My Pics pre cycle

More squats and deads.

More wheel work, your upper is golden.

Enjoy that Sustanon (sust), I really respond well to Sustanon (sust), one of my favs.

Good luck! Cycle looks good sans a tad low on the dosage IMO, i like 600-750 EW.
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More squats and deads.

More wheel work, your upper is golden.

Enjoy that Sustanon (sust), I really respond well to Sustanon (sust), one of my favs.

Good luck! Cycle looks good sans a tad low on the dosage IMO, i like 600-750 EW.

got a couple questions... should i start working them (wheels) twice a week and also... im having trouble building my calves without making the muscle on the front side of my shin growing.. seems like it gets worked more and is grows faster... any ideas?
Calves are partially genetic, but.

I would try 2-3 times a week, high volume(reps of 30,40,50) sets with static holds on the negative.

also for calves we use a glute machine, leg press, etc.

On squats I got the most growth from controlling the eccentric portion and tempo of the ROM as well as static holds at various depths.

If you do enough squats and deads (done properly) your lower will grow, calves in included..
it has been exactly 3 weeks since my first pin. Here is the only pic I have thus far. My strength is up a bit. I have gained 4-5lbs so far as well. In case u missed it, im running Zs Sustanon (sust) 250at 500mgs a week. And dosing aromasin 12.5mgs ed. I have lost about an inch in my waist as well. Havent measured but my 33" pants are very loose.
it has been exactly 3 weeks since my first pin. Here is the only pic I have thus far. My strength is up a bit. I have gained 4-5lbs so far as well. In case u missed it, im running Zs Sustanon (sust) 250at 500mgs a week. And dosing aromasin 12.5mgs ed. I have lost about an inch in my waist as well. Havent measured but my 33" pants are very loose.

Hey matt, what's your diet like?

Looking good homo.
Hey matt, what's your diet like?

Looking good homo.

400g carbs 300g protein 100g fat

lots of brown rice, chicken and turkey sandwiches lol... in all honesty, i prob should have got my diet in check before i started but its summer time lol

just to gauge strength gains... my 1 rep max on bench was 275 precycle... today after about 3.5 weeks since first pin my last set on bench was 6 reps of 265...

for legs... i used to start with 225 and work my way up to 315... i still start at 225 but my last set is now 405 at 5 reps... i will get a pic of wheels soon!
show me them wheels.

no homo, lol

more squats and deads, deep and slow.

ok so my legs were undersized but now that they are growing its so awesome... would working them twice a week be too much... all the bros been tellin me that while on aas its best to keep it once a week... i want you opinion tho
It's now been a day past four weeks and I'm up a total of 10 pounds and strength is through the roof. I have been taking a little over 12.5 mg of aromasin Ed. I'm wondering how much water I'm holding and if I should up the dose. At this rate I could easily gain 25 lbs minimum. Kinda scary lol!
yes you can work ur legs twice a week just make sure u put at least 4 days in between to allow them to rest. odviously you will have weeks where u only work them once but that's all you can really do to focus on them but not over work them. and yeah its your first cycle you could put on alot of weight, but don't worry u wont keep it all so just get big and enjoy.
It's now been a day past four weeks and I'm up a total of 10 pounds and strength is through the roof. I have been taking a little over 12.5 mg of aromasin Ed. I'm wondering how much water I'm holding and if I should up the dose. At this rate I could easily gain 25 lbs minimum. Kinda scary lol!

Get some new pics up dude!
It has been seven week since first pin. Will post pics sometime this week, gettin a new iphone, but im now up to 195lbs.. and strength is steadily rising... especially since i increased my caloric intake recently
It has been seven week since first pin. Will post pics sometime this week, gettin a new iphone, but im now up to 195lbs.. and strength is steadily rising... especially since i increased my caloric intake recently

nice work bro - how much did you bump your intake by?