My next cycle. Test, EQ, Masteron, Anavar

So yeh... Waiting 5 weeks won't happen lol...
Couldn't stop thinking about the stack all day in the gym today...
I'll probably hold out until I get the labtest kits...
My winstrol pills are super yellow though, is that common?

I also clocked in 3 hours and 16 minutes at the gym, including warmup and stretch, insane arms today.
I have "too much" testerone and I can't decide what I should save...
Test E or Test Prop, any suggestions?
I'm thinking to save one vial test e to have as an emergency TRT tool/option or whatever.
How bad would it be to take miniscule amounts of amphetamine?
We're talking maybe like 0.01grams per day or smt silly low. Not to get high, just to get energy á la extreme coffee lol.

Idea would be super energy, extra fat loss and shed some water retention. And just imagine the pump and well, gambling on heart attacks and strokes lol...
So i would love some input here bro's

I have lots of testo, decent with masteron and enough winny/anavar for 50 days @ 40mg. Also have 10/10mg of cjc-1295 dac and ghrp6. I also have about 2400mg of proviron.
How would you run this and why?

At first I thought I'll run them all together but maybe that's excessive and I should space the compounds out over the whole testo time frame but then I lose synergistic effects :(
Now for obvious reasons I just want to dive right into everything but decided i'm gonna run 5 more weeks at 500mg per week (100mg increase). Making it test e for exactly 13 weeks.
I also missed 1.5 shots while waiting for the source to deliver to my city (online is so much more convenient then meeting half gangsters lol...)

Then i will finish up 7 weeks with masteron, winny, anavar and maybe proviron but might wanna save that for PCT. For a total of 20 week cycle... Long for sure but not unheard off.
Also trying to decide if I should run my cjc/ghrp6 for those same 7 weeks OR wait and run it for whole of my PCT instead. Any opinions or thoughts here?

Could i please get some veteran input here on how to plan the rest of my cycle out, tank? JP? Anon? Milton? Casanova? Late?
I have 5000mg test e, 2000mg test prop, 2000mg mast prop, 2000mg winny, 2000mg ananvar, 2000mg proviron. 10/10mg cjc dac / ghrp6. 20k iu HCG.
I'm on week 9 of 400mg test e only, did first shot of 250mg yesterday. Goal is still cutting but obviously want to increase size too, hence why I was thinking to run another 5 weeks of only test e. But no idea how to approach this sensibly.

Thanks bro's :)
Also gonna try a bit different diet the following month.
For breakfast, I'll keep doing my oatmeal shakes (only way I can get the oats down) but instead of adding whey protein...
I'ma do 3 whole eggs, 3 whites only, about 50-75 grams fresh spinach, cook the spinach down a bit with some butter, then make a really creamy scrambled eggs and cool it down with tiny amount of heavy cream, some frozen chives and the spinach of course (drained a bit to remove most of the butter)
I'll only eat 2 more meals besides that, one chicken, one red meat.

I'll eat a handful of fruit and nuts together with a small protein shake as my preworkout.
After workout i'll take a large protein shake and depending on day/mood, i'll have some more nuts, maybe some white bread, vitago carbs or whatever I feel like.

I'm tired of this eating on a military regime and just want some normal back into my life and diet and this I think is a good approach thats easily executed.
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Also gonna try a bit different diet the following month.
For breakfast, I'll keep doing my oatmeal shakes (only way I can get the oats down) but instead of adding whey protein...
I'ma do 3 whole eggs, 3 whites only, about 50-75 grams fresh spinach, cook the spinach down a bit with some butter, then make a really creamy scrambled eggs and cool it down with tiny amount of heavy cream, some frozen chives and the spinach of course (drained a bit to remove most of the butter)
I'll only eat 2 more meals besides that, one chicken, one red meat.

I'll eat a handful of fruit and nuts together with a small protein shake as my preworkout.
After workout i'll take a large protein shake and depending on day/mood, i'll have some more nuts, maybe some white bread, vitago carbs or whatever I feel like.

I'm tired of this eating on a military regime and just want some normal back into my life and diet and this I think is a good approach thats easily executed.

hey, wheres a vet when you need one? Wheres Teutonic?
I have winstrol pills from two different labs and their both yellow so I***8217;m assuming yellow must be common for winny lol

So yeh... Waiting 5 weeks won't happen lol...
Couldn't stop thinking about the stack all day in the gym today...
I'll probably hold out until I get the labtest kits...
My winstrol pills are super yellow though, is that common?

I also clocked in 3 hours and 16 minutes at the gym, including warmup and stretch, insane arms today.
I***8217;ve never used proviron I***8217;m interested to hear from someone first hand about how horny it really makes someone?

So i would love some input here bro's

I have lots of testo, decent with masteron and enough winny/anavar for 50 days @ 40mg. Also have 10/10mg of cjc-1295 dac and ghrp6. I also have about 2400mg of proviron.
How would you run this and why?

At first I thought I'll run them all together but maybe that's excessive and I should space the compounds out over the whole testo time frame but then I lose synergistic effects :(
I***8217;ve never used proviron I***8217;m interested to hear from someone first hand about how horny it really makes someone?

Off cycle it does wonders for my libido and probably most people.
Now on cycle? Don't really notice it at all.
And for what it does, i'd say both anavar and masteron is far better at it, its somewhat redundant. I bought it for PCT but also had about 400mg left over from another brand. So been eating 3 pills per week just for the sake of it, i'll probably run 20mg per day when i start winny/var just because why not? :P
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I have winstrol pills from two different labs and their both yellow so I***8217;m assuming yellow must be common for winny lol

Thats awesome to hear, makes me believe the product is legit. I'll probably save the labmax tests and only check the anavar.
They weren't expensive but hard to get and could only order 3 (same one work for both anavar and winstrol, test color will just be different)
Don't have much to report, everything is going just according to plan.
Diet should be better but for cutting purposes i'm allowing it, makes it bit easier to deal with the fact i'll be on for 5 months straight with the last 8 weeks being the extremest part in all aspects. Thinking going all in with all AAS and stacking it with the peptides and see what happens.
My girl and I discussed my use today, she's saying i'm getting to hard and it was nicer to cuddle when we meet and also she's concerned with me getting to big, we both hate the bodybuilding look lol... She's also afraid about the long term consequences but told her jokingly i'll just have to be on cycle rest of my life and briefly explained the TRT concept. She wasn't thrilled but didn't seem to care much either.
So my adex will be gone in about 2 weeks and i'll switch over to aromasin but i'm trying to decide if I should start asin directly or if I should wait ~1 week to let adex bleed out of my system.
I think the former makes more sense, so it can catch any potential rebound effect from the adex.

Any opinions?
I sorta forgot the word reship and that it was included...
So now I also have 2x 10ml vials of injectable winstrol.
At 40mg per day, that 25 days, which is only half of my 50 days off winny/var/masteron.

So... I will still need to eat both oral and injectable...or, i could technically save the injectable and only eat the orals.
I could also extend it but not sure I wanna be on winny for 9-10 week straight, of course I could increase dose but not sure I want that either, 40/40mg seems like a decent start... My liver sure as hell won't want that...

Any suggestions or ideas what to do here?,
Been thinking about my whole approach and I think i'll start running cjc/ghrp6 this week and have it come 2 weeks into winstrol/winny/anavar start.
Should lean up a little and increase the benefits of the coming finish stack, plus I need the hunger so badly, that's the main reason.
Haven't had any real appetite for the past 2 weeks...