My Year With 3J - a journey into fitness

Since I am visiting my daughter this week (she is graduating from college - yay!!), 3J put me on a Keto diet. I asked how I would go about carb cycling while away and he basically said it is simply too hard, so do Keto. I started it yesterday (will do an entire week of it even though I do not leave until tomorrow) and I must say, it is nice to be able to eat something different for a change! No carbs is hard, but I am used to that since there is a no carb day (and a paltry 50 carb day) on the carb cycling program anyway.

I looked up lactose free keto recipies and found some VERY good ones! Lots of meat, eggs, and some butter. :)

The Keto week was both easier and harder than I thought it would be. After months of carb cyclng, keto was a welcome change...but by day 3 it was hard to do. The only day I actually failed, though, was when we exchanged Christmas presents with my daughter. She gave me a container of chocolate chip cookie dough and said she wanted to make me freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. They are my ultimate favorite cookie. This is also the very first time she ever baked for me. The cookies were not all that good, but I ate a lot of them anyway. Heck, they could have tasted horrific and I would have eaten a ton of them. :) Other than that, I did well.

There was nowhere to work out for most of the week - the hotel did not have any exercise equipment! Oversight on my part, but I did do pushups and situps. Anyway, onto my stats. I lost a LOT of weight - 7 pounds in one week! I think the Keto was a big shock to my body. I weighed myself twice just to be sure.

*Weight: 166
*Neck: 15.5
*Chest: 39
*Stomach: 34.5
*Waist Line: 35.25
*Biceps: L: 12.5 R: 12.5
*Thighs: L: 21.5 R: 21
*Calves: L: 14.25 R: 14.25
*Forearms: L: 11 R: 11
Found out my E2 level is VERY low. Apparently, I am very sensitive to my AI. I am going to not use it any more and just keep getting routine tests and see how high it goes on TRT. I went pretty high at one point and needed and AI to drop me back down. I reduced it greatly after I was back in range but apparently not enough. This would explain why I have started getting join pains and why my drive for everything has started to peter out. I have been forcing myself to work out recently whereas before I looked forward to it.

Now that I know, I can fix it. is a great thing to routinely use!
Well crap...way to ruin leg day. I actually LIKE leg day - it is the hardest day for me but it is also the one that shows the greatest changes. I have always had chicken legs no matter how hard I tried, but it turns out I was working out wrong and doing what 3J says to do has given me nice looking legs for the first time in my life. But now I am singing the old song from Hee-Haw:

"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I was pinning my test-cyp on Wed evening, using a 1/2" 29g needle into the thigh muscle, when out of nowhere I suddenly sneezed violently. I would have let go of the syringe had I any prior notice...but I did not. I looked down and the needle was bent 90 degrees. I had just finished injecting, so that is good, but I did a number on my thigh muscle. I knew it would be sore, but this morning I woke up with a HUGE lump on my thigh. It is now mostly down due to plenty of ibuprofen and an ice pack, but still slightly sore. So this means I must reverse arm and leg day.

EDIT: On an unrelated note, I just realized I can report my own post...but I cannot like my own post. I find it interesting.

EDIT EDIT: It is still painfully sore when I walk, so I think I will be skipping leg day this week. :( Of all the days I like this one the most! I also cannot do cardio now. :(
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As I previously wrote, I hurt my leg with my needle. This put a damper on my exercising, but at least I had already completed chest and back day (and was able to get in shoulder and arm day later that week), as well as got in one cardio session. On the advice of some forum members (I made a thread on how to do cardio in my condition), I tried the elliptical machine and was able to do two more cardio sessions (I did 30 mins each for them). Afterwards, my leg hurt a lot, but I just worked through the pain. As you can see below, my left leg is an entire inch larger than my right.

*Weight: 168
*Neck: 15.25
*Chest: 39.75
*Stomach: 35
*Waist Line: 35
*Biceps: L: 12.25 R: 12.25
*Thighs: L: 23 R: 22
*Calves: L: 14.5 R: 14.5
*Forearms: L: 11 R: 11
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As I previously wrote, I hurt my leg with my needle. This put a damper on my exercising, but at least I had already completed chest and back day (and was able to get in shoulder and arm day later that week), as well as got in one cardio session. On the advice of some forum members (I made a thread on how to do cardio in my condition), I tried the elliptical machine and was able to do two more cardio sessions (I did 30 mins each for them). Afterwards, my leg hurt a lot, but I just worked through the pain. As you can see below, my left leg is an entire inch larger than my right.

*Weight: 168
*Neck: 15.25
*Chest: 30.75
*Stomach: 35
*Waist Line: 35
*Biceps: L: 12.25 R: 12.25
*Thighs: L: 22 R: 22
*Calves: L: 14.5 R: 14.5
*Forearms: L: 11 R: 11

Cyber, you wrote in that both legs are the same based on those measurements.

The bitter cold and harsh winds dented my determination to hit the gym - so I did not hit it all 5 days as I should have. I did get arm and shoulder days in since I own dumbells. Due to having a treadmill in the house, I did get all 4 cardios in as well. In this lengthy cut, I have dropped from around 27-28% body fat to about around 16% body fat. All that in only 4 months! 3J said I will soon start bulking...not sure how long from now soon is, but I am looking forward to it.

*Weight: 165
*Neck: 15
*Chest: 38.5
*Stomach: 34
*Waist Line: 34
*Biceps: L: 12.25 R: 12.25
*Thighs: L: 21.5 R: 21.5
*Calves: L: 14.25 R: 14.25
*Forearms: L: 11.25 R: 11.25

Was at a birthday party for an old friend (he turned 55). Took one bite of cake from my wife's piece, but did enjoy quite a bit of hummus with pita chips. My friend knows I am working with 3J, so no one was offended that I ate very little of what was offered. His wife also knows I am lactose intolerant so she made most everything that is bad for you with lots of cheese added to it. Everyone but me was thrilled by that, but I think she did it to remove all temptation. I don't know whether to love her or hate her for it. :)

*Weight: 163
*Neck: 15.25
*Chest: 38.75
*Stomach: 33
*Waist Line: 33.75
*Biceps: L: 12.25 R: 12.25
*Thighs: L: 21.25 R: 21.25
*Calves: L: 14.25 R: 14
*Forearms: L: 11 R: 11
So I have to out myself. My wife has been battling the Flu - Type A drifted, so her flu shot is worthless. She has had trouble keeping most foods down, so I started shifting to some cake like foods to absorb stomach acid as she ate, which seemed to help a lot. I bought her some donuts, the chocolate crusted ones best dipped in a cup of steaming coffee or cocoa. After bringing them home, I discovered I had a serious vitamin D deficiency. Not your normal D3, but the less normal Do. Needless to say, I fixed it by eating three of the Donuts. I just could not stop myself from eating them.

I feeling I should be saying "Hi, I am cybrsage and I am a donut-holic." :)

One a good note, I did not get the flu from her. I used the time when she was able to sleep to hit the gym VERY hard. My muscles have not been this sore for quite some time. I am sure my weight went up this week, though, due to a lack of cardio. Been a hard week at work and I have had the choice of cardio or muscle groups. Got in two sessions (well, second one will be tomorrow morning) of cardio and all my muscle groups (arms are tomorrow due to being at the hospital one evening so I shifted the routine by a day). I did have a friend of mine say to me "damn son, what the hell did you do to your delts to make them explode like that!". Good feeling!
My wife has the flu and I have been taking care of her - which has meant very little sleep for me. I had little energy this week and had to choose between working my muscles and doing cardio. I was afraid I would not be able to finish any cardio session, so I went with heavy work on the muscle groups. Was also a good stress relief and a time away from the house. Gained weight, not too much, but since I know the source and it is an unusual event, I am not worried about it.

*Weight: 166
*Neck: 15
*Chest: 38.75
*Stomach: 34
*Waist Line: 34
*Biceps: L: 12.25 R: 12.25
*Thighs: L: 21.75 R: 27.25
*Calves: L: 14.75 R: 14.5
*Forearms: L: 11 R: 11
I have gotten the flu myself, but I am usually very good when struck by a virus - I almost never get terribly sick from them, just very worn down by the war my body is waging. Bacterial infections destroy me, but viral is not so bad for some reason. Anyway, I am dreading what my measurements will be this week.
I have gotten the flu myself, but I am usually very good when struck by a virus - I almost never get terribly sick from them, just very worn down by the war my body is waging. Bacterial infections destroy me, but viral is not so bad for some reason. Anyway, I am dreading what my measurements will be this week.

i saw that coming! get better!!
I am still working out as much as I can, and doing as much cardio as I can. I do not want to get out of the habit that took me so long to get. But recovery first, I have plenty of time to get the physique I want.
I am still working out as much as I can, and doing as much cardio as I can. I do not want to get out of the habit that took me so long to get. But recovery first, I have plenty of time to get the physique I want.

dont extend your recovery by overdoing it.. when sick handle the sickness