Hi all, I'm Saul and I'm new to this forum. I wanted to post up a list of my training and hopefully get some advice from any experienced body-builders on what i could do better or improve on ...
Basically i started training nearly exactly a year ago. At first i was doing split days, working individual muscle groups every day i went in the gym, i worked each muscle group once a week, so i went in 6 days a week.
Then around September last year i changed gym and got some advice from a fitness instructor to change my work out. Still keeping it split workouts but exercising 2 muscle groups instead of one a session. This meant i could exercise a muscle group twice a week instead of once a week.
The workout goes like this:
Monday/Thursday: chest/triceps
chest press 3sets 8reps
incline DB press 3sets 8reps
cable fly 2sets 8reps
high cable fly 2sets 8reps
inner chest cable 2sets 8reps
up and under cable 2sets 8reps
overhead cable ext 2sets 8reps
tricep cable pushdown 2sets 8reps
overhead tricep press 2sets 8reps
Tuesday/Friday: Biceps/Back
pullups 3sets 8reps
row machine 3sets 8reps
pulldown machine 3sets 8reps
straight arm pulldown cable 2sets 10reps
DB curls 3sets 8reps
preacher curls 3sets 8reps
bar cable curls 3sets 8reps
incline DB curls 3sets 8reps
Wednesday/Saturday: Shoulders/legs
military press 3sets 8rep
Arnold press 3set 8rep
lateral raise 3set 8rep
front raise 3set 8rep
external rotator 2set 10rep
upright row 3set 8rep
leg press machine 3set 8rep
squat 3set 8rep
leg abductor 3set 8rep
leg curl 3set 8rep
Sunday rest day
I've been doing that workout since September, varying certain exercises along the way to keep it from getting boring. I've recently spoke to my fitness instructor about changing things up and he's given me a new workout to do for 6 weeks to increase my strength. Then i will go back to my previous bulking workout. The new workout goes like this:
Push workout: Monday/Thursday/Saturday
5 sets 5 reps
bench press
military press
leg press
incline DB chest press
calf raise
Arnold press
tricep dips
Pull workout: Tuesday/Friday
5 sets 5 reps
leg curl
bicep curl
pulldown machine
upright row
shoulder shrug
DB row
preacher curl
Wednesday/Sunday rest
The following week the push/pull days will swap around so I'm having a 8 day workout.
I've just started with this workout this week and because of the lesser reps i can lift that extra weight.
The way i eat is normally 3eggs with 2 toast at breakfast, jacket potato with chicken fillet around dinner, then normally workout, protein shake, jacket potato with fish or chicken, then a sandwich or a pizza before bed. I drink a lot of milk as well.
Last year when i started training i was around 9 and a half stone, now i am 11 and a half stone. At first i was using
critical mass weight gainer, and it worked by putting on some weight and gave me a apatite to eat more, now i don't use that, i just try and replace it with foods.
I also take b-12 and vitamin C tablets in the morning. I was taking creatine but stopped as i didn't notice any increased strength.
Over the year that i have been training my strength has increased from benching only 50kg to now 100kg and DB curling 16kg to now curling 25kg. I've got to that stage where i want to seriously get into weight lifting and want to know the best path to go down.
I've been reading up on D-bol steroids, and i don't like the risks involved. I spoke to my fitness instructor and he told me about a supplement called Animal M Stak and Animal Stak, that it will improve my bulk and strength, would this be a good option? What are the proven best supplements?
Training just for a year, i'm quite unsure to what the best solid option is to becoming a serious body builder. There seems to be so many different options supplement wise, it's just confusing!
If anyone that's experienced could give me any advice at all, it would be greatly appreciated....
Basically i started training nearly exactly a year ago. At first i was doing split days, working individual muscle groups every day i went in the gym, i worked each muscle group once a week, so i went in 6 days a week.
Then around September last year i changed gym and got some advice from a fitness instructor to change my work out. Still keeping it split workouts but exercising 2 muscle groups instead of one a session. This meant i could exercise a muscle group twice a week instead of once a week.
The workout goes like this:
Monday/Thursday: chest/triceps
chest press 3sets 8reps
incline DB press 3sets 8reps
cable fly 2sets 8reps
high cable fly 2sets 8reps
inner chest cable 2sets 8reps
up and under cable 2sets 8reps
overhead cable ext 2sets 8reps
tricep cable pushdown 2sets 8reps
overhead tricep press 2sets 8reps
Tuesday/Friday: Biceps/Back
pullups 3sets 8reps
row machine 3sets 8reps
pulldown machine 3sets 8reps
straight arm pulldown cable 2sets 10reps
DB curls 3sets 8reps
preacher curls 3sets 8reps
bar cable curls 3sets 8reps
incline DB curls 3sets 8reps
Wednesday/Saturday: Shoulders/legs
military press 3sets 8rep
Arnold press 3set 8rep
lateral raise 3set 8rep
front raise 3set 8rep
external rotator 2set 10rep
upright row 3set 8rep
leg press machine 3set 8rep
squat 3set 8rep
leg abductor 3set 8rep
leg curl 3set 8rep
Sunday rest day
I've been doing that workout since September, varying certain exercises along the way to keep it from getting boring. I've recently spoke to my fitness instructor about changing things up and he's given me a new workout to do for 6 weeks to increase my strength. Then i will go back to my previous bulking workout. The new workout goes like this:
Push workout: Monday/Thursday/Saturday
5 sets 5 reps
bench press
military press
leg press
incline DB chest press
calf raise
Arnold press
tricep dips
Pull workout: Tuesday/Friday
5 sets 5 reps
leg curl
bicep curl
pulldown machine
upright row
shoulder shrug
DB row
preacher curl
Wednesday/Sunday rest
The following week the push/pull days will swap around so I'm having a 8 day workout.
I've just started with this workout this week and because of the lesser reps i can lift that extra weight.
The way i eat is normally 3eggs with 2 toast at breakfast, jacket potato with chicken fillet around dinner, then normally workout, protein shake, jacket potato with fish or chicken, then a sandwich or a pizza before bed. I drink a lot of milk as well.
Last year when i started training i was around 9 and a half stone, now i am 11 and a half stone. At first i was using
critical mass weight gainer, and it worked by putting on some weight and gave me a apatite to eat more, now i don't use that, i just try and replace it with foods.
I also take b-12 and vitamin C tablets in the morning. I was taking creatine but stopped as i didn't notice any increased strength.
Over the year that i have been training my strength has increased from benching only 50kg to now 100kg and DB curling 16kg to now curling 25kg. I've got to that stage where i want to seriously get into weight lifting and want to know the best path to go down.
I've been reading up on D-bol steroids, and i don't like the risks involved. I spoke to my fitness instructor and he told me about a supplement called Animal M Stak and Animal Stak, that it will improve my bulk and strength, would this be a good option? What are the proven best supplements?
Training just for a year, i'm quite unsure to what the best solid option is to becoming a serious body builder. There seems to be so many different options supplement wise, it's just confusing!
If anyone that's experienced could give me any advice at all, it would be greatly appreciated....