My son wants and needs size

Ok here is my take on this,I can sure relate to Lancer's kid,I was the smallest guy around,the 70 lbs weakling,the guy that got picked on by bullies and shit so yes I been there with that being said I agree with some of the posts here and I wanted to add something myself,there is nothing wrong with a father wanted to help his son out,sometimes I wish my father encouraged me to do sports and shit well anyway if Lancer wants to add supps to his kids diet then I suggest a protein shake like vitapro or something along those lines that has added vitamins and minerals and a good dose of protein,carbs and fats or even better lean mass matrix by prolab,a good source of good stuff there,add some pb,milk,heavy cream and oats if you want,on top of that give the kid some quality protein like chicken,fish,wild game,beef hell beef would be good.

And I'm not going to say let your kid be a kid but I will say let him be what he wants to be,if he wants to be a football player then cool,if he just wants to be a kid then that's cool too,I don't see really much of a problem here,all I see is a father that loves his son and wants the best for him,if all fathers/mothers were like that then maybe this world would be a better place.
