My tren only experiment...

You are one of those who think post counts make you a guru huh? That ended 4.5 years ago at Elite but you werent around. I bet you arent worth 750 posts.

DirkMoneyshot said:
Wow Starkraven throwin his whopping 53 posts worth of power around.

Good thread.

I ran a high dose cycle a few months back that many called "too much". Looking back the gains were absolutely sick compared to my recent lighter cycle.

Ran 1g Test Prop / 1g Tren Ace / 700mg Winstrol (winny). Cycle went 12 weeks with the Winstrol (winny) started a few weeks in. During that part of the cycle I put on about 20lbs and my training weights took a huge jump. Sides were livable. Oily skin and night sweats were bad. I was aggressive but never got out of hand. Felt like a king! It was great....:D
thorsky said:
Good thread.

I ran a high dose cycle a few months back that many called "too much". Looking back the gains were absolutely sick compared to my recent lighter cycle.

Ran 1g Test Prop / 1g Tren Ace / 700mg Winstrol (winny). Cycle went 12 weeks with the Winstrol (winny) started a few weeks in. During that part of the cycle I put on about 20lbs and my training weights took a huge jump. Sides were livable. Oily skin and night sweats were bad. I was aggressive but never got out of hand. Felt like a king! It was great....:D

Hey bro those are great gains! Im sure it was 20 lbs of solid mass. Were you eating for size or just eating clean? Did you notice much fat loss with your cycle? That is a great cycle.
Starkraven said:
You are one of those who think post counts make you a guru huh? That ended 4.5 years ago at Elite but you werent around. I bet you arent worth 750 posts.

Listen up......keep this shit to PMs or the Convo lounge, but please not here.
Yes i've been around since Elitefitness.............And if you've been around since then you should have plenty of opinions by now what doing 1g Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) is like.

Thats it for me on this thread....
1 g/w of tre is not an outrageous dose. I have gone over 2g/w for 4-5 week sseveral times in the midst of a cycle. I dont recommend this less you competing at a top level or just want to "kick it up a notch" as emeril says.

if you guysare getting what you want out of .5g/w then stick with it. if you gainsare slowing and you want more then do more. just make sure to be safe. use appropriate serms, anti e's, AIs and whatever esle you need to. high doses can be done safely if you use your head. but once again this is not for everyone. if you been lifting 1 year, weigh 175lbs and still live at home with mama, this aint for you.

cheers mates.
I think PB hit the nail on the head with this thread. Great post. Start small and when gains stop, increase the dose. I must agree doses vary upon each individual. But 2g tren? :D

Hey PB, what if you're 5'5" and your mama lets you live at home? :D

DirkMoneyShot: I do know what 1g Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) feels like because I have used that amount of test :rolleyes:
But tren is a different story. You can not disagree with me that 1g tren is equal to 1g test as far as sides OR gains. Sure test is best, but 1g tren will be so much stronger
tren is a differnt hormone than test. it has a very different effect on the body. it is however IMExp about 2-3 x more potent mg/mg. it stacks with test better than any other hormone i have tried. in fact i see no reason to do in other stack unless you in the last weeks of prep for a contest (BBing that is). and what i know about BBing is NOT MUCH!! PLers rule.
pullinbig said:
tren is a differnt hormone than test. it has a very different effect on the body. it is however IMExp about 2-3 x more potent mg/mg. it stacks with test better than any other hormone i have tried. in fact i see no reason to do in other stack unless you in the last weeks of prep for a contest (BBing that is). and what i know about BBing is NOT MUCH!! PLers rule.

damn PB you hit the nail on the head again! :yesway:
i too believe there is no other reason to do another stack besides test/tren unless in the last week of competiting at a BB show. I am drooling over my next stack test/tren. Im going to stay on once i start (on test e that is and cycle tren on/off). Im personally into BBing though.
PB, currently i do not compete or did before because of lack of funds. i just now am getting my life together (hence the sudden reg. on this board, etc) also i have not been training in a while or using gear. i should be resuming in oct and will be training for a while without it since i know i will get alot of my muscle back and drop some BF% but i have been in the game since 2000 and i really know whats up and i have learned that this game is not as complicated as people think. i have learned that the very basics of things are the fundamentals to this sport or even PL. i like to keep things simple and i agree with alot of the things you say. maybe its because you are a PL and most BB train like PL (ronnie) i just havent had the funds (or time for a while in the past 2 years) to do much with my body so i get real excited when i read your posts the way you keep them simple and solid. i do plan to compete but maybe in 2006.
Damn man you learnt a lot since 2000, props, ive been in this game since the early 90's and just learnt a lot from your post.

High dosages, well I've seen guys brag about 5 grams of Test, when youve been in this game long enough 1 gram is a joke.
yeah that is true 1g might seem like a joke to ronnie coleman but for someone not that huge it is a fair dose.

ive been on the boards almost every day (of course i took several months off going through other bullshit, etc) since 2000 so when you are around that long, you read thousands of posts if not tens of thousands. ive seen people come and go. i know what works, and what doesn't. my first cycle was still test at 500mg! so even when i began i always listened to the big boys. i quickly knew whats up. test should always be the base of any stack. and i know what it means to be a base, i am not really just saying it. its like you are upgrading yourself and then you can throw other gear on top of that (tren,etc)
everytime i read about tren (or fina it was for years when i first hit the scene) it is simply amazing. nothing compares. ive read it over and over again and seen the results of a test/tren stack. ive read the whole cycle for pennies thread as per doggcrap and what does he mainly advocate? nothing beats a test/tren stack so since that is true, why bother using anything else? or wasting more money? both make you huge, strong and solid. sure some add eq or anavar but i know where their gains came from. no other drug nearly have the same effect as the two main drugs. test is king, tren is queen, period. when i start, i plan to stay on test 250-500mg per week and cycle tren on/off (with higher dosages of test)

back then they never had the ug thing going on like it is now, let alone the cheap liquid ancillaries. the powders are easily available. this wasnt the case back then. i couldnt cycle that much at first simply because of a $ issue. i thought i really needed arimidex so i can cycle gear and at that time, only the zeneca arimidex tabs were being used and they were going for $250.00 shipped!! they first came out with the oroginal liquidex (blue bottle i believe) 4mg/20ml i think but still going for $200 or so. ug stuff is cheap now and readily available. back then ug stuff was called designer gear, i used to use designer labs from NY, great dude, cant find him anymore on the net though.
Makaveli_786 said:
Damn man you learnt a lot since 2000, props, ive been in this game since the early 90's and just learnt a lot from your post.

High dosages, well I've seen guys brag about 5 grams of Test, when youve been in this game long enough 1 gram is a joke.

5g of test is a lot. so you have seen guys brag about it? thats rock solid evidence. :eek:

how many g/w do you do if 1g/w is a joke?
Oh PB you do make me laugh........

But calling me a pussy thats abit rough.... :) I'll be making a call to the Triads to pop down to the Carolinas and pay you a visit.....(be careful!!)

I knew that I should have worded it differently, so here it goes.

What I meant by 'Its too good' was that I gained too much..

My weight went up by 30 pounds, or so the scale said ' but I went for a medical last week and there scale differs from mine so maybe it wasnt quite that much, since ours differ by 2kg (4.4lb).. but regardless if anyone gains 25 clothes dont fit anymore and people do ask questions. Thats what I meant by too good... Now I dont live at home with my Mama but I dont want anyone to know that i'm on gear because I hear the same old shit ' well if I did steroids I would be the same size as you' and it pisses me off that everone has this line of thinking.. And FOR ME, it is to much of a fluctuation with my weight, evey week its going up on gear and going down off gear... and 25/30lb is a big difference.. even over 16 weeks

As for the amount of gear ie 2g per week. I think that is a lot, or at least it is compaired to what I have previously done which has never excced 1g per week. Reading posts there arent that many people talking about going over 1gram ((except you PB :) and even afew mods of this board have commented for your suggestion to others for high doses, if i remember. :) )

I was only sharing my opinion from my point of view that next time I will be doing less.. ( I will gain less, but I still have about 9lb of muscle from my last cycle so dont need to go too crazy, and will run this cycle until just before Christmas when I go home to England for a visit.) If you wana gain that kind of weight it is entirely possible, infact quite easy, so much so that my trainning got lazy towards the end cos I was growing quickly even though my workouts were becoming alittle scrappy...

Hope that clears things up..



PB you will always be my Hero!! :)
damn growing too much? the only reason id stop my cycle because im growing too much muscle would be stretch marks or health issues. those were great gains but were they a lean 30 pounds or did you eat shitty too and gain some fat? either way im sure you kept off the fat with tren. great gains!

Mini Me said:
Oh PB you do make me laugh........

But calling me a pussy thats abit rough.... :) I'll be making a call to the Triads to pop down to the Carolinas and pay you a visit.....(be careful!!)

I knew that I should have worded it differently, so here it goes.

What I meant by 'Its too good' was that I gained too much..

My weight went up by 30 pounds, or so the scale said ' but I went for a medical last week and there scale differs from mine so maybe it wasnt quite that much, since ours differ by 2kg (4.4lb).. but regardless if anyone gains 25 clothes dont fit anymore and people do ask questions. Thats what I meant by too good... Now I dont live at home with my Mama but I dont want anyone to know that i'm on gear because I hear the same old shit ' well if I did steroids I would be the same size as you' and it pisses me off that everone has this line of thinking.. And FOR ME, it is to much of a fluctuation with my weight, evey week its going up on gear and going down off gear... and 25/30lb is a big difference.. even over 16 weeks

As for the amount of gear ie 2g per week. I think that is a lot, or at least it is compaired to what I have previously done which has never excced 1g per week. Reading posts there arent that many people talking about going over 1gram ((except you PB :) and even afew mods of this board have commented for your suggestion to others for high doses, if i remember. :) )

I was only sharing my opinion from my point of view that next time I will be doing less.. ( I will gain less, but I still have about 9lb of muscle from my last cycle so dont need to go too crazy, and will run this cycle until just before Christmas when I go home to England for a visit.) If you wana gain that kind of weight it is entirely possible, infact quite easy, so much so that my trainning got lazy towards the end cos I was growing quickly even though my workouts were becoming alittle scrappy...

Hope that clears things up..



PB you will always be my Hero!! :)
mini mini mini. lololololo, roflmao. maybe vagina sounds better than pussy. yeah you can show all the naysayers that you can do Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and not grow. that'll shut them up. =0)

yeah calling you a pussy was a bit rough but whats a little joke between friends. hopefully you didnt think i was serious. I have no prob with low dose cycles. I have no prob with no dose cycles. and i have no prob with high dose cycles. its an individual choice. i stress if you gonna do high dose cycles be safe.

i got tren enan powder on the way. yeehaw.

stay safe bubba and enjoy the trip home at christmas. hey maybe you can get some BB whilst in england.
My girlfriend brought me some BB back from the states when she went home for summer.. so all sorted there...

I still have 10g of Tren E to convert but never seem to have the time, or maybe just too lazy...

In any case I still have 10ml or so left from my previous course so no great rush..

I would love to know what ratio you use to convert your your Tren E..
I was gona try the ratio Easto said that he didn't say. if I can find it again... Did you ever hear how Dough8 (I forget the rest, EAST COAST GOAST is easier to remeber!) mix went??? I know he made it and was using a mate as a guinea pig to try it??


hey mini me, i live in the states and i know you are in no rush with the tren but never seem to have the time, or maybe just too lazy, but i can help you convert that tren. just send it my way i'll make sure i use the right ratios of BB and BA and make you a 50ml vial around 200mg per ml :D