My Prohormone Cycle


New member
Hey guys. Starting my PH cycle soon, and wanted some advice from those of you a little more experienced and well researched than me. The PH i'm taking is called Razordrol, it contains 15mg Epi and 50mg Tren . For on cycle , I was planning on taking N2Guard and Saw Palmetto with it to make sure all my organs stay healthy including my prostate. I am taking two pills a day of the Razor, once in the morning once after workout . For PCT I was planning on taking Testosterone Conversion Factor-1. The Razordrol came with this PCT , "A-Test " by ANS but it contains androstatriene dione, which is great for lowering Estrogen and promoting Testosterone production, but is said to interfere with natural testosterone production and should not be used as a PCT . SO, I need some help guys. Should I take the A-Test while on my cycle , or take it as a PCT . And if I am missing anything for PCT or supplements to keep me healthy while on cycle please tell me. Thank you VERY much I appreciate all responses.