My son wants and needs size


New member
This is a question that pertains to mass rather than roids but I feel you guys are the best forum to speak on this subject.

My son is 11 years old and is around 80lbs. Most of his team averages 100-125. He is a great athlete but could benefit from more size. He has a hard time eating or getting hungry to put it better. What kind of shake or gainer product would you recommend to ensure he meets his caloric intake each day? Thanks guys!

PS I'm back on cycle in two weeks!!!
I feel for him. I was really small up until the last year in high school. in my junior year I weigher around 155-160. Sometimes it takes longer to develop. when I graduated I was around 175. I would say just feed him healthy foods. I am not sure about supplments. he is so young. his metabolism is so fast right now that it probably won't help much plus he plays sports so he is burning a lot off. good luck with it and tell him to hang in there.
He plays football and baseball. Why not weight gainer?? There is no creatine in some or vana etc.. I'm just looking for extra calories for him and a good amount of protein. He does not eat that well, meaning he eats very little and is full. Also, he is very active training 5 days a week helps keep important weight off. What's the problem???
thanks stone cold! He is starting QB and CB, he has a lot of heart and is deemed one of the hardest hitters on the team, but I see where it take him 3x's the effort to do so because he is so light. Compare him to Steve Tasker vs Warren Sapp...Tasker had to fire like a bullet to get the same effect as sapp does from running into a QB, kinda drastic example, just trying to get a visual.

Not to mention he started 15 games last year as a pitcher, 9 of them were no hitters! He was tested at a camp and hit 61mph one the gun at 10 years old. He also won the punt,pass,kick comp in our district with a throw of 38 yards at 10!! I'm not trying to impress you guys (I'm very proud though) I just want you to know HE IS THE ONE with the drive and the want and the work ethic, I just want to help him in his goals. Stone cold probably knows how he feels to have to work so hard and have people always say "Wow he really is great considering how small he is."
sounds like he is using what he has and is getting along fine. good for him. just tell him that someday soon he will sprout and he will be kicking some ass in all the sports he plays. yeah I used to be good for being small. now I am big (202) and people think I am slow. sucks for them they were wrong both times. :D
i dont see anything wrong with it as long as your not pushin your son to do it and he's the one that wants the extra weight
1g of test a week...should do the trick


Feed him and let nature take its course for the next 9 years or so.
Conan69 said:
1g of test a week...should do the trick


Feed him and let nature take its course for the next 9 years or so.
with 1 gram a week he would be a 260 pound full back in high school- OH wait that was you.
Try eating more frequently. If he gets full that's fine but I'm guessing he probably only eats 3x/day. When I bulk up I don't necessarily eat more per meal than I did before I just eat like 7-8x/ED. Have him eat some cottage cheese before bed and help him plan the rest of his meals.
I think at 11 you need to let him be for a while. I think football can wait for a few years, some of the best players i knew growing up didn't even put pads on until 9th grade. So as long as he is playing and enjoying it, i wouldn't worry about his size. Now if he is 14 or 15 and still hasn't developed, than you should do some more research. But weight gainer is completely unecessary when you have breyers ice cream, and all the other good stuff 11 year olds like.
jcp2 said:
I think at 11 you need to let him be for a while. I think football can wait for a few years, some of the best players i knew growing up didn't even put pads on until 9th grade. So as long as he is playing and enjoying it, i wouldn't worry about his size. Now if he is 14 or 15 and still hasn't developed, than you should do some more research. But weight gainer is completely unecessary when you have breyers ice cream, and all the other good stuff 11 year olds like.

Now that sounds like a plan!!!!!!...
I'd have to agree with mvmaxx...wait, did I just say that? :eek:

One thing you might want to do if you really would like to help (and it sounds like your heart is in the right place) is to learn about diet, that way you can help fix him meals that not only he wants to eat but will help him with his goal. And make sure it is HIS goal and not YOUR goal. Kids want to please their parents and there is always the risk of pressuring him to do something he doesn't want to do. I am not saying that's what you want to do, but to suggest that an 11 year old start taking nutritional supplements is a little over the top, even for this board.

More frequent meals will certainly help, just like mvmaxx mentioned above.
jcp2 said:
But weight gainer is completely unecessary when you have breyers ice cream, and all the other good stuff 11 year olds like.

Exactly. Chocolate shakes, cheeseburgers, pizza, and Hi-C did the trick for me.
Popichulo said:
YEah you should see MVMAXX's Son hes on swool!!!!!

He's 1 and can already do Arnold's vacuum pose. LOL Ask B-Legit, he's seen it. It's the cutest thing ever.
well he is only 11, he hasn't started to grow yet. wait he will get to the point where his natural hormones will begin and his appetite will come with it. or he could be a late blomer, those types tend to be bigger than most. my younger brother developed later than i did and he is over 6ft and close to 200 pounds. when the average height in my family is close to 5'8" and 160 pounds.

let time take its course