My Transformation Update (Pics Inside)


Gettin Swole
I am 6'4"
4 previous Cycles
I wish I had A picture before Bulking

317lbs 19-20%bf


290lbs 15%bf
3 Weeks into Cutting with Winstrol (winny) and Trenbolone

270lbs 10%bf
14 weeks into cutting now using Masteron, Prop, and Anavar

Ive decided to stay on for a full year this cycle and I will keep you guys updated with my progress. I will add more pics in a few weeks.
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thats a nice tranformation. what did your diet look like? and what dossages were you hitting up? did you do cardio.?
hey whats ups guy this is my first time on this site. I for one am impressed on what happened to your body, i am 6 ft 275 and about 29% bdyft. im deffinatly looking to do what you did whats yuore agenda if you dont mind saying adn what did you take please respond back any direction would be appreciated
Diet is pretty clean except for one cheat day a week. I try to get in a meal every 2-3 hours which either consists of a protien shake or lean chicken, turkey, tuna, egg whites or steak. I always make sure to get in 40-50gs of protien every meal. I also cut back on the carbs pretty hard except for cheat days. Just restrict you calories and keep protien high. My Cardio is nothing special just 40 min about 4-5 times a week. I usually ride the bike or the eliptical machine.
Stayed very good. I have kept just about all my strength gains. Went from doing 405 for 8 for three sets to doing 405 for 3 sets of 6. So I lost 2 reps per set but nothing major. Legs have also lost a little bit but nothing very noticable. I am very pleased with keeping my strength.
considering all the wieght youv lost your doing very very well. Most cant drop that much wieght without sacraficing a good deal of muscle. And if youv only dropped a few reps than thats nothing. It could be just from water. And out of curiosity what do you max at?
I havent maxed since football. I graduated from college last may. When I did max it was at 535lbs for bench and 715 for squats but i feel like I am going to injure myself if I go that heavy. Last time I maxed on squats I hurt my back (not seriously) but enough to where I was in bed for a few days. The heaviest I go on squats now is 600lbs and that is on a low rep day, maybe 4s or 5s. On bench I ussually dont go over 455 and I do that for 2-3 reps when cutting and can get 5 when I was at 320.
I agree that your caliper numbers are off, in the last pic it looks a lot more about 13 - 14% (13.5 would be very close).

However that matters very little as you definately can see the great progress.

I'd say about 245 - 250 lb and you should really have a nice physique.

My only comment: Stay off the Exotic drugs: Stick with Androgens and you'll be better off right now. If you compete than throw those in but you'd do fine just using test and deca or eq.

Less expensive and you'll keep as much of the gains.

Just remember no such things as "cutting drugs". Only drugs that cuase less water retention.

Good Luck
Damn bro, keep at it. I hadn't seen the 270 pic until now, you keep making progress with each one. That's the best motivation.