My wife at the beach!


"Resident BadAss"
I guess I am just proud, and wanted to share her with you. We went to the beach this past week, and I took some snapshots for her modeling audition. We will see how it goes. Anyways, I love her to death, so be gentle.......

And no, there are no naked ones. The avatar is the closest you will get...... :spank:
Not bad . . . .

Good for you. Tall and skinny like Paris Hilton
Yeah, she even thinks Paris is hot. Go figure...

Shes 5'11", but today she was 6'4" with those killer shoes she was wearing.


I actually like her being taller than me, it doesn't bother me at all. She only has me by an inch, so we look to be the same height.

Man, she wants some fake boobs, but I'm skeptical. Her body would look like Macy skys if she had fake boobs. That isn't a bad thing though. :)

I can't get her to go to the gym with me.....she may go 1 or 2 times a week tops, but she is happy with the way she looks, just maybe to add some tone a bit.
U have what i want. Been looking for a long time now!!
Be proud .. All the girls i get are hot then go flabby then chunky then obesed (sp?)
Where the beach at ? Nice beach. I jsut came from Mauii and the beaches sucked out there.
shes very hot says the guy in me the bodybuilder in me says squats!
very good girl imo a keeper
she certainly looks the part of a model, and very beautiful skin as well! Good luck to her in those auditions; she definitely has what the model companies are looking for. keep us posted!
Beach was Destin, Florida.

And yeah, she could use some squats, & she does them from time to time.

I appreciate all your comments.......I'm going to get in touch with my old agent this week & we will see what happens. I'm hoping they will want her, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
I appreciate the replys guys....

I just got off the phone with my old agency, so I'm going to print out these pictures and send them in. I'm thinking she will be able to do some runway at least, & maybe some print work. Hell, I just hope they like her. I just want her to be happy ya know, and she has wanted to model forever, & wants to give it a shot at least before we have children.

I will keep you updated!
my wife has a simuliar body and just got fake tits 5 months ago.. they look awsome... if she chooses not to model thats when she should get them but if she does remember what the doctor told my wife and it was very true.. get a size bigger than you think you want.. most girls end up loving them when they are just out then the swelling goes down and they get dissapointed.. good luck with her though shes hot...
She's perfect just the way she is. Don't need any boobies or bigger legs. Perfect 10. I'm going to go do cardio now......
Don't like her face. (j/k)

Yeah, I can see why you workout & keep yourself up, Man, she is top notch dude. You better hang on to her tight.
You guys are great.....I'm gonna show her all your posts when she gets back home.

I just went to walmart to get these pics printed out. I need to take some more of her, but it may be a little while. We are so damn busy now that we are back from vacation, I don't know when I will have time. It's gonna be hard to beat those beach ones though.

I felt like Olin

God shes home.....gotta go give her a spank! :spank: