my recent pics after 4months off

The last couple pics definitely helped, It was hard to tell what was fat or muscle in the first two because of the milky lighting. You have a lot of size and good proportions all around. How are the legs? What are your lifts like?
You have a decent amount of size. Shoulders and arms are huge...but you need to work on your Lat taper and develop some more thickness.
nova15566 said:
I have been working my lats alot more then ever. my waist is very thick (my lower back, and obliques... plus i have alot of fat now.) even at 10% i was still 34 inch waist. Now Iam 36-37inches.
My arms are 18.5 but are down to 18 after the clen for 1 week( thats not pumped).

LifttillIDIE i like to get alot in one post sorry about that.
Barbell rows,Dumbell rows and tbar rows really helped my back development.
MagicallyMinded said:
No disrespect, but...I think you look pretty crap for 273lb. Thats not a dig, so dont think it is, just my opinion.


I think hes got alot to work with...just alot of fat on him thats all. I am sure if he cuts down it would look alot better.
gogo4 said:
I think hes got alot to work with...just alot of fat on him thats all. I am sure if he cuts down it would look alot better.

It's very hard to see what's he's got at 20+% BF, at 10% he would weigh 240ish at 6ft 3...
whata a dick that guy is. your have a lot fo potential. your chest is kind of small but good shoulders for sure. just keep it up buddy and fuck the haters
It makes me laugh when people who havn't uploaded pics rip the shit out of others...most guys who say junk comments havn't got a clue how much work it takes...
nova15566 said:
First off, thats not helpfull in any way to me so fuck you, post something usefull. There are no pics of you on this site...and after a cycle
your stats
At Age 20
Height 5'11
Weight 142 lbs
Bf% Not yet known
dont even tell me what looks like shit my left nut is bigger then you even durring a deca cycle...
so dont be a bitch.
second I am coming of an injury that laid me up for 4 months.
I have a good amount of bf on me but i am bulking. I will lean down for the spring starting when iam near 285ish.... Actually these pics are shit Iam pretting fucking big, really strong, and have switch recently from powerlifting to bodybuilding. I am going to lean down to 8-10 percent (like i was) and stay there by spring time. I have a very fast metabolism...I eat nearly 7000 - 8000cals aday and am always hungry. I was on dbol test eq Winstrol (winny) so iam really bloated. Ill have pics soon that arent from my cell phone and you will see what i mean. Its funny that someone can say i look like shit at 278 when they will never be 278 oh and bro i have put 34 lbs on this cycle since nov. Theres gonna be some bf.
I guess the important thing is that you know what your own weak points are. You cant post up pics and not expect people to comment with a dead honest opinion. I think maybe MM comment came off a little harsh but I dont completely disagree with him. Im not judging your Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use but you seem to be using an awefull lot of supps with less than overly impressive results.
Personally I think you know your shit about diet and training but I do think you have a ways to go. I also believe that when you say you are going to meet a specific goal you will.
Keep it up.
Lucky13 said:
It makes me laugh when people who havn't uploaded pics rip the shit out of others...most guys who say junk comments havn't got a clue how much work it takes...

good point....transforming your body into a chisseled piece of art is the most diffiult thing you can do with or without steroids. it takes a lot to put up pics for others to critiue my hat goes off to you
Don't let haters get to you nova. I've heard all the same stuff before. You have your goals set and that's good. Just do what it takes to get you there.