I need to put 10lbs. on my 12 yr.old son(need help)

In actuality, compound exercises are ok, and more highly recomended for younger athletes. The higher amounts of muscle groups recruited act as a protective and stabilizing force on the young athletes. But, as I think we all agree on, proper technique and guidance must be given. Think about it, what has a higher potential for injury in a young athlete with under developed joints, a pushup or a pec flye.

As far as the diet is concerned, young athletes need higher amounts of protein to fuel there growing muscular, and skeletal tissues. Good quality fats, such as olive oil EPA, DHA, GLA and the like are necessary for proper hormonal production as well as formation of neural tissue. And yes, some saturated fat is good for these purposes. So some garbage food like pizza a fast food is OK. (Before everyone jumps down my throat about that last statement, I said SOME garbage food is ok, not to base your whole diet off it.) The only thing I would really keep an eye on is things like refined flour and processed carbohydrates. They are basically useless for an athlete. Good Luck, I work w/ a ton of kids in your sons situation, just exercise some caution, and remind your son things like this take time. Make sure he does not over do it, and remind him to have fun all the way along.
i have no idea if this is true maybe someone else can complament on it, but my track coach, im still in highschool, but he tells the small runners to drink baby formula.... i am not sure if that has anything to do with gaining weight but he says it does and he went to college for all that shit so idk
brinkman said:
i have no idea if this is true maybe someone else can complament on it, but my track coach, im still in highschool, but he tells the small runners to drink baby formula.... i am not sure if that has anything to do with gaining weight but he says it does and he went to college for all that shit so idk
Must be a protein digestability thing, I guess.... As far as overall protein and caloric content I think he's a moron, college or not.
I don't think resistance training is bad for a early teen. Powerlifting/bodybuilding are IMO. My 2 cents is that he should do some resistance training as part of a cross-training method. But he should wait till high school before he starts worrying about how much he can bench, and how low a bodyfat he can get down to. Honestly though wrestling is a sport where weight training won't do very much. Time on the mat is most important.
As for that little richard kid...His dad should be in jail. His mom shouldn't have those kids. And I hope that the human body's ability to adapt will be enough to keep that kid healthy, but last time I saw him he seemed like he had toned the training down. There are a couple others out there like him, and they really give the sport a bad name. Especially when the press makes them out to be respected members of the BB community. I'd rather be considered a drug addict than whatever their parents are.
DirkMoneyshot said:
Please post the research that proves HEAVY squats won't - If you know much about the body, having him put that much pressure on his spinal column at 12 is not the best idea.

Now like i said - Some isolation work is fine, However Heavy compound movements is not.

please post the research that proves resistance training with compound movements has negative effects on teenagers
Actual heavy compound movement is good for wrestling, it will help with balance and core strenght which you can't have enough of in sport, especially wrestling, it shouldn't effect him too much either as long as he doesn't over do it, his body at that age is a lot better at recovering from injury than our bodies are too, protein is your friend feed the kid some protein man, I ate plenty of protein when I was young and I was a 205 pound mofo at 16.
roaddog- Do some things mentioned above however remember. He will probably grow on his own between now and that time. I have wrestled for 8 years and even before i lifted ect. Every year i would go up about 10lbs. IF it comes to season and he is still a little light, work on his technique. At the junior high level unless he is going to the national tournaments weight is not as much of a factor as it is in high school or in college. Feel free to ask my anymore question or drop me a line at rage1@cyber-rights.net , i just finished my freshman year wrestling in college. GOod luck to him too.
ssmla123 said:
As for that little richard kid...His dad should be in jail.

His dad is in jail. He had a drink problem and beat the shit out of his wife. He was pissed off because the kids agent/manager put an end to his freak-show career, because the father wouldn't take a polygraph (lie detector) test to find out if he'd given steroids to the young boy.
Hey, I wrestled for 15 solid years. State level. Freestyle, greco roman, and schoolboy.

Honestly in wrestling, weight is way overrated.

Your kid will have more stamina and will be quicker.

The thing you should be focusing on is his defense, work with him on counter moves more than anything. Another important thing that a lot of younger guys overlook when there in high school is stamina. This is all part of your defense, and that is the #1 undisputed best quality to have. The best wrestling matches in the world are all defense. kids his age dont focus on that, they focus on offense.

Have him run 45 minutes in the morning, consisting of slow jog and sprints, keeping his heart rate up. Then another 30 minutes at night. All throughout the season. This is a must.

Trust me when i say that though, my freshman year in high school i weighed 150 pounds, and wrestled most of the season at 135.

I made varsity freshman year so I would go the whole day of weigh ins without eating or drinking anything, no showers nothing. Then after school, i would put on about 5 or 6 layers of sweats, and start doing sprints for a good 2-3 hours, alot of times more, soaking out as much water as possible.

Atleast 75% of the time i was still atleast 2 or 3 pounds over, so i would go into the bathroom shove my hand down my throat and puke up everything left in my stomach.

I would shave all my hair, rub a couple out, weigh in naked, anything to drop an ounce or two.

THen after I made weigh ins I would go home and put my 15 pounds back on before the tourny next day. I did this for the first half of the season, and my energy level was ridiculously low, no stamina whatsoever. I only won about 3/4 of my matches, which for me is terrible, even being a freshman wrestling guys 3 years older than me. I took state in freestyle 2 years in a row, nobody was going to fuckin beat me.

But i was fooled into thinking weight was everything, like most wrestlers do. I wrestled 145 for the remainder of the year with no losses, just focused on my energy level.

SO my advice is dont push his body to hard, start very slowly, a little muscle will always help, but it is not needed.

Just work on his defense, counters. Make him unstoppable, if you can do that than no one will beat him, no matter how good his offense is. When the bigger guys get worn out, he will be the more powerful one. Tell him to NEVER stop moving.

Another thing I did that i dont recommend was i would take caffiene pills an hour before my match and munch on candys and carbs.

A mountain dew and a few packs of skittles might be okay for him though.

Hope you guys good luck, post his progress .
feed him as much as you want basicly. Just like everyone else said and you are doing keep to simple body weight movements. Hell If he gets good at it there are ways to mix up body weight workouts, plyometric type movements, medicine ball stuff, ab ball stuff. Jumping, sprinting, jump roping, jogging. I remember those days, Its good he has a dad like you, I wish my parents looked into nutrition at that age for me, Maybe I would have had a shot to a bigger school out of HS.
Listen brother, number 1. i wouldnt be suggest drinking MRP's, to me that sounds absoluetely ridiculous (unless he is the one who likes to). Also, we all (most of us) know that 12 year olds do not eat the healthiest foods either. So what i would do to you is giving him 3 good meals, and for supper cook him chicken breasts, steak, or fish. Try to find a protein bar you son would like, something like the snickers marathon bar or some other tasty one. 12 year old metabolism is very high so dont be worried about him having sugars and fats.(mcd's, wendys, bking)
for all you guys posting inhere i hope you realized this shit was from 03/05 of last year...

and GTC your avi is very distracting...lol
ROAD DOG said:
I gave him a vanilla shake before and he didn't like it,I will see if he can choke down a chocolte one.I am just trying to be careful not to force things on him,he needs to do this at his own will,I am just there to encourage him and steer him in the right direction.

the world would probably be a better place if there were a lot more fathers like you. Hats off sir.
I just want to post an update,I have been away from the boards for quite a while(got buisy with work,family etc.).He finished out the season 21-3.He wrestled very well,and is planning on going to Jim Jordans camp this summer.He actually gained weight prior to the season and ended up right where he needed to be,he just hit a little growth spirt.Thanks for all the replies!
I just saw this thread, if he has been wrestling for 6 years the 10 pounds wouldn't really make a difference, plus kids have to be at 80 or under so he wouldn't always be wrestling kids 10 pounds heavier... I wish my father would have started me up in wrestling when i was young, out of all the things in high school I miss wrestling the most.
Congrats to your son, i'm guessing he wrestles in ohio? We have sent out kids to jordans for sevearl years now. The boy i am working with now is a senior and attends jordans on a regular basis during the summer and we are hoping him to be our first state champion at our school this year as a senior at 112lbs. As said above technique is most important , stamina is next with heart being near the top as well. Ive seen some of the wimpiest people on earth be the greatest wrestlers becuase of the skill.

Just read kurt angles book, he was outweighed by at least 20lbs during the olympics and still took gold with a bad neck and other injuries becuase he was the best conditioned wresetler in the world.