My Tren-a pics


back from the dead
Pics from 1 of my tren-a cycles.. I believe summer 2005. I felt like i was made of steel and cld walk thru a wall if I so desired to. I cld eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted and still my bf% stayed low. Love the tren... the damn cough was the biggest downside.. I felt like I was going to pass out from lack of air on more then 1 occasion. Very scary feeling to not be able to take a deep enough breath.
I started at 50mg ed and worked it up to around 140mg ed where the sides got to be way too much. I then sat at 100mg ed for the rest of the cycle. If I run it again sometime I won't go over 100mg. Way too many sides for me over that.
CaptainAwesome said:
describe the sides

my sides were almost nil till I got to 100mg ed. Then i started getting night sweats, insomnia, very short tempered, and muscle cramps. As I got around 140mg ed the muscle cramps wld get to be unbearable...mostly at night when trying to sleep i wld get severe cramps in my arms and legs that wld leave me in agony. I also got nasty cramps in my lower abs that felt like the muscle had tore and rolled up in my stomach... the cramps were 90% of the reason i lowered my dosage back to 100mg.
Wow! Those results are pretty intense (great pic's/Look AWESOME) but the sides sound horrid bro! One of the reasons I've been reluctant to try it. Was it just a Tren/Test x12 cycle you were running??
JayC said:
Wow! Those results are pretty intense (great pic's/Look AWESOME) but the sides sound horrid bro! One of the reasons I've been reluctant to try it. Was it just a Tren/Test x12 cycle you were running??

Yeah tren-a and prop... One of the best one two punches out there... sides were not bad at 100mg ed and under. The reason I am not using tren every cycle is because of the damn cough. I absolutely love tren but the cough sometimes scares the shiet out of me.. I have felt like i was going to pass out on more then 1 occasion from not being able to get enough air in my lungs.
Rake922 said:
How old are you?

What are your stats?

What is your cycle history like?

39 years old

5 foot 10 currently 195lbs

I have cycled with quite a few different compounds... test e, c, and prop tren-a, EQ, masteron, deca, orals I have tried dbol, anadrol, and winny.
bigmitch69 said:
Great pics, how much test prop were you using? And how long was the cycle? What did you do for PCT?

I ran the prop even with the tren. so when I was running 100mg ed it was the same for the prop..when i boosted the tren i boosted the prop to match. I think the cycle length was 12 was a while ago though. For post cycle therapy (pct) I used clomid and nolva for 30 days and ramped up my calories while going lighter on my workouts to avoid over training. I also used a lil slin post workout for a month.
Die$eL~Man said:
have you ever tried Trenethate ?

No. But I think that wld be the best way for me to go next time. I know I can handle the sides so shooting less frequently wld mean less tren cough which I hate worst of all.
Rake922 said:
how many days a week did you pump iron while on the tren

I was a super charged animal when on tren. I wld go at least 4 times a week and most weeks 5 to 6 times a week. I was constantly vascular and pumped and never got any soreness from my workouts. When not running tren I workout every other day normally and then 2 days off after all muscles have been worked. On tren I wld workout 4 or 5 days in a row then take 1 day off and then repeat.