My next blast - tren recomp


I am banned!
Gonna be my first run with tren. Here's what I was thinking:

125mg test-U once a week
50mg tren A ED for 3 weeks.
500mg mast E a week.

Once the 3 weeks has passed, I will inject 400mg of tren E in one injection on the Monday of the 4th week. I will then inject 300mg on Thursday of that same week. Then I will inject 200mg E3D.
I'm doing this because I really hate pinning ED. 400mg of tren E is equivelant to 350mg tren A (the ester weighs more) so it should be the same. I have never used Tren before, so the purpose of using ace at the start is to gauge any possible side effects.

Here's what the levels look like based off my current plan:
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So as you can see, there's no particular huge changes in blood levels. Was gonna run this for 10 weeks. What do you guys think? It's gonna be weird not using an A.I haha.
50 mg tren a is the smartest thing you ve typed but I been out. It s a good way to see how u tolerate it.

High then low or low to high doses went out with high top s but they are coming back so...keep us posted.
I'd pin tren a EOD then instead of going back and forth
. Is test u your trt dose? For short cycle, I'd use all short ester