My weird back?


New member
My weird back? (and whole body critique)

Okay first off I will take and post all over pictures a little later on, see what you guys think needs improvment. However the one thing that winds me up is my lats, I never seem "wide" to exual rest of physique and it winds me up no end. Especially noticable on front double bi, back double bi poses. Don't know if they just a really hard to grow muscle for me or missing an important excercise seem to have tried everything.

Like I say more later if can get mrs to take some of me, but the annoying one is my back, am I genetically limited? The strange thing is backs the only thing I have any kind of real strength on also. any help appreciated.
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Do some wide grip rows and wide grip overhead pull downs. Go very heavy and low repetitions. It will help.
u seem to have a small frame(shoulder width)..

i agree with masive.. beat down the lat pulldowns and wide grip rows
I will sort the other pics at some point tomorrow hopefully been busy might help a bit. Is it lower lats that need work? Or the whole package? tbh I do them excercises maybe training twice a week or something will help. Under hand or over hand best for bent over rows? I've tried them to stomach and all sorts!
i wud do both underhand and overhand.. as long as its wide grip.. mix up high reps of 12-15.. and low reps high weight at 8 reps.. ex. this is what i wud do:

Wide grip pulldowns
set 1 - 15 reps
set 2 - 12 reps
set 3 - 8-10 reps
set 4 - 8-10 reps again
set 5 - 12-15 reps

seated rows (wide grip)
set 1(underhand) - 15 reps
set 2(underhand) - 12 reps
set 3(underhand) - 8 reps
set 4(overhand) - 12 reps
set 5(overhand) - 10 reps
set 6(overhand) - 8 reps
doing 6 sets is kinda like doing 1.5 of an exercise in my opinion.
so throw in 2 more back excerises of ur choice and than call that ur back day/workout.

i think if u wanna focus on back.. make a day dedicated to it.. to blast all ur energy into it... thats what i wud do...
gl man
Okay thanks I'll give it a go. Here's some other pics for a better view? Think chest also needs major work, well whole body really but in the main chest and lats? Tar
IMO bro it looks like your prolly doing too much arms/arm isolation and if thats the case then your using too much arms when your doing your pulling exercises. Also just doesn't look like you've figured out how to hold on (when I say this I mean flex/isolate those muscles) in the pics of you posing. It will all come with time bro no worries. Hang in there dude.
yeah you know I was thinking exactly the same rougen, cos my biceps seem to grow no end. I have lowered some weights over last couple of months to real try to feel the mind muscle connection and squeeze a bit slowly rising the weight but yeah think that's been problem last couple of years maybe.
yeah you know I was thinking exactly the same rougen, cos my biceps seem to grow no end. I have lowered some weights over last couple of months to real try to feel the mind muscle connection and squeeze a bit slowly rising the weight but yeah think that's been problem last couple of years maybe.

hey kid how old r u..have u tried a good diet:thinking:
er yeah... 22. if you have nothing helpful to say don't bother wasting your time, I don't need to hear unconstructive shit like that. i'm not claiming to be some pro end of day i'm trying to go as long as i can natural, I know one day I will have to use gear but for now it's not an option so it's doing the best with some average genetics
er yeah... 22. if you have nothing helpful to say don't bother wasting your time, I don't need to hear unconstructive shit like that. i'm not claiming to be some pro end of day i'm trying to go as long as i can natural, I know one day I will have to use gear but for now it's not an option so it's doing the best with some average genetics
good luck..
er yeah... 22. if you have nothing helpful to say don't bother wasting your time, I don't need to hear unconstructive shit like that. i'm not claiming to be some pro end of day i'm trying to go as long as i can natural, I know one day I will have to use gear but for now it's not an option so it's doing the best with some average genetics

Well hes right. A trim waistline does wonders for a wider back appearance.

Also, you need to practice how to flare them puppies out properly.
Well hes right. A trim waistline does wonders for a wider back appearance.

Also, you need to practice how to flare them puppies out properly.

yeah i realise that, bit tubby but bulking at end of day so don't mind bit of fat. maybe i read into his comments wrong but from where i am sat it looked like he was trying to put me down, it's not like i have come here boasting i know there's a lot of serious flaws in my physique that's why i wanted suggestions on improvements to body areas which i appreciate. i don't need smart arse put downs.

posing is very weak at the moment yeah haha been practising daily, whether i'll even compete is another thing but handy like you say.

thanks for the comments anyway lads, did a different back day to my usual and yeah lower back mainly sore but definitely hit lower lats more.