My son wants and needs size

A little whey protein is not a bad idea, just make sure you pick a GOOD one, NitroTech has unlabeled creatine in it.
I'd keep him away from weight gainer. At that age your son should rely on normal food to grow. He's very young, cut him some slack. Just have him eat high calorie meals. Let him enjoy his food, it's all he needs at this point.
Maybe you guys don't have kids or something. When a kid has his mind set on something it's hard to deter. Also, to the post saying that his friends didn't start putting on pads till the 9th grade probably did not play college ball. Have you ever heard of pop warner?? They start at 8 years old! 9th grade??? I would venture to say you live in a small town.
Ok, here we go. Normal food, Ice cream, pizza, cheeseburgers??? And we wonder why we Americans have such bad eating habits? Do you know most of what you become in life happens between 6 years old and 10!! That includes eating habits, work ethic, confidence, etc..
Why does this make sense.."but to suggest that an 11 year old start taking nutritional supplements is a little over the top, even for this board." I ask you why? He wants help increasing his appetite and gaining thickness. Should I ignore this and let him pursue this himself? You probably think 11 years old is too young for a lot of things but wake up and read the stats, sex education is now encouraged at 10, drugs and alcohol are rising the highest among boys aged 9-12. I'm sure their parents were advised to wait until they were 13-14 as well. Come on guys!!! What is wrong with a shake at the end of the day? You guys act like I'm asking about humatrope or something. I really thought more of you were more educated about such things other than the few of you who provided great advice. I didn't mean to ramble but this really suprises me.
Well, I didn't mean to imply there was anything wrong with a protein shake at the end of the day, just that it sounds odd to me. And you are correct, I do not have kids.

Check out and look at the protein powders, etc. There are plenty to choose from and quite tasty.

But these are just supplements, 'real' food should be staples of his diet.

And feel free to continue to ask questions about not only diet but training as well.
Alright Lancer, everyone gave a piece of their mind. Now I'm gonna try for this one..... I'm also a young blood in this game, so I know what your striving for with your son, and I think it's great. Now for some advice.....

NO to the commercial weightgainers out there, for your 11y/o son thats way too much shit and calories for his system to handle. So I suggest you whip him up(start teaching him to do this himself too, so when your not always around, he can conveniently take care of his nutritional needs...) a simple Whey protein shake(with added flaxseed oil or peanut butter....there's your xtra calories!), or even a lite MRP!
You keep him doing this frequently, he'll get his nutritional needs in and then some. And stay his ass away from ALL fast food places....that's a no-no to all the bros who recommended that. We want this young guy to be on the RIGHT track. Healthy Whole foods are the way to go, as well as plenty of vegetables and chicken(get him hooked on some good homemade lean stir-fry). Pack some nutritional snacks for him for school. Now as for the other part of bringing him up even stronger..... push his ass to do lots of pushups, pullups, and all the basic exercises that will build his body in the longrun. Get him doing sprints. Encourage him and make all this fun for him, so that he'll get the hang of it himself and be motivated without your assistance all the time in the future. Be his mentor, which you already are obviously! He will grow to become a total athlete and womanizer! lol :cool:

Hey I tried, like it or leave it.... it'll work!
Goodluck bud!
I have 5 sons in sports, so I know exactly what you are talking about. For youngsters like yours, get some Boost or Ensure at the grocery. They taste good to kids and can be tossed in a book bag w/o refrigeration. Three a day adds 1000 calories and 45-50 grams of protein.
FINALLY! The advice I was looking for, lol
Really, thanks guys! It's good to see some have an idea of what I'm facing. Good idea on the boost, I'll check them out.
lancer said:
FINALLY! The advice I was looking for, lol
Really, thanks guys! It's good to see some have an idea of what I'm facing. Good idea on the boost, I'll check them out.

I can't get over the fact that this is what you are concerned about. Your son is ELEVEN YEARS OLD. ELEVEN. Do what you want, but I think at this age, study habits, letting the child have a childhood, and getting good grades should be your first priority... NOT if he will end up being a mass monster. Maybe when he turns 14 you can throw some deca into the mix:rolleyes:

No wonder there are so many youngsters out there who want to juice at 15 and 16 years old. They have parents who promote it.
ikeaboy said:
Exactly. Chocolate shakes, cheeseburgers, pizza, and Hi-C did the trick for me.

Yeah. Worked for me. I weighed 200 pounds with 36% bf as a high school freshman b/c of that sort of diet. Oh, and don't forget the 4-5 dr. peppers per day. That'll do the trick too.
hornedfrogsAT said:
Yeah. Worked for me. I weighed 200 pounds with 36% bf as a high school freshman b/c of that sort of diet. Oh, and don't forget the 4-5 dr. peppers per day. That'll do the trick too.

dr. pepper was ok, i enjoyed sprite or coke better.
at 11 years old, let him eat what he wants. if he does not eat much and is full, then he should not eating anything more. at his age, a protein shake is not going to do anything for him that a good meal could not do. moderate to low fat meals, with few simple carbs and moderate exercise like team sports and he should be fine. i would wait until at least 16, if not older (18), and then if he feels like he cannot get enough protein because he is getting sick of eating so much meat every day, then add a protein shake or 2 to the daily diet.
strongmanbadback said:
then if he feels like he cannot get enough protein because he is getting sick of eating so much meat every day, then add a protein shake or 2 to the daily diet.

lets just use common sense for one minute. if the average ADULT human body can only process so much protein in one sitting CONSIDERING that the individual is not on anabolic steroids, what could possibly possess you to think that a child doesn't have that same limitation?

The point I'm trying to get across is that at 11 years old, supplementary protein in synthetic form is USELESS. Give the damn kid a piece of grilled chicken. Need calories? Make him a milkshake with whole milk and peanut butter. You need to realize that he probably weighs about 90 lbs. Consider how many calories he will need to grow. I don't understand how some of you think.
Lonewolf said:
lets just use common sense for one minute. if the average ADULT human body can only process so much protein in one sitting CONSIDERING that the individual is not on anabolic steroids, what could possibly possess you to think that a child doesn't have that same limitation?

The point I'm trying to get across is that at 11 years old, supplementary protein in synthetic form is USELESS. Give the damn kid a piece of grilled chicken. Need calories? Make him a milkshake with whole milk and peanut butter. You need to realize that he probably weighs about 90 lbs. Consider how many calories he will need to grow. I don't understand how some of you think.

strongman was talking about when the kid gets older, like 16-18
LONEWOLF, how many kids do you have?? Who said anything about study habits, normal childhood? What is a normal childhood to you, xbox and a cupcake? He is an honor student, not all A's, just A's and B's. His drive in sports should let you know how is work habits are school and life in general! Who said Mass monster?? Leave him alone you say? You obviously had a lonely childhood with no father figure! When my son comes to me and says he wants to put on some weight to aid his presence, I WILL HELP HIM! You have to realize that playing football and having a grueling baseball season is FUN and a "Normal" childhood to some kids. I'm sorry I didn't realize you were also a pedetrician? Or did you read a few books and think you have the whole protein, fats, carbs thing figured out? You must know more than his doctor because our doctor said to use the same things a few of these other guys said to use (ensure, boost.)

It takes a tremendous amount of protein to work the kidneys over, most of the time your body just expels the extra. You said, "The point I'm trying to get across is that at 11 years old, supplementary protein in synthetic form is USELESS. Give the damn kid a piece of grilled chicken. Useless, hmmm I guess all the kids in the burn unit you have trouble eating rich protein foods should not drink their shakes because they are useless to their bodies??? Get a clue, it is a fact that whey protein is easier for the body to break down and digest, oh yeah and USE to help build and rebuild! Maybe you should take down some notes on this subject so when someone is dumb enough to have kids with you, your kid won't subject himself to looking for advice elsewhere, potentional dangerous advice eg. growth hormone and oral roids in childhood!
i'd give him n large2 from prolab and see whats up.. cant hurt .. its just like more food, but easier to intake.

you just proved to me you are a wasted effort. i will not further waste my time on your pathetic ass, as it seems like you are too hard headed to understand whats GOOD for your kid. feel free to go to your pediatrician and tell him you want to give your 11 year old son some N-large. maybe he'll be able to knock some sense into that thick head of yours.

lancer said:
LONEWOLF, how many kids do you have?? Who said anything about study habits, normal childhood? What is a normal childhood to you, xbox and a cupcake? He is an honor student, not all A's, just A's and B's. His drive in sports should let you know how is work habits are school and life in general! Who said Mass monster?? Leave him alone you say? You obviously had a lonely childhood with no father figure! When my son comes to me and says he wants to put on some weight to aid his presence, I WILL HELP HIM! You have to realize that playing football and having a grueling baseball season is FUN and a "Normal" childhood to some kids. I'm sorry I didn't realize you were also a pedetrician? Or did you read a few books and think you have the whole protein, fats, carbs thing figured out? You must know more than his doctor because our doctor said to use the same things a few of these other guys said to use (ensure, boost.)

It takes a tremendous amount of protein to work the kidneys over, most of the time your body just expels the extra. You said, "The point I'm trying to get across is that at 11 years old, supplementary protein in synthetic form is USELESS. Give the damn kid a piece of grilled chicken. Useless, hmmm I guess all the kids in the burn unit you have trouble eating rich protein foods should not drink their shakes because they are useless to their bodies??? Get a clue, it is a fact that whey protein is easier for the body to break down and digest, oh yeah and USE to help build and rebuild! Maybe you should take down some notes on this subject so when someone is dumb enough to have kids with you, your kid won't subject himself to looking for advice elsewhere, potentional dangerous advice eg. growth hormone and oral roids in childhood!