My tren acetate powder conversion crashed


New member
It was good for almost a month at 3%BA and then it crystalized yesterday. Only had to heat it up and add 1% of ba, we'll see if it holds now. Just an FYI.
What you think made it crash brotha...probably no way to tell, i was just wondering

If it crashes again you just heat it up and add some more BA or maybe some BB right?

Well it crashed because there wasn't wnough solvent. Weird that it held for so long. Only took 30 sec. in the microwave to get it back in solution. Just shot 2cc's and still pain free, well at least for now.
any drop in temp? like running the A/C a little more in the house?

I had a batch of cyp that held fine until the a/c dropped below 70. Stuck it outside in the 90 deg air and it would slowly dissolve again.
cyp is very fickle like that.

never had tren crash but I always go 5% ba. next time i make it i am gonna see if it will hold with no solvent. sometimes cyp will and they have similar MP and MW.
Actually I have 2 free roaming iguanas in the room I keep it in so it is always betweem 80-90 degrees where it is. Definitly didn't cool off.