My Workout Timeline 99-06


New member
I started working out in year '99 I was 16 when I picked up the world of BB.
here are some pics of me from begning till now.
I started off with 135lbs as a youngster all the way to 202lbs max now at 183lbs. I have been an all natural since the begining.

There has been 3 x times or so where I stopped working out for a few months when I got lazy and I have pics to show the outcome of that too =)

The pictures are In OLD to NEW Order.

Once upon a time .....






nice timeline there. I just took my first pics on 3-22-06 and we'll see in a few months how it all goes. You're results look good.
yeah Im 5'11 183 currently.
I have been working out really hard in the last month so I will save my last picture for another month before I post =)
I achive my results fairly quickly once i set my goals.
I am actually trying to cut down right now ... I don't like being hella big 200lbs for my height just didn't look right, I like that lean ripped look just not too much mass but to each their own.

My goal is 175lbs with low BF%.
My problem is that I gain muscle so quick if I just eat anything.... but getting ripped for me is alot harder even when on diet my body is just sorta naturally solid.
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yeah if you look closely you can tell in some of them where i stoped working out for a while hehe... ... I did that quite a bit i hope my dedication stays this time for good.
this is a great post. its not often someone has chronological pictures of thier progress. awesome job gogo4.
K... here is my update to some of the pics I posted a while back. I have been working out pretty hard in the last few months and just last month I started eating healthy w/ lots of protein in my diet etc...


Great work man. Work on your legs a bit more - they look like they're lagging a bit. Also, is your right trap not flexed or something? It looks umproportional.
*hah ... I think my left trap is bigger or maybe its the way i flexed no idea?! I stopped working out my traps a long time ago. Its one muscle on my boddy that will explode and grow out of proportion if I work it out. My legs I only started about mo and half ago or so... so they will get there soon. thanx though its been hard