My thoughts on Tren E and Test E cycle


New member
Hi everyone,

I am on my second week of Tren E (400mg) and Test E (500), this is not my first cycle, however this is my first tren cycle. I am loving it, my last cycle was 700mg of Test E for 12 weeks, and I did my PCT and was clean for 3 weeks before starting this cycle. After just two weeks my muscles are harder and I feel that I am healing faster. My strength has gone up about 5%, but I don't expect a big jump until around 5 or 6 weeks in. I understand that I should of did Tren A, but the side effects of Tren E are not bad at all, one thing I have notice is my sex drive is through the roof, thank god because my wife was asking me if I still love her, because I was not giving it to her during my PCT. I do have some crazy dreams however when I sleep I am out. I have not notice my cardio going down, however I try to run 3 times a week. I am 35 years old and 6'2 at 253 with a athlete build, So yes I am a big guy. I do take a liver support but I only do it during cycle. I am not trying to complete I am just trying not to wake up feeling like I am 60, my job for the last 17 years has been really hard on my body. Please feel free post your thoughts and comments.
You basically are blasting and cruising. You might not ever recover at your age when you come off gear...
Your running two long ester compounds, yet after two short weeks your already "loving this cycle".. I think you just love running gear man
Keep a close eye on mental changes and side with Tren E. Week two you wont feel anything. I ran it last cycle and come week 6 WHAM!!! Like a ton of bricks.
Have you done bloodwork recently bro? Runnng 2 cycles concurrent like this will definitely fuck with your liver, kidneys, hct, and other important biochemistry values. You may feel like your dick can chip concrete, but there is a lot more to be concerned with here. Please tell me your getting bloods done soon to verify actual health
In week two it's mostly in your mind, by week 4 or 5 you'll be getting some "real" effects... but the determining factor will be your diet
Your running two long ester compounds, yet after two short weeks your already "loving this cycle".. I think you just love running gear man

^^^ True !! None of those compounds has even kicked in yet...Like China says, week 4 you will start feeling it. Also should have never gone back on it only 3 weeks after your pct. Bad move, unless you want to be on trt when you are done. Good luck either way....
If it was tren a I would say u are feeling a lot of the effects by week 2 but being tren e and u are already feeling like this I would say it has a lot to do with your mind, BUT then again who knows, just be careful bro as stated above by week 5 or 6 it'll be full blown and then you'll be able to feel.the full effects with long esters like tren e
Welcome to Ology,

Tough audience but then you said feel free....

I hope this sense of well being and hardness continues...and it may. I ll not add to the rash you already will really feel it in 2-4 weeks. Your not my age yet but when the strength comes I d be mindful of my CONNNECTIVE TISSUES as your not a spring chicken either.

I d avoid single s and triple s unless that s your "thing". I wish you a good run with no injuries or to terribly skewed bloods. I aborted a tren cycle..light one..due to my 5 or 6 th week. I was really loving it but love my kid more so....

A pic would be good as your a big

I guess it safe to say "loving it" is a over I will choose better words. Yes I feel a little harder after 2 weeks....yes I know this is weird because this is a ester. maybe it's in my mind. I will see how I feel at week 5 and 6...and I am planning to do blood work next week. Than again week 6. I will update. I am taking a a cycle support pill to help with protect my body.
I did say feel free and yes I like what people are saying. Plus words don't hurt. People are free to write what they want. And yes I like being on GEAR. Who doesn't. All I know is when I am on GEAR I am not walking like a old man to the bathroom in thE morning. I am not trying to lift over 400 on any lift. I know what my bones and tendance can handle. One thing I will start doing is keeping a better eye on my bloods.
You're just starting - but you're in for a good ride!

My tren cycle starts soon!!! :D
tren is toxic to the liver man.

Also between you me and 300k members that time on time off is a rule A LOT of people do not follow; they just are not honest. If your bloods are good, you will be most likely be fine.
First, you don't yet know what your Tren cycle will be in 5-6 wks in. The sides are not over. How is the night sweats going... look out the sides will become heavier as you get into wk 6. Good luck.