My training partner pics, please critique


New member
I am posting pictures of my training partner, he is looking for some feedback on his progress. He started body building 1 year ago but only 8 month ago he got serious about it. He is 20 yo, 5'7. The first set of pics were taken 7-8 month ago.
He was about 158 pounds. The 2nd set of pics is taken a few days ago and now he is around 200 pounds.
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Are you sure he's 200 lbs?....doesn't look it (at least not on the pics...). Did he grow another 5 or 6 inches tall??? :scratchhe:

Good gains though...did he do it naturally or did he have some "help"?
when i was 204lbs i looked much bigger than that, even now at 184lbs at 6.0ft i look much bigger, where does he weigh himself?
well to be honest i dont think i am the size of what i weight (im using my mates account to reply btw), dunno, people do tell me that im big and they are steroid specualtion, dunno, im definataly 200lbs (3 scales all show the same). Maybe the pictures dont really do much justice. Plus i do have quite thick layer of fat, im around 14% id say. thanx for the feedback.
my stats:

Height 172 5"7.5'
Weight 91kg
Biceps 16.5
Chest 46.2
Shoulders 53.6
Waist 35
Calves 17.4
Neck 16.5
Wrist 17.8cm
Thights 24.4
hips 40.1
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Oh yeah.... forgot to say that he is still clean and never used any juice.
That's another pic of him... hope that will make a better judgement of him
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thats a better pic, from the stats his quads seem a little out of proportion compared to his chest arms neck, etc what was the time span between the pics
The side chest picture was taken about a week before the other 4. The first set of pics was taken in sep-oct 2004
the Relaxed pics look like they show some decent gains, keep up the good work.
well... that's actually my pic... don't know what made u think that it was my training partners pic