My Year With 3J - a journey into fitness

November 2
:) They are actually not so bad! Bolded items are things that changed - lots of changes this week, but they are very small changes again. My waist keeps shrinking, which is a good thing.

* Weight 177
* Neck 16.75
* Chest 40
* Stomach at belly button 36.5
* Waist line (where your pants sit when worn properly) 36.5

* Biceps with arms extended out to side L:14 R:14
* Thighs L:24 R:23.5
* Calves L:15.25 R:15.25
* Forearm 3 inches from elbow L:11.75 R: 12
3/4 inch drop in both your stomach at belly button and waist line is not a small change.. lol..

keep it up brother.. you're doing excellent
3/4 inch drop in both your stomach at belly button and waist line is not a small change.. lol..

keep it up brother.. you're doing excellent
I had a little help from being a bit constipated for the last two weeks...then having the floodgates open this week. I FEEL thinner now, lol.

Lost a little bit of muscle along with the fat this week. Have to work a bit harder to stop that from happening!

EDIT: After speaking with 3J about my thought I was losing muscle, he asked if I was losing strength at the gym. I followed this logic immediately and realized that since I am actually INCREASING the weights I am using at the gym, that this means my muscles are increasing in I must be losing the fat layer on top of the muscle. This makes a lot of sense to me, so I am again happy. :) Of course, I am still going to work harder if I can.

* Weight 176
* Neck 16.5

* Chest 40
* Stomach at belly button 36
* Waist line (where your pants sit when worn properly) 36.5
* Biceps with arms extended out to side L:13.5 R:13.5
* Thighs L:23 R:23
* Calves L:15.25 R:15

* Forearm 3 inches from elbow L:11.75 R: 12
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I seem to get similar results as you. Especially the psychological heartaches of gaining/losing goes.

Seems like I'll drop weight, Gain weight, drop sizes, increase strength, back and forth and some weeks I'll feel larger and see myself larger in the mirror, next week I'll feel smaller but see more definition.. it's hard to keep up with. I've learned to just ride out all the progress for what it is, progress.

Whether it's gains or losses, as long as you're keeping up with your diet it's all good progress. Keep it up man, can't wait to see where we're at in a year!

I cut the tip of my finger pretty badly early in the week and they used that new surgical glue to fix it up...which meant I could not use my hands for anything strenuous all week. I DID get in one cardio session and leg day, though. :)

* Weight 176
* Neck 16.5
* Chest 40
* Stomach at belly button 36.25
* Waist line (where your pants sit when worn properly) 36.75
* Biceps with arms extended out to side L:14 R:13.75
* Thighs L:23.5 R:23,75
* Calves L:15 R:15.75
* Forearm 3 inches from elbow L:12 R: 12.25

I will be back into the full swing of it again this upcoming week. Also, my sister wanted me to take a picture of my arm muscles for her to show to my dad (who lives quite a distance away and she was heading out to visit him. So I did. I was SHOCKED by it!! I was sure it was an optical illusion, but then I looked directly into the mirror with different lighting and it was not. I am getting BIG! You have to remember, I have always been the stereotypical computer geek. Thin and non-muscular, preferred to work my brains and did not bother to work my body. But! People are starting to notice, too! Here is the pic:

View attachment 559618

I still cannot believe that is me...I am very happy...and this is just the beginning!!!
5"10" - or so the doctor's office recently said. This means I grew some, as I have always been slightly under 5'9"...which means I always would say my height was 69 inches, dude!

I have decided to forgo the bolding - So much changes, but so little at a time, it has become least to me. :) Anyway, I feel I slacked off some this week, I just could not get motivated enough to do the cardio I needed. I did one of the three cardio sessions and losing only 1 pound is the result. I want to lose 2 pounds a week, and the extra cardio does that for me. I just have to man up and do it! I am not really complaining too much, I have lost 15 pounds over the last 10 weeks while gaining strength and muscle. I am actually a really happy camper, I just want MOAR!!!!!! Anyway, here are my stats:

*Weight: 175
*Neck: 16.75
*Chest: 40.5
*Stomach: 36.25
*Waist Line: 36.5
*Biceps: L: 13.75 R: 14
*Thighs: L: 23.25 R: 23.25
*Calves: L: 15.75 R: 15.5
*Forearms: L: 12 R: 12

EDIT: As a note, the horrifically flawed BMI chart says I will no longer be overweight once I get to 173 pounds. That will be a nice thing to be able to say, at least for a bit, until I start gaining far more muscle than I lose fat and become "overweight" again. :)

I think the Apple Pie on Thanksgiving did me in...I gained a pound. :(

*Weight: 176
*Neck: 16.5
*Chest: 40.75
*Stomach: 37
*Waist Line: 36.5
*Biceps: L: 13.75 R: 14
*Thighs: L: 23.25 R: 23.5
*Calves: L: 15.5 R: 15.5
*Forearms: L: 12 R: 12.5
OK all, time to knuckle down and give this my full attention again, no compromises, just as I did at the outset. I am now doing four cardio sessions a week, twenty minutes each, in addition to a reverse pyramid five day a week weight training regimen...all while carb cycling. I am loving the changes so far, but I have bogged down. I only have myself to blame for this and therefor I am also the only solution to it.
I hit it hard this week and got in all four cardio sessions. I started getting sick (wife got sick and then gave it to me...married couples should share everything, right?) on Thursday night, but still did my cardio on Friday. My weight went up, which I did not expect. However, I have to say that my muscles feel more dense, for lack of a better term. They feel fuller, harder. I am suspecting that I am losing fat still, but gaining more muscle so my fat loss weight is offset by my muscle gain. Since I have never been a muscular man, this would not surprise me. Dunno, though since my muscles are not actually getting bigger. They LOOK bigger to me, but the tape measure says they are not.

EDIT: I have to correct that last statement. I looked back at my initial post and my biceps (just as an example) are more than an inch bigger. Remove the fat and add that much muscle and it makes sense that they look bigger - they actually ARE bigger. :)

I also ordered a new tape measure, one that auto tightens. That way I will have the same tightness level each measurement to make sure they are more accurate.

*Weight: 177
*Neck: 16.5
*Chest: 40.75
*Stomach: 36
*Waist Line: 36.25
*Biceps: L: 13.75 R: 14
*Thighs: L: 23.25 R: 23.5
*Calves: L: 15.5 R: 15.5
*Forearms: L: 12 R: 12.5
I posted this in another thread, but realized it should also go in my log.

I was standing next to the bed yesterday, shirt off, belt undone and jeans unbuttoned. I twisted slightly to the right to say something to my wife and she gasped. She said "My God, you look like some of the models on my TV show."

That, my friends, is some severe progress verification. That is what makes this journey worth it. :)
I posted this in another thread, but realized it should also go in my log.

I was standing next to the bed yesterday, shirt off, belt undone and jeans unbuttoned. I twisted slightly to the right to say something to my wife and she gasped. She said "My God, you look like some of the models on my TV show."

My wife is usually the last one to blow sunshine up my ass, so when a compliment comes form her it means that much more lol

That, my friends, is some severe progress verification. That is what makes this journey worth it. :)


A-F'ing-men. Random strangers in the gym? No problem. The missus? Like pulling teeth from an angry crocodile!

Keep up the good work cybrsage!


if (weight_new < weight_old) {
cout << "Killin' it!" << endl;
else {
cout << "Try harder!" << endl;
return (goal_met);

// Sorry, nerd humor I'd imagine OP would get. ;)
A-F'ing-men. Random strangers in the gym? No problem. The missus? Like pulling teeth from an angry crocodile!

Keep up the good work cybrsage!


if (weight_new < weight_old) {
cout << "Killin' it!" << endl;
else {
cout << "Try harder!" << endl;
return (goal_met);

// Sorry, nerd humor I'd imagine OP would get. ;)

I would give you some rep for that, but it says I have to spread more around first.

Still using the old tape measure - Amazon sometimes takes its good ol' time shipping things. Anyway, I got all four of my cardio sessions in this week again and pretty much was spot on with my diet. I did have a handful of M&Ms on D&D night...but I could not help myself...they were there, staring at me, begging me (with their tiny little voices) to eat them and fulfill their destiny. Still, my results were very good this week! I lost 4 pounds and both my stomach and my waist dropped a half inch.

*Weight: 173
*Neck: 16
*Chest: 40
*Stomach: 35.5
*Waist Line: 35.75
*Biceps: L: 13.5 R: 13.5
*Thighs: L: 22 R: 22
*Calves: L: 15 R: 15
*Forearms: L: 11.5 R: 11.5

I have been doing this now for three and a half months...the change has been amazing so far. I look forward to what the rest of the year brings!