My Sus/Deca/Dbol Log

What's the result of the gyno issue you were experiencing a few weeks ago?
Its some form of gyno I believe, based on what ive read on here. But i dont think its prolactin gyno now cuz of my symptoms.. So I still have the tender lumps (which only hurt when i press on em quite a bit). No wetness, no droop er anything, literally just some small mass thats kinda sore

Mp's down FYI its been posted on here what happened. Have you run labs?
Ya i found that out... Idk where to get caber now..
Quick update

I've hit a plateau..havnt gained anymore weight, I know more than likely due to Not eating enough.. I barely make it to 4000 everyday, and thats when I eat a whole box of pizza (i get away with a lot cuz Im young and have a super high metabolism). Anyway, Im switching to whole body, compound workouts 3x a week. So i'll only be in the gym 3x, hopefully itll spur new growth and maybe slow my metabolism.