 weeks and with an AI , as the only AI i have is letro , ill just run it further in my cycle when i feel the need , i will do another blood test in 6 weeks if my e2 is high then i will use AI , our if i feel sore\itchy niples , im kinda afraid of crashing my e2 levels and of using hcg that enchant alot on the e2

what you guys think? ye hope more people join to help in this cycle xD
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ye ordered online 23\25G 100 each , 23 for glutes and 25 for delts , plus 100 syringes was so cheap -.- bought like 10xsyringe in the pharm was the same price as 100 plus 100 plus 100 LOL
It shouldn't matter about the pct with the EQ, just for the test because EQ doesn't shut you down or anything like that. Maybe Ripped, Megatron, Halfwit or someone else could chime in

What are u talking about? Everything shuts you down!
Yea that's my bad should have read the profile instead of going on what I heard... Sorry Onk and op. I was told it was the only one that didnt break down but that's also why I asked the other day
well ill have the g23 and g25 for everything eheh , ill just use the g23 to glutes and withdrawl from flasks , other then that all g25 , and i will use g23 for the ventrogluteal too it looks like it needs a bigger needle for that 2 spots i think ;o , well im doing just 1 dose of hcg in the first 2 weeks like just 250 uis per shot per week is that too low? looks kinda exagerated to do from the beginning 2x 250 uis , maybe more towards middle cycle no? im kinda suspectivel towards estrogene and i controling it with blood samples plus knowing my body wanted to use the miniun of letrozole i kinda feel less meds less problems :x
The golden rule seems to be 2x a week just keep your e2 in check not with just how you feel but with bloods to