my pics after 1 cycle enanthate+ proprionat


chuck norris

could you rate my body fat (%) i ll put my pics tonight ... thanks
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Hey Chuck you have any before pictures that you can show us so we can compliment you on your gains? Your abbs are the best part of your body, BUT...ANYONE that is as skinny as you are...has abbs like that. Its called Skinny people abbs. LOL. I mean, you obviously have a thin frame and are naturally lean, but Im curious is to what you looked like before your cycle. I hope you post up a picture of a skeleton, otherwise I wont be too impressed. Not to be a dick or anything.
stats? what did the cycle look like?

BF I'd say 10%. you're gonna hear shit from people because your pictures look like someone pre cycle and even if that were the case people would say that person in the pics is not ready for a cycle.

what's your post cycle therapy (pct)? what's your diet look like?
I have to agree with the majority on this one. Need to see some stats. Don't worry bro, I was in your shoes when I started. If you're tall, I can understand too how difficult that is because your work doesnt pay off as easily as shorter guys.

Height, weight, all stats and before photos
fuck that ........ i ll put new pics in a month and you will shut the fuck up .........................................!!!!!!!
chuck norris said:
fuck that ........ i ll put new pics in a month and you will shut the fuck up .........................................!!!!!!!

be nice he is sensitive
drop the e-ego dude, you'll actually learn things that way. your diet and/or training is off, it's obvious. take advantage of the wealth of knowledge and information here. you simply were not ready for a cycle, that's all. now chalk it up to experience and move on.

what's your post cycle therapy (pct) look like?
i dont want your opinions no more i dont need your ideas i had enough ........... i had a gain of 15 lbs on that i think i fucked-up my cycle 1 cc proprio on monday and 1 cc enanthate friday ........ i think this is not enough ............................
chuck norris said:
i dont want your opinions no more i dont need your ideas i had enough ........... i had a gain of 15 lbs on that i think i fucked-up my cycle 1 cc proprio on monday and 1 cc enanthate friday ........ i think this is not enough ............................

then why post?????????? :flipoffha
chuck norris said:
i had a gain of 15 lbs on that i think i fucked-up my cycle 1 cc proprio on monday and 1 cc enanthate friday ........ i think this is not enough ............................

that's right bro. I don't know what your age, diet or training was but you needed more gear. nothing under 3 grams and don't you forget that.
Wow fuck ... and I really sugar coated the shit out of that.

mppm said:
drop the e-ego dude, you'll actually learn things that way. your diet and/or training is off, it's obvious. take advantage of the wealth of knowledge and information here. you simply were not ready for a cycle, that's all. now chalk it up to experience and move on.

This quote is dead on. Quit being a whiney little bitch and take constructive critism. My first cycle was a learnign experience also.