My next bulking cycle test+ bold + deca


New member

This is my next Blast (been on BC since start of 2014).. Just finished a cutting blast (15 days ago)
Reason why im not cruising longer between blasts is cuz i need to prepare myself for a competition in march and i still need to bulk and cut..

I just came out of a KETO diet.. The main reason for cruising between cycles is to break homeostasis in order to be able to have results in the next blast
Since my diet has changed A LOT along with my training and all the drugs and dosages are different i believe this is enough to break homeostasis and allow me to gain enough..

I know the cruising is also for the body to recover but my last cycle wasnt very harsh and was only 6 weeks long..
Anyways this is what im taking:

1-10 Test Cyp 160mg/0.8cc EOD - 560 mg/week
1-12 Boldenone 160mg/0.8cc EOD - 560 mg/week
1-12 Deca 140mg/0.7cc EOD ------- 490 mg/week
6-10 Oxymetholone (Anadrol) (first time) so starting at 50 mg ED and will increase up to 100 or 150mg/day

Decided to do this weird cycle (boldenone + deca) cuz i rarely see people taking both together cuz they say the drugs are too similar.. Well i like to test stuff on myself and we'll see how my gains come with this.. From my point of view it should be great, both give good strength and gains (both to muscle and to ligaments and tendons), great to avoid injuries with hard and heavy training

0.5mg Anastrozole ED to avoid too much bloat
Very clean diet to keep my bodyfat low and get dry/solid gains
Wil be weighting every meal and upping carbs/calories as needed

Total 2.3cc per shot.. i dont like shooting more than 2.5 since im using 8 injection sites
If anyone is curious this is how i alternate my shots:

left mid quad
left ventroglute
left upper quad
left glute
right mid quad
right ventroglute
right upper quad
right glute

Im 22
178 cm or 5"10 i think
88 kg or 194 pounds
Bf %?? under 10% for sure

Here are some recent pics (all from end of august)

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Not a huge fan of eq but some guys love it. My opinion throw in a dbol kicker wk 1-4 and drop the eq for some deca 300/400 mg since you don't wanna run tren.
Not a huge fan of eq but some guys love it. My opinion throw in a dbol kicker wk 1-4 and drop the eq for some deca 300/400 mg since you don't wanna run tren.

Im running deca along with deca
Usually Eq is faked and thats why lots of people dont like but i have a good source

Using oral at the end of the cycle is a lot better Imo

If u kickstart ur body will get used with that amount of steroids in ur blood and once u drop the oral u will stop gaining as much if any at all.. Its best to use at the end after ur body is used to that amount of steroids and ur gains have slowed down..

Im using oxymetholone cuz its similar to dianabol and i have prescriptions for oxy so im getting pharm grade oxy > under dianabol

I have used test with deca before at those dosages i want to gain more

Anyway thanks for ur input
Hi everyone i just finished my first cutting cycle (think its my 5th cycle) of
100 mg EOD test prop
100 mg EOD tren ace

No sides except the 3 tren cough episodes, last one i literally thought i was going to die lol

Cycle lasted 6 weeks and Keto diet for 8 weeks
Still have some fat on my back and my abs skin is still kinda thick imo

Either way i think im lean enough for 8 weeks of diet and believe im ready for a bulk cycle in a few months

I dont want to use tren again because i dont want my body to get used to any compound so i like to alternate drugs between cycles, this time
Im thinking about something kinda different

I wont run longer than 10-12 weeks for bulking cycle no matter what drug so please dont comment on that, i want opnions on the stack (boldenone and deca together) and dosages

1-12 Test Enant 100 mg EOD - 350 mg/week
1-12 Boldenone 160 mg EOD - 560 mg/week
1-12 Deca 140 mg EOD ------- 490 mg/week
8-12 Oxymetholone (first time) so starting at 50 mg ED and will increase

Blood pressure will be taken everyday
Test is just enough to keep my libido ok and reason for using EOD is to keep blood levels as stable as possible (less sides and more results) and to inject less on each shot (will be 2cc EOD)

Will be using anastrozole starting 0.5 mg EOD and maybe use ED depending..
Dont have an issue with prolactin
Im 22
178 cm or 5"10 i think
88 kg or 194 pounds

What do you think about this stack? Havent heard about many people using boldenone along with deca

Oxymetholone makes you less hungry and Boldenone more so it is good right?
I was thinkin if maybe test dosage could be too low?

Give me opnions thanks

Here are some recent pics (all from end of august)
I have good legs just no pics yet cuz they atr hairy atm lol


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looking good bro, but if I may I would recommend a longer run on the boldenone. more effective at 15-16 weeks. those are the best weeks as can't believe you think your ab skin is too thick, shit man, lots of guys on here wish theirs were in that shape. :) good luck with the cycle.
looking good bro, but if I may I would recommend a longer run on the boldenone. more effective at 15-16 weeks. those are the best weeks as can't believe you think your ab skin is too thick, shit man, lots of guys on here wish theirs were in that shape. :) good luck with the cycle.

thanks for the compliment bro
Well i do think im in good shape but my abs dont have the "legging pants skin" u know? its not like my biceps skin for example and my back is even thicker

I wish i could do 16 weeks but 12 weeks will have to do for since i plan on getting on stage in march or april and i still gotta run 1 bulk and 1 cutting cycle and the cutting cycle has to be the longer one :/
I think i will get reasonable gains from 12 weeks with this stack especially with oxy in the last 4 weeks

What is ur opnion on running deca + boldenone in the same cycle? i havent seen many people do it but the ones who did say it is great
At first i thought of running higher dosages u know like

600 mg test/week
800 mg boldenone/week

But then i thought that after a certain dosage of a certain drug our body just cant make good use of it so it would be a waste..
I cant be sure but i think that its best to use more drugs with lower dosages of each than fewer drugs and higher dosages, what do you think?
whats your reasoning for running deca and boldenone??

Cuz i have used both alone with test and i like to test stuff on myself.. also cuz of what both drugs have to offer

- Easy on the hair
- Helps with tendons and ligaments (less injuries)
- Hunger (good to bulk)
- Vascularity, Density and dry/solid gains
- No side effects for me

- Easy on the hair, in fact it helps to stop hair loss when used with test
- Helps with tendons and ligaments (less injuries)
- Good strength gains
- No side effects for me

Bad side of deca:

- Bloat
- High blood pressure

Also i can get both easily, at a reasonable price and with quality/legit

But either way 3J, as u say urself on ur signature, its mainly diet.. all bodybuilding drugs have similarish effects/results
I like to test lots of stuff in order to know my body, know that works and what doesnt, know what i can tell others to take cuz since there is no scientific experiments on drugs unless i test myself i will never know :/ hahahah
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